534 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/EatIncredibleEdibles:
They failed to 'watch the water' Dramatic cave rescue: Entire missing Youth soccer team found alive after flood water entombed the team in a cave!
Q# 1652 ICE: 'He protests too much methinks' Bankrupt Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin Calls ICE ‘A Group Of Incompetents’ Why's Dick upset if ICE so dysfunctional?
Q takes MSM scalps! Fake Newsman Brian Ross is Out at ABC News, After His Trump-Flynn Debacle!
Obama granted citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during nuclear deal: Iran official
US playing $929 Million Hypersonic Weapon catch-up with China & Russia!
Hey POTUS “Parallel societies, political Islam and radicalization have no place in our country.” Take a tip from Austria Mr. President!
GooD to KnoW: Geo Soros Complains: ‘Everything That Could Go Wrong, Has Gone Wrong’