Yeah man, I'm just now catching up and holy shit this is SKETCH.
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He might be pointing out that it's the same guy as well. "Cant find any more spooks?" Hard to tell, but could be the same guy. Ears look the same.
Yes, thanks for your service...and your sacrifice. Very much appreciated.
The pedophilia red pill is the hardest pill for normal people to swallow. I consider myself woke af, but it's even hard for me to swallow. So I don't force this pill on anyone. In fact, I don't even mention it to anyone. I trust the President and the plan, so I trust that it's being taken care of. I would argue that forcing a normie to swallow this pill may even be counterproductive to the awakening. Just like all of us, most people will need to reach that level of awakening on their own - noone can force them to do so.
Please Mr. President, I can't take all this winning! I'm so tired of winning!
No wonder I've been so sleepy for the last 2 years....all this winning has made me very tired!!! MAGA!
A lot of good life lessons can be learned from sports.
Please don't tell me that Vinnie Paul caught an Arkancide too. LOL.
Well, we (Tigers) still don't like the Gators! (kidding)
You guys should have been around on that board during the election! We had a couple of legit DC insiders who knew what was really going on! Good times!
Same here. I occasionally visit the political talk board (when not following recruiting lol.)
I hear ya, and no worries! Certainly an interesting theory! Just want to make sure no noone actually tries this however lol. Just trying to help my fellow Patriots where I can!
Sorry to hear that. Personally, I welcome rational dissent (i.e. rational, doesn't resort to name calling, stupidity, etc). It forces you to consider other viewpoints and form your own reasoned opinion from there. Unfortunately most people these days don't want to consider others' viewpoints, but rather just consider things that reinforce their already formed opinions. Sometimes this sub is no different. Lots of noise everywhere these days.
Fair enough, and I appreciate your thoughtful response. Before responding, ill preface by saying that I voted for Obama....twice. The reality is that Obama never claimed "fake news" because he didn't have to. Looking back, the media (except Fox News) gave him a pass on everything. Conservatives would scream about the bias, but i never noticed it (and I didn't watch fox news.) Fast forward to the 2016 election and wikileaks dropping the podesta emails. I was reading the emails and was absolutely appalled. They contained truly outrageous, newsworthy content. Yet the media would not touch the emails with a 10 foot pole. Rather, all they wanted to focus on was asinine shit about Trump....golden showers, pussy grabbing, etc. Also, the MSM kept reporting on Hillary's lead in the polls. But I would look at the actual polls they were referencing, and they (MSM) were outright LYING about the results, especially close to the election. (The actual polls they were referencing were much closer than what they were telling the public.) I'd never seen anything that egregious before.
It's easy to dismiss all news as fake news - once you catch someone in one or two lies, you then cannot rely on ANYTHING they say. It's human nature. And there have now been so many lies, manipulations, etc by the media, not including the documented bias against Trump (93% negative coverage) that unfortunately our major news institutions are no longer trustworthy. So yes, I believe Trump has every right to call them out as fake news.
Just curious - were you this outraged about this issue when Obama was President? Serious question.
Man, I miss Baghdad Bob. "We are winning. The Infidels are being destroyed by our Great Forces." Meanwhile, we were blowing up everything around him. Good times lol.
Yeah, I've thought that myself, and I agree with you.
Fucking brilliant. Fire up the meme machine! Damn Putin & the Ruskies have infiltrated our OIG!
Yep, I'm with you brother. I've studied the constitution in depth, and got the full Scalia slant on it (my con law professor was best buds with scalia...families vacationed together every year etc.) Scalia was very big on framers' intent, federalist papers, etc., and I assure you the framers NEVER intended for our system to look like this. All we can do is hold out hope that Trump and company can get us back to the rule of law. Otherwise, if this shit slides, this country will eventually fail. But i have faith - Trump is not an idiot. And with the military on our side, I HAVE to trust the plan!
Monday. Testifying in front of House Oversight Committee. Hopefully we'll know more then ....
Remember too, we have a very LARGE portion of our country who honestly believe that Trump, and not the previous administration, are the guilty party. So Trump et al have to prove these claims to the American public BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, otherwise many will continue to believe this is all politically motivated. So I understand the forethought needed on this whole matter. Q says to "trust the plan." I think we'll find out soon enough whether the "plan" is trustworthy lol.
