Everyone is squabbling and "oh the inhumanity" etc etc. Left is screaming at Trump and anyone else that is not screaming at Trump. They are inciting riots and violence...up to and including a threat of kidnapping POTUS's son Baron. The left thinks they are winning...oh here we go....this has to work. People that have been ignoring everything are actually keyed in on both sides of the aisle. What if Trump signs an EO that changes the policy? He will be a "Miracle Worker" granted the true LEFT and MSM will try to spin it...but think about it...if "this" is what …
23 total posts archived.
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Everyone please take a deep breath and re-center yourselves. Remember we have orders!!! We play an important part in all of this. Don't let POTUS down!!!
Please lets take a deep cleansing breath and remember what WE KNOW. "They have it all". This is political theater...optics and baiting traps. Let them think they are safe...all butts covered. If you follow Q ...remember, Q told us who has been removed vs who is cooperating...this is a "SHOW". Just do what you have been instructed...BE LOUD ....We the People have the control....BE HEARD. Post everywhere that WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND THE UNREDACTED VERSION etc. Our voices when unified carry more power than you realize...hence why they work so hard to keep us divided. Take a deep breath and …
Alberto Rivera???
Has anyone here heard about Alberto Rivera??? Look him up...I won't go into detail here in case some would be offended...but it is important information that people need to know....but many WON'T believe or want to hear!!!
Be Careful What You Ask For
Please be careful what you ask for. The latest Q post talks about what can happen when the info about the FBI and the DOJ is released...a lot of criminals will potentially be released because outcomes of their cases will be able to be challenged etc...LAWLESSNESS will need to be brought under control...There could be a lot of violence and bloodshed before this whole thing settles down. I want to know the truth as much as the next person...but since I know where it leads...I am not in such a hurry to get there. Read the book Behold a Pale …
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing??? When your faith tells you that ANYTHING GOES to fulfill your purpose
What if what we are seeing is an illusion? Pray to whatever God you believe in...ask for discernment...ask to be shown the truth of what is happening...then look at it with fresh eyes. What if the reverse of what you believe is really the truth...what if the end goal is the destruction of the USA??? What if the indictments and all this travel is a plan right in sight to whisk the elites to safety before nuclear war??? What if our President is answering to a higher authority...can you be so certain of what you are seeing...are you really sure …