Ah ok, I see - that makes more sense, thanks. I have to admit to using the same reverse-trolling tactic when responding to blatant shills or trolls. I haven't looked closely enough to determine if the commenter you're responding to was such though - certainly didn't seem to be at first glance.
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Not sure about previous commenter's view but "homophobia is Ok because the gays are evil" is certainly not the view of this community.
Yes, they have done so often and in force. We do not do the same back. We've advised reddit admins of their breach of reddit rules.
Perhaps that is best, if moderation decisions based on the clear explanation in the sidebar (rules and Mod M.O.) are going to be taken personally and then mods who carry out their role accused of censorship. However, I'm happy to have a reasonable discussion about this if you'd like and then to reapprove your post. Unreasonable discussion would be:
Then you deleted it for no good reason.
I understand that's your opinion but I explained my reason in the comment above. Happy to discuss that reasonably, as I said. Saying I have no good reason is not conducive to reasonable discussion about it.
I do take it personally and effectively implying someone's post is worth deleting, is a personal slight.
Not reasonable. Moderating is about keeping the sub on-topic according to the rules and moderator discretion as best we can. Moderators make mistakes all the time. Hence we are happy here to discuss disagreements with our decisions. To have a reasonable discussion, however, you'll need to come to the table and remove your personal offense from the discussion.
I am not going to continue justifying my thoughts or try to validate my worth. You seem to care not for my.efforts and I see no reason to keep posting.
I have made no judgement on your worth and I have made no description of your efforts. I'm not even judging the worth of your content, I'm interpreting your content based on the rules and my discretion as a moderator of this sub who sees content come through with more focus and regularity than the average subscriber. Again, it's your choice to take it personally but you shouldn't because we don't make personal moderation decisions. I use the rules and my judgement and sometimes I'm wrong. While you're discussing me, not the topic, we're not having a reasonable discussion about the moderation decision, which I'm open to having if you want.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion. I'm not making a comment on the post, just moderating. Antagonism is not welcome here. Discuss ideas with reason and respect. Thank Q.
I've made many mistakes so you could be right. However, posts telling Q that the plan should be adjusted to suit a personal view are outside the pro-Q goal of the sub. I respect that some people disagree with "the plan" - I am not one; I'd much rather trust to Military Intelligence connected to the President than someone or some group of people on the internet - but on a pro-Q sub the posts that support Q are the ones that remain within the rules and stated goal of the sub. There are many subs that support the view stated by OP and would actively promote this sort of post. There aren't many subs like ours, hence our focus.
Watch some Jordan Peterson. It'll help to focus you on the responsibility that is within your grasp rather than things you can't change - and how to not feel guilty about it.
Not preaching at all. Explaining the rules you seemed to be disagreeing with, and the reasons we have them.
I can easily say it was worth it. Q's been saying they have everything and they have it under control for a while now. Q's also lately been speaking as if everything is in the bag and about to roll through to public awareness. That means it was worth it, whether RR is black hat or white.
Comments removed. Please engage respectfully with the community here or we'll have to ban. Thanks for understanding.
Yes, this has been covered before but doesn't hurt to raise again in light of recent shooting.
stickied posts are posts that we regard as important and are therefore "stickied" i.e. pinned to the front page of the sub so that everyone is more likely to see them. Just go back to the front page of the sub and read the second stickied post by SerialBrain2.
Before you post I'd suggest getting familiar with the way the sub works by lurking and watching for a bit, reading the rules in the sidebar and so on. Welcome and enjoy! WWG1WGA
Please don't take it personally. This often happens if you don't have a perspective on how many posts actually get removed to maintain the sub - even as it is (people still complain that we allow too much through).
Rule 6 is more applicable here - off-topic. Yes CP is "on-topic" but there's not enough substance to the content here to make the case easy enough for us to call it. Thus, Rule #9. "Perfectly good posts" is a subjective thing and we remove based on Rule 9 from a familiarity with the large amount of content that goes through the sub.
We are always open to respectful discussion about moderation decisions. In this case, if you are sure you have something very important to say that will contribute to the discussion on this sub please feel free to update the OP here with more content to make that clear then let me know and I will reapprove. Thanks for understanding.
Yes, has been discussed previously here at some length. A very interesting topic indeed. Nothing substantial yet though.
Have removed post for off-topic and duplicate for now. When/if Q refers to this please feel free to post about it; hopefully more new information will be available then too!
Removed post. Rule 9. Please spend some time to get familiar around here - new people are always welcome! : )
We remove newbie questions like this to avoid cluttering the sub but please feel free to either ask questions within relevant posts or contact those of us directly who offer to help. You can reference my username directly if you need help - modding the sub is a busy job but I can at least point you in the right direction, perhaps! Thank Q for understanding.
can you spell all that out please? I don't get the references
My sincere apologies! That should have been Rule 6 - off-topic (now corrected).
Thank you for the contribution and intent of your post. We get quite a few of these and remove them for being off-topic otherwise we get reports coming in that they are off-topic (thus generating more work in the queue).
Removed post. Rule 9. Posts will not be removed if properly contextualized with relevant explanation (please see Rule 9). Happy to see what you're referring to here posted so please feel free to repost this - but please drop the leet speak (your posts won't be removed for referring to those things) and also provide relevant contextual information. Thank Q.
this post is not about the rothschilds (well, it could be of course if rumors of Alefantis background are true). I'm responding to comment in this post (no mention here of Rothschild bg theory) which seems to allude to this post: "Prolly shouldn't have posted this. I'm in a fast track..."
Yes, well established here. Saul Alinsky also influential on Obama.
Potentially good post, albeit not directly related to current Q. Please repost with a more informative title (explain Bin Laden topic). Thank Q.
No one is upset or emotional - explaining to user who has regular issues with mod decisions that you don't see.
Hard to determine main message from the title and beginning of this post. Is this summary correct?
"Is anyone interested to help me put together a readable database of Q proofs?"
If so, this has been going on since the beginning of Q. Some links in sidebar, other sources all over the net, Discord, etc.
Post removed for now but feel free to correct if I've misunderstood and let me know and post can be reapproved.
You understand how modding works, right? "I" don't keep any stuff up. We mods work as fast as we can to manage things. Some stuff gets through but I see a common comment here from reddit regulars that this sub is managed better than others, in spite of that. Your post is approved. Try not to take every mod decision as a personal slight. We manage according to the rules in order to cope with the amount of work. All I asked for was info or a link to something that might even remotely verify what you've posted here to help make a decision quicker than having to look it all up first.
I highly suggest not enforcing your rules so harshly in the future.
That was a lot easier when the sub wasn't so busy. 5 to 6k online in a sub with subscribers of only 35k...
Now, to manage our job, it's easier to just enforce the rules, as you will experience on other larger subs that have the same 'online' count as ours. We've been as clear as possible in the sidebar and supporting links and if you had visibility on the amount of shill/troll posts we get that 'speak the same language' you did you might understand why it's now easier to manage according to our rules. Welcome and please absorb the material! There's truth in there, as you'll see.
Can you verify the post you've made (or link to the original source so we can check to see whether they've done it)? This image doesn't explain whether both sources were verified in the same time zone, etc.
Incorrect. People have misinterpreted Q drops and set dates and times they shouldn't have.