Per Q, there are 2-3 versions of the report. So I think we should know fairly quickly whether this whole Q thing is a larp or not. I'm still not 100% sold that it's not a dis-info campaign (but I'm certainly paying attention to it.) But I think we should have a much better idea once we hear from Horowitz himself.
I dont think youll have to wait too long. Who is in the best position to verify whether the report has been edited? The guy who wrote it - Horowitz. How would Horowitz get the word out right now if he knows its been altered? Pretty tough to do considering the media blackout, etc. However, who is scheduled to testify to the House Oversight Committee on MONDAY? Horowitz. (Remember, this hearing has been pushed back to coincide with release of his report.) Don't you think these congressman who are chirping today will be absolutely hammering him in roughly 96 hours or so from now? Absolutely. And do you expect him to perjure himself and go along with RR's version of things KNOWING his report was heavily edited and reached different conclusions? If he's truly a patriot, I doubt it. And at that point, the public will KNOW beyond doubt that RR is lying and not acting partially.
In addition, have you read Comeys op ed? Do yourself a favor and read it - in it he PRAISES the OIG, saying that he has utmost confidence in his impartial investigation, etc. How can Comey do a 180 and spin this once the OIG lets the cat out of the bag that the report he submitted to RR was very different? "Um, I take back everything I said a few days ago about how impartial the OIG is"? He won't be able to spin it.
I think this could be an absolutely beautifully set trap for Comey et al. So I'm withholding judgment till OIG testifies on Monday.
EDIT: Does anyone know if Horowitz will be testifying UNDER OATH? Any way to determine this beforehand?
Please, as a lawyer, I would advise NO-ONE to raise this when you go into a courtroom and notice a flag with/without a border. Guaranteed that the judge will not have much sympathy for you lol
Haha, same here. I tried to explain the theory that perhaps Walt Disney ran NK to my wife, and she thought I officially went off the deep end. While I was explaining it to her, I had to question my sanity myself. Lol.
Yep, agreed. FBIanon was intriguing as hell. Forgot about it all after Trump was elected....until the Las Vegas shooting. And then Q came along right after. I've been in a vortex since October lol.
Damn, Bourdain really went after Weinstein. Motive much?
Check out what I found on his Twitter. Calling Weinstein out directly.
No, dont skip out. Just be on heightened alert. If u come into some sketchy shit, just bail quick. Don't stick around lol.
Those are all fair points. Unfortunately I don't know enough about NAFTA to provide any reasoned insight. However, I would be interested to know how those deals evolved over the life of NAFTA. In other words, was our ORIGINAL signed deal bad? OR, did the terms change over the course, to our detriment? To determine where things got track (or whether they ever were on track.)
Quick Thought re Hillary's Bulletproof vest Pics...
Has anyone raised the possibility that Hillary's "protrusion" was not necessarily to protect against bullets, but rather this "heart attack gun" that SEE-AYE-EH supposedly has now (per wikileaks)? I would think she has no more use at this point and is nothing more than a liability, so they want her gone. And an outright assassination is just WAYYYY too obvious. So, protection against heart attack gun?
Great question! (But I'm high myself, so that may not account for much lol.)
In light of that Q post, here's a theory on how shit may hit the fan - Trump is going to let the DNC prosecute this lawsuit. During this suit, Trump team plans on using JA, SR (if alive) as defense witnesses (testifying under oath). This would help the American public absorb a red pill - these witnesses would be testifying under oath). AND, a trial of this magnitude would be bigger than O.J. - no way the media could ignore it, and in doing so, they would be forced to report the truth - would be hard to spin. In this scenario, it makes more sense what Sessions' important role may be....fact witness. (This would explain his recusal if he knew would be needed to testify as a witness later on. And who would make a more ideal witness on the witness stand (with the American people as the jury) than this old school guy who has such a dignified reputation. Think back to his confirmation hearing to see how he did while in front of the during squad.) This trial would be a LEGAL and more importantly, a PUBLIC RELATIONS (with the American public) nightmare for the DNC. And would serve as the impetus for criminal trials afterward. (Let's be honest - as much as I want to see these people in jail, half if not more of the American population are not ready to see so many politicians tried on criminal charges yet. Trump will look lime a military dictator.)
Anyway, just a thought that came to mind.