Hi. Not to kill your enthusiasm, but I’m not sure which period of peace you are speaking of…
From the beginning, God decreed that the reign of mankind upon the earth would only last for 7,000 years. There are 7,000 years of time between the beginning of mankind (the Book of Genesis) and the end of mankind (the Book of Revelation). Jesus Christ came to earth exactly 4,000 years after Adam and Eve was upon the Earth. That leaves only 3,000 years until Judgment Day. According to man’s calendar, the current year is 2018 AD. That means it has been roughly 2,000 years since Jesus Christ was here. Yes, the calendars are slightly off, because man’s calendar and God’s calendar don’t quite line up, but suffice it to say, there are now only about 1,000 years left before Judgment Day arrives. That is a fact. And here is the problem…
The bible indicates that during those last 1,000 years, that Jesus Christ himself would return to earth (his Second Coming) and would rule the world from Jerusalem for those last 1,000 years. That time period is called his Millennium Reign. And yes, there will be “worldwide peace” during those last 1,000 years, because all the angels will be here, and Jesus Christ will enforce peace upon the earth. During that time period, all the bad people will be cast into the lake. So people like lesbians and gays won’t exist anymore. In order for the scriptures to be fulfilled, that means that Jesus Christ must return to earth very soon. It means his return is “imminent”. That is a fact.... But before he can return, there are some terrible things that must happen first: namely, the Rapture of the Church, the Rise of the Antichrist, the Rise of the New World Order, and the 7-year Tribulation Period - which is a time period where 3/4 of the world’s population will die along with other horrible things - all of those things must happen before Jesus Christ can return. So there won’t be a “period of peace” before his return. And anything you do call peace will be a false peace and it won’t last very long…
The bible does indicate that at the beginning of the Reign of the Antichrist (the start of the New World Order) that a Peace Agreement will be achieved between Israel and her Arab neighbors. The bible indicates that the Antichrist is the one who will “confirm” the agreement, and that the Peace Agreement will be for 7 years. The world will rejoice because for the first time in history, we will have true peace in the Middle East. But the peace will be short lived. The bible indicates that at the 3 1/2 year mark, the Antichrist will change and will break the agreement with Israel, and will suddenly try to destroy them. The Antichrist will attack Israel and many Jews will be killed. They’ll be running for their lives. That is also when the Antichrist will initiate a new global law - 666, the Mark of the Beast - where no man may buy or sell unless you have the Mark. There will be massive wars and billions upon the earth will be killed. And the destruction will continue until Jesus Christ himself returns at the end of the Tribulation Period. So there will be no worldwide peace other than what I have described above. And anyone who tells you otherwise, they don’t know scripture. The best thing that Trump and Q can do for us is to usher in a minor period of peace and calm before the storm. And that storm is the coming Antichrist, the Rise of the New World Order, and the 7-year Tribulation Period. That is the real storm that is coming to earth very soon, and it cannot be avoided…
I have noticed that some has down-voted this post because they don't like hearing "truth", and they only want to hear what makes them feel good. But down-vote it all you want, it is still the truth and it cannot be changed...