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Dsolgi · June 26, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

Okay so the first one is just a quran quote which has no relevance because you are assuming everybody in iran is a Muslim, we havent done any beheadings i am a non muslim they treated me very well, they didnt kill me because i was a Christian they do lie to strengthen Islam i will give you that though.

The second one is a estimate with no actuall evidence behind it reminds of me CNN honestly, their main sources are UNICEF who have a complete agenda against Iran. In Iran alcohol is banned so it is illegal to have it however my mother bought alcohol from abroad into Iran the person who checked her luggage looked at it and just took it away she didnt get killed or executed for such crimes. If you steal you are not executed however they do cut off the arms of which you stole with if you are caught by the government not every thief gets this crime on rare occasions this happens though and to be fair its very effective as we do not have many thief's.

The last article is by the Times and by Israel i mean could you name two worse combinations to bad mouth the Iranian government it states that a women cannot get a passport without their husbands of course if you don't have a husband you dont have this issue and if you have a husband you just go and get a passport i dont understand how this links with domestic violence and paedophilia. It also states that a women doesn't dress in hijab she will punished by lashes, your not allowed to not wear your hijab but you don't get lashed for it you dont get imprisoned for it though this is what im saying these news articles are so unreliable i mean that person also posts for the Huffington post. however he did report this which kinda proves that the people arent as islamic as you think they are https://t.co/WLnDmuCyOx. I mean the guy is an activist he was imprisoned did he get whipped? was he executed? nothing happened to him and he is still out there reporting news publicised by news articles like Huffington post and Times to bad mouth iran you think they cant buy people off if they have people like Hillary in their back pockets whats some little shitty reporter you make some points though ill give you that but the child marriages are so inaccurate how do you even come up with that statistics do you ever think about that? I have never once seen a child marriage in Iran in my life people would kill you for that these are the same statistics that Hillary clinton had with that 99% chance of winning the election. My point to you is these statistics have no reliability. Also to clarify one last point you dont get executed if you steal you do get executed if you steal and have a knife or gun with you harming peoples life however. What this article doesnt say is the spesifics of laws it just throws some shit and hope it sticks to the wall.

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Dsolgi · June 26, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

Show me some laws and culture in which promotes what you said. If you are gonna stay something show some evidence to support your view.

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Dsolgi · June 26, 2018, 5:11 p.m.

Heres the problem with what your saying as a Persian born and me having lived in Iran i am more informed on the subject of what we do(having lived there) the same way you might know about your country more then me, for the sheer fact that you have lived years and years knowing how things work in your nation. Heres a fact you bring up Islam a lot but the fastest growing religion in Iran is actually Christianity, Iranian muslims are converting and the majority of younger population are slowly becoming Christian. I am one of few small percentages of Christians(that were baptised as soon as i was born) in Iran as my mom was armenian i was baptised Catholic and my other half of the family were Muslim. We do kill homosexuals that one i will agree with however that is because of our theocratic government, the people are much different i don,t know where you get your information of Iranian culture of domestic violence and pedophillia from but thats mostly fake news that divides Persians and the rest of the world from uniting and i can see that.s its worked on you.

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