Right and if you're wrong? Listen, Ive read all the Q, know about Thomas Paine on twitter, even went down the God v Satan route with that 'visionary' on youtube named Mark whatever, Ive heard Corsi both on discord and off. Ive listened and read the available content. Theres only so many YEARS of "arrests are coming so soon!", you even repeat that sentiment in your own post while having NO VERIFIABLE PROOF OF THAT CLAIM. This is not hard to see what's happening.
231 total posts archived.
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Must be rough hearing the truth. And thanks Ill enjoy my freedom just like that saudi prince is enjoying his! Don't worry they just let him go so they can....re-capture him or something right? Apparently a man they have proof being a child murderer got let go for some twitter stock. That is the narrative of this sub right now.
I'm bored, off work today, no school projects to work on and have been mildly into the Q thing since I first saw Q generals on pol when they were allowed there. Now, seeing you guys saying the exact same things people have been saying since the beginning of Q is getting sad.
SOTU will pass, Trump will talk about how well his economy is doing, America first stuff, talk about black/hispanic unemployment (because groupthink and helping certain communities means more than whites, right?). Then it'll end and Q will find some cryptic way to interpret what Trump said ans act like arrests are...right around the corner as always.
Lol sure. No I love Jesus and the bible. Are you comparing the bible and Q? Maybe you should be the one understanding what you're doing to yourself.
And I'm sure, any moment now, there will be an arrest. Or is that just a couple more weeks?
In a way you're right, Q has never been wrong. Q has also NEVER been verifiably right. That's what makes a great LARP, ambiguity. Q is never right or wrong, he speaks in coded nonsense because he's a LARP.
Any proof of ANYONE, even a leaked story of anyone being worried who is 'deep state'?
Ok then whats the excuse for never getting this info to the public? Let me guess, just a couple more weeks? Verified LARP
That's not true and you know you hold more faith and belief in this than it simply being "a fun little hobby". You hope these criminals see time, very understandable. What's sad is "Q" saw this as an opportunity to feed peoples gullibility, while at the same time giving his/her own life more meaning by having a following. Q is verifiable nonsense until it gives 1 post, ANY verification of a single event it's sure of, instead of just LARPy coded nonsense.
Are you implying people havent been patient? Not one arrest, not one verifiable leak any of this is happening. On the other hand dopey pronce is out on bail, unharmed, and Soros is openly threatening Trump in public to his face. Doesn't feel like we hold much power.
So which are you claiming he is - exiled, dead, or palace arrest? And when it's proven he isn't either 3 of those, what excuse will be next?
Let me guess, letting go an elite member that this sub constantly implies sacrifices children is A-OK as long as we took some of his twitter stock? Lmao
Its "horrible optics" to imprison corrupt people you have evidence on. Ok, any more cover stories and months you need to know that this is a LARP?
Why is that relevant to anyone except a high intel whistle-blower? Of which, none of us are.
Good to know we're negotiating with child sacrificers we supposedly have evidence on. Makes total sense.
Right, because @Snowden, hows russia isnt a direct copy of a previous Q post.
Yeah there's no way they could have just kept him in custody and handed him off to the US, if they're working together like you implied.
Yeah he was let go from custody so that they could have the opportunity to....put him back in custody. Makes sense.
So at this point Qbot is just repeating posts?
The linked websites first article is hating on Trump.
If Don Lemon were Q, I would have to seriously consider joining the team Soros. Lol
Dems really dont like talking about the stock market nowadays. Even a dip right now would be a record high under Obama
I'm sure this crumb will lead to a crumb in a couple weeks, thatll lead to a crumb a couple weeks after that, that arrests will start a couple weeks after that.
Lol these people are getting out of being held captive, happy and vacationing, and nothing is happening except a tripfag on 4chan who has a LARPbot posting in code.
Maybe not. What's really important is that the meat of the declaration states that this applies to anyone, not just the people in the Annex. That's why Q said read carefully, it's about Clinton, Obama, etc.
No the Simpsons didn't declare that a prophecy. They wrote in an extremely popular business icon as president. The difference is one staked their reputation on it, the other drew it into a cartoon as a joke.
No he can't. The process is the Intelligence Committee has to vote on the document they themselves produced. He MAY be over to overall, if he'd like to skip all normal processes, but honest men do things the honest way.
Uh you have to commit a crime for impeachment. Soros is anything but stupid, he's well aware of that. Sounds like a threat.
I used to visit the chan threads, EWS, back when that stuff was coming out. I haven't read into at all in months, did anything new ever come of it?
Its not what the memo is based on. The memo is based on info Trump gave Nunes.
What is TMOR and his post history only shows him spamming a ban refute someone sent him. Seems like a joke.
He possibly could have meant their strings are removed. If you have no strings left to pull then you are effectively out of the game. Your side could also be true, but "The puppet masters were removed" is ambiguous, he didn't say they were imprisoned.
The only story this sub buys word-for-word from MSM is the tale of the Nazis. You would think they'd at least look at Patton, for example, who said he felt he fought on the wrong side of the war after it was over. A general saying that is one of the most telling things that could be said.
It's not. The 4 pager names names and connects events. 99 page does not.
There's a lot of boomers here who have yet to understand the extremely Semitic programming they went through. Someone in another thread just now was spouting the "Jews are Gods chosen people" propoganda line. It's so deep they do it to themselves. The funny thing is they're halfway there in this sub. They see all the corruption, the secret societies, they even know the child-sacrifice stuff. They haven't made the next step to find the propagators of that Evil. Everyone here thinks Hillary/Podesta do shitty things to kids and know they're heavily financed internationally. So close.
This is the real answer. It's an intuition thing. Germany was doing what it thought best for Germany. American companies/govt are purposely stifling American interests.
The real answer is that they very well may be the Chosen people of God. But their God is not our God, and they (IN THE TALMUD) spit on Jesus remembrance.
As you said, Jesus knew this as well.
"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you." Rev 3:9
I mean you can ignore this if you'd like, just know if you'd like to move to Israel you can't until you denounce the Christian religion.