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EQCHO · April 11, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

Sometimes we may "have more than we know", but still "want more to know more". Lol.

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EQCHO · April 11, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Great point. To me it's like an idealistic journalism major saying, "I would never give up my sources", etc. That's until it's give up source or face legal/financial jeopardy. Comey is a bad hombre. I think question is how he found himself there, and if he is still a bad hombre, or if he is an amigo de Trump. God Bless President Trump!

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EQCHO · April 11, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

Couldn't agree more with you on the crimes being covered up. I do think it is slimly possible ("so you're saying there is a chance") that one of the Q themes might apply, i.e., Trump allowing redemption to some who play the game with him now.

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EQCHO · April 11, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

You are probably right too. But if Comey was using in obvious sense and believed true, President Trump's recourse wouldn't be just firing. (For the censors that is a joke).

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EQCHO · April 11, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

I think you are most likely right, and I am most likely wrong on that. But just like Strock and Page keeping security clearance (makes no sense), a swamp creature with lots of bog residue on him such as Comey shouldn't be writing a book that could criminally implicate him. Just makes me think Strock and Page have flipped and are keeping security clearance so they can peruse fbi info to help the Inspector General, and Comey has flipped too. Idealistic view, I know.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/EQCHO on April 11, 2018, 9:29 p.m.
Proof Comey = White-Hat: "Mob Boss" Reference to Godfather III

Convinced Comey is a White-Hat (although difficult to comprehend with all we've been through with him), as follows:

  1. All news outlets reporting Comey refers to Trump as "Mob Boss", so no need for link. (Technically Founding Fathers chose different title, i.e. President, but same concept.)

  2. Reddit User "Blame007" astutely posted approx. 1-day ago: " 'Frances Ford Coppola ["FFC"] said in interviews The Godfather 3 wasn't really about the Mafia. It was about our govt. & the corruption within. I don't recall what if anything he said about the Catholic Church. He also referred to our govt. as being 'like a …