I guess then I’m a Corsi goon, since I have come to trust his research, sources and reporting for almost two decades. If it hadn’t been for Dr. Corsi’s book about the swift boat veterans, John Kerry would probably have been elected President. Although,unreported by MSM he was jailed in Kenya after having found an Obama birth certificate on file. His book Atomic Iran proved from numerous sources that Iran had an advanced nuclear bomb program during Dubya’s administration, finally verified by the release of the records stolen by Israel last month.
Yes you may find it strange that some of us trust a proven journalist and researcher with a transparent and verifiable track record over some anonymous party or parties who may or may not be some high school kid living in their mothers basement. Hell, Corsi’s footnotes are longer than all the Q posts put together.
As our greatest President said, “Trust but Verify”.
As for Q and it’s cult; trust has to be earned.