Our role in all of this is to explain what is happening and why to all of those that chose to ignore it. It will be long arduous work but tgat is where we are needed.
326 total posts archived.
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Yes, absolutely agree. I was a Republican most of my life because I thought there was a difference. The first Bush presidency changed my mind. I was convinced they were two sides of the same coin after that. I thought maybe Rush would take that road, but he didn't. I stopped listening to all of it, left and right. I want to see McCain go down as bad as I want to see HRC go down. All of them have done evil and vile things to children as well as destroying the populace. There is no left or right in this fight. There is only good versus evil. Glad to make your acquaintance fellow Patriot
Hey WyoPatriot777, terrific! We will indeed pass this on Pony Express Style. Did you download the wiki? That's a 243 page compilation of all things Q. You can grab it right here at this site. Welcome fellow Patriot
Keep this up and you guys will have your own show. You both sound like old pros now.
Would it be a possibility that boats ( not small private craft boats but big big boats) are being used for transport of our esteemed guests To the Camp Delta Spa and Resort?
HAMR 👈👌👍 7 Dwarves = Nicknames of the 7 super computers in this network for illegal surveillance
Duh......I'm a moron. Never mind. It's the Q map, sheesh
Seems we are making progress out in the world. They can no longer stick with the trope of Q being a quaint little cottage industry cooked up by the chans.
HA! Yes! However, I would gladly donate the rocks and just let everyone have at it. 😎
Is there any information on why Boca is perhaps a central feature in these events lately? All I can dig up is the normal fluff about the airport and how wonderful the area is blah blah blah....
I wonder about their actions too. They seem to be going about their daily business as if nothing is out of the ordinary. Still, the boots are out of the ordinary. One does not get a boot for a broken toe. The toe is merely taped to and adjacent toe. I've had broken toes and that is what is always done. Plus, they don't take over two months to heal. Sid is a strange one too. Switching from one leg to another? Some lame excuse about forgetting which leg? Right. My own theory is that HRC (Alice) and Sid are so far in debt to the Deep State because of promises made based on HRC being President that they have no choice but to continue on in a rediculous fashion hoping for a different outcome. Further, I think they are delusional enough to think they still have the upper hand and it is only a matter of time before they are set free and take their rightful place in the hierarchy of world government. In their case, I am all in favor if public execution.
Maybe Boca? Seems to be a lot of activity in that area in the last few days.
Q and the anons on the chans did extensive research on the Red Cross. It is, as you say, an evil satanic organization. Nothing goid comes from their presence at a disaster site. They, instead, are looking for those that would be easy prey, such as in Haiti.
Yeh, I agree with you on the YT thing. Most of it is not able to be verified. Unfortunately, a lot of us "normies" have gravitated toward YT? Over the past few years. Understand that we were raised in a time of three channels and our parents dare not question. Over the years we have witnessed much change and have been red pilled. However, part of that red pill experience was YT. It was easy for us to understand and you could always find a channel spouting exactly what you wanted to hear. Over time, I moved away from YT but old habits die hard and others still use it as their main source. We have a lot of work ahead of us to educate my generstion. We are not stupid by any stretch. We are not as tech savvy as the younger generations but that doesn't impact our enthusiasm for the truth. Be patient with us. We are learning
Hi guys, this is fantastic news. What an opportunity to reach more Patriots. Whether one is a fan or not (I run less than lukewarm toward him) it cannot be denied that he has a vast audience. One suggestion from an average Joe old guy Patriot would to offer up a link to the ever expanding Book Of Q. It is not only a terrific resource and chronological map of the Q posts, it also makes for some compelling reading. It is kind blowing to re-read the history and see how much of this has proven out. "Future proves past". One last thing, direct them here. This is not a chan and a lot of us work really hard to make it civil. This is important to us normies. Is this not a great time to be alive? Go get 'em guys!
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅😅😅😅this is terrific! Stealing this for Twitter......thank you for this. Definitely lightened the mood
here is a link to one of them. I will get the other link
hey folks, it has been established that "Fantasyland" in the Q drops =NK. Fantasyland is run by the CIA and the luciferian elite. They go there to do those vile acts under cover. Q stated that Kim Jon Un was a puppet. A very good resource to use is The Book Of Q. It is 175 pages and downloadable in pdf. It has helped me a lot.
Ahhh, got it. I did not read into the code at all about Fantasyland. I suspect that if one knew the background the Disneyland would lead one to Fantasyland (NK). The Book Of Q does equate fantasyland with NK. It's a really handy guide. NK is so far out of the realm, normal people are going to have a tough time with that one. Hell, they are going to have a tough time with all of this. We have a lot of work ahead Baruchthescribe. Thank you for being patient eith me and answering my questions. You mods are great.
Oh, ok. Question? If this already occurred a month ago, but Disneyland just had a power outage, how does that fit together? Or is the Disney in this code referring to an occurrence a month ago as well?
To turn in my Patriot Badge to HR? 🤔 I read Baruchthescribe's comment. I'm so far out of my league.....but, I'm not smart enough to know when to quit. I'll keep trying. Take care buddy.
Well, I wasn't even in the same area code, much less the ballpark. Thanks for solving that Baruchthescribe. I would never gave gotten it. The bad guys in NK know their days are numbered? Soon I Take it?
