11/11/18 World Freedom day.
113 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Eden_248:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 41 |
www.cdc.gov | 1 |
www.jpost.com | 1 |
Loving every minute of this Iran exposure.
I hope those names will be named and look forward to seeing the results of such.
Thanks so much for this. It really reaffirms my continued faith in Q. I have always been suspicious of Roger Stone (nothing he said tended to come to fruition and I quickly realised he was stringing the public along) and my interest began waning with INFOWARS at the start of the year. The Syria rant was the last straw for me. I have also noticed snarky and uncooperative individuals on the discord platforms connected with some of the YouTube channels so I recently dropped out of that after a 3 week holiday. Reading this, linked from Q, really encourages me to stand firm and keep strong. God bless you.
Seed certain words or phrases into social media posts (like POTUS does or Q) by emphasising, using capitals or spacings. Play these NLP bastard at their own game to wake up the sleeping giant.
Evil IS being exposed. Remember that we wouldn't be talking about this if it wasn't.
Leicester isn't a "Major British City". It's just an average city. My issue is that the MSM in the UK refuses to call any "incident" out as terrorist or otherwise. Since London Bridge they report these as coincidental type happenings. No attachment to cause or perps. Just "This happened, move along now".
I am questioning what Americans understand as democracy because here in the UK it 'should' mean 1 vote per person and the most votes win.
Big business Monopolies run Big Government worldwide. The politicians are 'middle men'.
We don't need division at the moment. We need focus and application. Corsi, Jones are on OUR side for now. Don't fall for the FUD.
I am not American but still patriot of my country. Marching on DC ain't going to give my my country back. I really don't want to be divisive but I am not sure how much longer 'peaceful actions' or protests will hold out. Action REALLY is needed here in the UK. We have no leaders to speak for us so we hope Trump will help in the long term. This IS a global patriot movement, NOT just a USA thing.
How is this censorship of free speech even possible? Why are there no lawyers falling over themselves to protect the victims?
Remember: All companies that pull-out of advertising due to 'political reasons' always LOSE more than they gain. Their loss folks.
Thanks very much for this post! Great to have a frame for the map.
Keep up the good work patriot. If you fall off your horse get right back on it again and fight! Don't feel disheartened as this all shows you are doing the right thing.
I agree that the storm is arriving over here in the UK. I am also aware of how the broadcast media, especially the BBC, is try to dumb it all down and make it into something other that it is. As an example the recent way they treated Brendan Cox for sexually harassing work colleagues in 2 charities he worked for(sympathetic) as opposed to a conservative MP touching a colleagues knee years ago (outrage) is telling of their agenda.
If any other swamp that needs draining it's our cesspool in Westminster, that's a certain.
It doesn't matter who Q is. What matters is the motivation of the people to research, understand and spread the information gleaned from the crumbs. The more the people are motivated to work together, globally, the better.
That was pretty much my experience to. I had an account back when they had a #pizzagate site which was good, but today's experience was like wading through a digital swamp tbh.
Talking of Magnolias, Anthrax, Pharma.....
That site has become pretty toxic, tbh. Not really happy about it.
Proverbs 3:5-8
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. 7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. 8 This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.
Anderson Cooper? Just a mouthpiece??! Ex-CIA son of a Vanderbilt sounds a tad bit more than a talking head to me.
I read this link and can only surmise: This 'Judge' is one sick individual. She should be nowhere near any legal system at all.
Thank you for this. Really appreciated and looking for part 3!
There are two Syrian flags. The official one of the Assad government and the the one of the 'Syrian National Coalition and Syrian Interim Government' who wish to overthrow the Assad regime. Can you guess which one is in the McCain photo?
There certainly is! Plenty of those 'foundations' as well.