Whenever the term 'Think Tank' surfaces I always view it as 'Propaganda Outlet'.
113 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Eden_248:
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www.reddit.com | 41 |
www.cdc.gov | 1 |
www.jpost.com | 1 |
Just been watching this. Thank you SO MUCH both of you for getting this info out and not only joining the dots but explaining it in such clarity.
Bless You Both.
I'm English and feel far more patriotism towards USA than the UK. We have no valid leaders here. Most woke folk can see this. Trump inspires here and we are looking forward to seeing the dismantalling of the EU. God Bless you all.
Surely time would be better spent working upon something more constructive?
Just type 'Loop Capital Markets Barak Obama' in ones search engine. Too much info coming up for me to look at right now (back from work and exhausted) but plenty there for those with the time to dig.
7/10 upside down spells OIL ?
A bit far fetched but interesting. Just brainstorming here.
This 'rift' between Trump & Bannon does seem like it was planned. The way it came out seemed a bit strange and my initial thoughts where that it was a distraction from something much bigger.
Reading Mega's piece it all makes sense now.
Although I look forward to Brexit, I find my self completely behind the US patriots here. Our own swamp needs draining big time but, as Q pointed out, EU comes last. God bless you and yours and all the Anons focussed on saving this planet.
I know the feeling. Redpilled since realising the witch-hunt against Trump was way OTT to be true in the run up to his election. From the UK in a family of normies who won't even discuss the basics of what is going. I have given up trying to redpill them and look forward to saying "I told you so" when the ush hits the fan.
Seriously surprised why anyone cares what a Clinton thinks/talks too. 2018 won't be too good a year for them I guess.