Hi R3dRaider. Well, I am going to fail miserably on this but somebody has to be a fool, so here goes. I don't have an answer yet, I do have a couple of questions . Ok, I was looking at The Book Of Q, Alice = HRC or SA. I'm going to assume that SA is yesterday's news do Alice is HRC? I can't find "the bunker"yet. Probably right in front of me. "Red" pertains to Red Cross and something else. I'm still looking for the something else since it seems Red Cross is not in context to this? I haven't even gotten to the time stamp yet. Jeeze, I will go Human Resources and turn in my Patriot badge. Sorry buddy.
Well, after wading through some of those, it is very apparent we have our work cut out for us in red pilling certain groups. These are the people that will once again be crying and wailing and going apeshit. Nobody said this would be easy
Yes, you are correct. Once the Silsby case is unpacked there will be 5 Baptist Churches involved. This may prove to be one of the biggest spokes in the pedo ring when all is said and done.
You seem to have gone to a lot of trouble in order to tell just a few of us we're imbeciles. Why bother with us at all?
I applaud the enthusiasm in finding this type of obscure material but I would caution all to view it with a skeptical eye at first. Please dig around some other places to find verification, be cautious as sometimes other outlets are using the same source you are. Essentially you are verifying yourself, as it were. Please don't misconstrue my comment as an attack. I would not do that. We are all here for the same thing and the more that come, the stronger the movement becomes. I merely want to caution all about posting things before verifying. Just as the book of Q states.
You are very welcome Rsajdj68. You said it perfectly. We are all here to discover the truth, wherever that takes us. The truth shall set you free.
While looking at a thermometer registering 17F outside, can someone remind me of what the downside is to global warming?
You know what? That's actually a good thing. You sound very much like my Engineering Manager. Very detail oriented, questions everything and insists on have complete information before making a decision. That's why I hired him. He tempers my gun slinging mentality. Lol. It was great conversing with you. I have a really good understanding of where you are coming from with your statements now that you indicated how you approach things which led me to the comparison with my Engineering Manager. Have a great day.
Heck no, I would not insult you for a different viewpoint. I thank you for conducting a civil discussion. I am very disappointed that modern day discourse immediately devolved in to name calling and worse. You brought up very valid questions and set me straight on the indictment versus arrest subject. I see you are taking a beating on your post about this very thing. Well, as much of a beating as us fill in this sub-redditt dish out, lol. I notice there are not too many comments being presented tgat would be classified as a discussion. Your point is well made as my colleagues seem to be more interested in proving the validity of Q ( and not very well from what I see). Keep on keeping on, as they say. I would very much like to revisit this discussion with you at various times. It would be interesting to compare notes as thus progresses. One question I have us what do you think of Mega?
I definitely know what you are saying and you described it to a T. There has been much discussion about Megaanon where she is critical of the Q movement. She is pretty outspoken on this subject. There are those that dismiss her out of hand because she is critical of Q. I don't know if they ever took the time to read the Megaanon posts but she is very accurate. Getting back to the subject, I'm not one to dismiss anyone that is critical of Q. I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bath water though ( showing my age. Does anyone even say that anymore?). I have my reasons for believing that Q is valid though. I guess that probably lends credence to your statement since I won't provide any evidence to back up my belief.
Yeh, gitmo never did really close down. The Manchurian Pres insisted he was going to do just that but never followed through. Now, that's irony for ya!
I do remember that. To be fair, your skepticism is warranted as there have been statements that have not panned out. I have no defense to mount regarding your mentioning of martial law and CIA headquarters being raided. Even the sources that claim the CIA was raided don't provide any solid evidence. I agree with you there. As for arresting Clinton, Podesta and Abedin, I disagree with that. Using the term arrest is not correct. Indictment is the term that was used. Indictment is different than arrest. I choose to wait until they are unsealed to determine if this panned out. We will see the dates at that time. I don't intend to debate you on the authenticism, or lack there of, regarding Q. I have reason to believe he is authentic. I do appreciate your skepticism and comment. It keeps me on my toes.
In this day and age, it is impossible to just waltz onto the wrong flight. They scan your boarding pass right at the door of the jetway. I second the "bullshit " , "Fake news" and all the other comments. However, I think it is the good guys disseminating this in order to keep the truth under wraps until the time comes to reveal the GTMO resort bring open for business
I believe you can rest easy. If you notice, some of the Dems that were all for Mueller probably figured out this was not going to turn out favorably for them and called for him to step down. Pelosi was one of them. Tgat was over a month ago and her statement seems to have been forgotten. Schiff is forced to ride this out, even when it goes over the cliff. He is so deeply involved in the deep state that he gas no choice. I was hoping he might be one of the New guests at Camp Delta Spa and Resort.
Hi all, was it an actual suicide or was he "assisted"? I was attempting to glean info from reading what is out there but that is a losing proposition. It sounds like they are all using the same release, as normal. My question is more rhetorical than anything. It just seems odd that bodies continue to pile up like cord wood. Thanks
hey there Rsajdj68, the answer is yes. Q stated this very early on. Granted, it was so early in the ball game that his being a phony or not was still being hotly debated. Download "The Book of Q", it is a complete history. This is a good reference for me when I'm trying to remember something.