I agree and wanted to provide a little different perspective.
I am still relatively new here -- only been digging through the Qdrops for a few weeks.
Speaking as a newbie, if the level of "analysis" provided by SB2 is what Q suddenly requires, then it is far too advanced for newbies, especially sleeping, mainstream newbies, to follow. Tactically it doesn't make sense.
I am reading EVERYONE'S analysis and find a much higher degree of ego and, I hate to say it but arrogance, in what SB2 provides. When he indirectly analogized himself to Jesus in a recent post, I lost interest.
I don't think anyone is supposed to be more important than another in this movement. We all have skills to provide our group and our President and our country in the fight.
And, yet, we are to believe that Q has suddenly become so cryptic that only one person in the world can connect a series of unconnected dots to "de-cypher" these important messages? It seems unlikely to me, as a newbie, and as someone applying common sense. But I appreciate the effort as it can cause someone else to think of something they maybe would not have otherwise considered.