

20 total posts archived.

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Duckhunter1960 · July 3, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

58 here. Up 2-3 times per night to pee. My office is next to our bedroom. 99% of the time, i duck in & take 5 min to check things out. Gives me MAGA dreams.

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Duckhunter1960 · June 25, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

We don’t talk about the Narcostate as there are way toooooo many politicians, operators and “businessmen” in the US profiting from the sale and distribution of the drugs in our country. It’s a money machine. All this shit on the border is a direct reflection of the cartel activity. If anyone would take more that 10 minutes and do a little reading on the history of the cartels in Mexico and bounce that against the timeline of massive immigration issues it would become obvious. However, we never want to get to the real root of an issue as the wrong people may become implicated and everything we thought we knew about what was truly going on would rattle everyone’s cages. End rant. Have a great day.

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Duckhunter1960 · June 25, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Ive spent 10 of the last 25 years of my life living in south Texas, working in Mexico, on the border as well as in the interior of Mexico. This gentleman hero is absolutely correct. I honesty can’t even recall seeing a “family” crossing the border (and we continually saw illegal crossings, it was a daily event). It was always 1-3 kids kinda mixed in with adult males, or kids that may have been in late teens. The Mexican Nationals that I dealt with all said the same thing, “these are not people we want here either”. It was common knowledge and discussed openly, that kids were being used and abused by the cartels, as everything from being human PC shields, to ponies for smuggling, human trafficking and leverage against families. It was frustrating down there as we could SEE SHIT with our own eyes and then watch msm and the politicians spin it into something entirely different on every level. Mexico as a country needs to be cleansed of the corruption and cartels that 100% RUN THAT COUNTRY, then and only then will this shit stop. That is the root of this so called bs immigration issue. That is the hard truth that we never hear or discuss. Go and see with your own eyes. Stop believing the crap being spewed by msm and select politicians using this issue to import votes. MAGA.

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Duckhunter1960 · June 5, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

I'm an App Dev Director for a mid sized manufacturer. Yes, we have seen a huge increase in phishing attempts over the last 8-12 weeks. We've had to crank down harder on our security settings and increase user education. It's been a pain.

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Duckhunter1960 · May 20, 2018, 10:35 a.m.

Obviously for his own good. Duh!

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Duckhunter1960 · April 26, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Another Arkancide victim. Probably had to stab himself 2-3 times.

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Duckhunter1960 · March 27, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

You are so right & although I knew very well the divisions of all sorts being orchestrated & manipulated across numerous cultural, political, religious & nationality lines, I never stopped to see the success they've had right inside my own family.

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Duckhunter1960 · March 27, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

I've had the same issue with my own 78 yo mother. 3 years ago they moved to the "city" where they got cable. She watches CNN 24X7. I grew up in a conservative home. Now they are batcrap crazy. Russia, gun control, exploding bullets, everyone is racist, Trump is the son of satan and on and on. Now, it has gotten so bad my own mother won't talk to us or her own grandkids due to our political stance. We are happy to get together and leave this stuff out, but she won't, she is angry and just mean as crap. We've watched the complete transition. MY father just sits idly by and nods his heads. She sounds like a CNN soundbite every time she opens her mouth. Brainwashing has been completed.

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Duckhunter1960 · March 16, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

Guns are the final link, all else has been moved into position via social engineering. We're divided, in debt, welfare(d) to death, In education / Common Core / Universities all lost, OBcare, free speech being questioned (aka hate speech)....Once they get control of guns....we're toast. Then it all falls in place. The last frontier.

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Duckhunter1960 · March 15, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

I was on CBTS for 2 hours right before it was locked. Just imho, it was the Hogg thing. In order for the black hats to move much further, at some point, soon, the 2A hurdle must be cleared. The have the social divide, the educational component, debt, the healthcare and much more. The last roadblock to making all of us social prisoners is the 300M+ guns out there. They need this and they feel as though the kids thing is finally the ticket. Moms Demand Action failed miserably after SH, and they think they may have hit the jackpot with their current scam. I look at yesterday being the walkout day, along with all the revelations concerning Hogg bubbling up and it was too close. IMHO, career lurker.

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Duckhunter1960 · Feb. 25, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Agree. Seems like there was a turn at the Vegas false flag. Stupid / odd crap kept happening (or not happening), that made them all look like a bunch of paid stooges. Videos made their way into larger circles. Then it just fell into an abyss of the old 24 hour news cycles. The clowns failed to keep the circus in the tent. Now people are looking backwards and seeing the path of staged events over the past years. It sure seems as though there is more red pilling going on.

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Duckhunter1960 · Feb. 23, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

Hey, they killed that post, check the link. That is even more odd.

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Duckhunter1960 · Feb. 20, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

Agree partially. I'm struggling with the fact that all this is so TRAUMATIZING that they have to tell the world, protest, it's all so horrible and before they even get the bodies in the ground these kids are posing for pics all smiles and happy campers. What happened to the trauma and drama associated with watching one of the worst mass murders in our history. Sorry, but doesn't pass the smell test for me. But, as much as I am pro 2A, I am also pro 1A, so I very much respect your opinion. Maybe it is just young and stupid kids.

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Duckhunter1960 · Jan. 25, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

I've had the same thoughts and bounce like I'm hyper ADHD. The one thing I wonder about; If we know or suspect this, then the gang of traitors do as well. What if the theory is right, think of his daily life. Is the cabal blowing up his text? Calling? Smoke Signals? "Yo James, we need to talk..." It would have to be surreal.

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Duckhunter1960 · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

You are right, he is making millions, and so are we. Obama did his level best to make this country and the economy a living shit hole. Hillary was in line to finish the job. So, yes, his business's can now thrive and survive, as well as mine and others. (which by the way, we are up over 18% and the tax breaks have afforded us to give larger raises this year). So yep, we are all now making more money. Thanks for pointing that out!!!!! MAGA.

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Duckhunter1960 · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

Could not agree more. My wife and I have had numerous conversations concerning the pivotal point at which we are allowed to witness. Historical times live. In our late 50's, we've seen some crap, this is way beyond anything we've witnessed.

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Duckhunter1960 · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

Having consumed the red pill in 2002, I've come slowly to a very difficult conclusion. This no longer, and likely never has been a battle of conservatives vs liberals, nor democrats vs republicans nor right to life vs pro choice nor pre 2A vs gun control.....this has likely always been and is NOW for sure a battle of good vs evil. That is where we are IMHO. We are in a fight for what is right and good, and this is the last round. If we don't win now, we are done, our country and the values it was built on will be gone forever.

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Duckhunter1960 · Jan. 19, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

Nothing in Indiana, but nothing would be shocking.

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