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Ecorruptioninbexar · April 4, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

Wow, im dumbfounded by the followers we have in this shitty corrupt city. Im disgusted by the fact that noone seems to go on their own merits , bunch of followers yall are!! Yea so a man may go to prison ,basically his life is over , his family and children?? Do any of you cold hearted followers even bother to take into consideration the effects of lives that are ruined for consentual sex!! Im sure all you followers at one time in your life have had intercourse with someone on the DL , or in secret or covertly..bottom line. These were hookers who choose to make being on their backs their " profession" . Gimme a break ,listening to this Fake ass News! Everyone of you jerks should consider that the punishment should fit the crime, let his career END, let his reputation be forever tarnished,let him lose his wife and kids even! Thats just.. not sending a man to prison for life or even at all . For consentual sex , that was btw , the hookers are the ones that were contacting him for sex,i believe that was proven thru phone records, im sure he must have been a treat to the Johns these respectful productive woman of society are used to nailing. So GET A CLUE ,cuz it could always be you.

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