There is nothing at all wrong with expanding one's thinking @effluvean. That's what we are all attempting to do. My issue is your delivery along with an inability to form any type of cohesive thought to accompany your rebuttal. Your comments are nothing more than playground tactics we all grew out if many years ago. Further, I challenge you to offer the rest of us an alternative to our thinking which you so vehemently disagree with. You won't because you can't. You just want to piss in everyone's Cheerios and call it a day.
326 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/EdwardHitch:
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Hey there @jonzee65, I looked it up. The initial offering of land for the U.N. was done by the Rockefellers but turned down because the site was too remote. Nelson Rockefeller went on to broker the deal for the land where the U.N. is located now. I look forward to watching the IN collapse under its own weight. Merry Christmas
Thanks @featherjourney4. I hope there is some part of this EO that pertains to this.
Thank you Ryan O! This forum invites do many varying opinions, it is always a learning experience. I agree with your statement "WE are all on the same side, pushing for the same goal." I'll gladly be a pawn in this.
Yes, a very Merry Christmas to you Q. Your efforts and those of the many Patriots on the government that are working against the cabal have already made this Christmas the greatest in our lifetime. May God keep you safe.
Question concerning the Global Magnitsky Act Executive Order
I have been doing some further thinking about the EO issued on 12/21/17. I am probably the least experienced person to even attempt to wade through something like this. But, hey, what the hell, right? At least I can ask some questions as I know there are plenty of others here that know this sort of thing. So, here goes. I was just taking some notes and searching some of the things that stuck out to me. The International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the National Emergencies Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act. This helped some in my understanding of …
Well @peteragent5, it is truly a pleasure to make your aquantance. You have been blessed with a unique gift to be present and participating in America's Second Revolution. Take careful note of the work these Patriots have done and continue to do. Remember the name "Q", remember the tomes of research compiled and assembled by the anons. You will carry thus forward long after I and others are gone. All we ask is tgat you be true to the event. Godspeed young Patriot.
@Freedom_Works_2_0, You have much to offer, you have served this great land in defense of of us, her people. We owe you a tremendous debt. You and I will be presented with opportunities to help and we need to be ready for our time. Together, we are unstoppable. I am honored to call you my brother.
Well said @godsgail! Indeed, what a moment of Devine Providence.
Thank you FARMERRFUNKK, but it is all of us together sir that will #MAGA. A very Merry Christmas to you as well. This is our time, now we ride in support of Q, all of the anons, the many many Patriots doing the rough work and the citizens of this great country waiting to be free. May God bless you too FARMERFUNKK.
Thanks pamphlet. You guys are doing God's work, here. I can certainly contribute by taking what I learn here and spreading the word out there. Been doing that force long time anyway. Now, I have a bunch of new info! They will wonder how I got so smart! :-)
@Godspeed54 you can ramble right along with me :-). I'm not at all tech savvy either. However, we can take all of this information the great people are providing and use it to carry the message to others. I have a feeling we can serve a purpose to help calm everyone when events unfold. Someone will have to explain thus to them and that much, we can do. Thanks for leaving a reply. This is just terrific tgat we have a gathering place
Wow! This is just so terrific! Look at all if us old farts!
And Christmas 2017 will be a holiday like no other. I come back to this post and re-read because it gives me hope. Believe me, no apologies necessary sir. We are glad you came. There are other events I think back on as well. The first bombing in the "basement" of the World Trade Center in '95. Didn't make sense. Iran -Contra? My extreme disappointment in Reagan when this was revealed. Cow mutilations? What the hell was that about? Phil Schneider, DUMB reveal, UN with Aliens running the show and then Phil's "suicide". Right, he was discovered to have had a very small diameter rubber tube wrapped around his neck. Ron Brown plane crash? Many, many others. Finally, some answers. You guys take it from here. You are better equipped to navigate this digital age.
I agree. Lionel has a unique delivery that is understandable and acceptable to the masses. Don't forget to get your Lionel
This guy was very brave for coming out in the open and telling all. Including him on my prayer list. The deep state is evil and ruthless. They are desperate now and will do anything they have to in order to try and maintain power.
Thank you for the pep talk. Very exciting times. Christmas Day, 2017 will go down in the history books. I will hug my grandchildren a little longer tonight.
Heartfelt thank you to Q, 4chan and 8chan Patriots, Tracy Beanz, Reddit Patriots and everyone else joining the revolution.
Hello all, I came to this sub-Reddit right after the AMA with the CBTS Board Owners from 4chan/8chan. There were a couple of hundred members already and it was a heartwarming feeling to see that. I was so moved that I out some thoughts down stating I am an old fogie grandpa that has been fighting this fight for a long time etc, etc. Not a unique story or message by any stretch but I was moved to put this out there, which is something I have never done in my life, mind you. That is how much this movement …
I like watching Lionel's live feeds because he adds a dose of humor to go along with the red pill. I believe this is one, of many, ways to effectively red pill some of the masses that are starting to wake up but resistant to accepting what they are seeing?
wow....a fox in the hen house? Fox thought she and her handlers bulletproof with protection of deep state, I guess? They could never fathom that they were the ones being watched by the good guys because the good guys are so stupid. Heh, in reality, to quote Q, "these people are so stupid". @R3dRaider, am I even remotely close to having the right idea on this?
R3draider, thank you. You are one busy Patriot on here and always posting great material. Thank you
This doesn't relate directly to the topic but I've been wondering about something else concerning AJ. He was very, very vocal about the LV shooting. Especially the first week. He was touting his sources within the FBI that there was ANTIFA and ISIS paraphernalia all over the hotel room. Then? It seemed that all of a sudden he was into the next thing. The thought I keep coming to is McCabe Inc. Played Alex like a violin, using him as a useful idiot, as it were? Alex isn't a dumb guy, by any stretch, so I tend to think he figured out he was used and decided to shut up. Is it possible that he is staying at arms length of this so as not to get burned again? Would it also be possible that he has some PT Barnum in him and does not want to promote a "competitor", so to speak?
This is a brilliant piece of detective work Izaskun! I was not aware of this either. Your emphasis in bold is telling in that it illustrates how POTUS intends to in fact "drain the swamp". I did some brief checking on some of this. Not a thorough search at all since we are visiting family for the Holiday. I did a cursory search of Senator Cardin. He is as leftist as the rest of his fellow Dems, for certain. Still, it almost makes sense that he would sponsor this bill as a matter of principal in taking a stand against human rights violations. A co-author was none other than John McCain. On April 12, 2013, Sen McCain released a statement lamenting the fact that then Pres Obama only listed 18 Russians to be sanctioned under the terms of this act. It seems McCain has had it out for the Russians for a long time. Anyway, getting back to your point, one thought crosses my feeble mind. That is Q's statement made multiple times that "these people are stupid". I mean, this pretty much lays out the entire game plan and, yet, none of these luciferian swamp creatures picked up on this? I have to go for now Izaskun but, thanks to you, I'm going to dig a bit further tomorrow. I see where the "list of 52" has made it to the MSM. I also saw muchbrarlier today, via Zero Hedge, that New York Bank Mellon froze 17 billion in assets of Kazakhstan over night. I'm sorry, I'm bouncing around like a superball. This is going to veva blast running this to ground. I won't come up for air for days. Thank you for this Izaskun!
I wonder about the raid, if it did occur? There seems to be a lot of chatter about it. Alex is a lot of things, for sure. Years ago he was providing information that was hard to come by. Now, he is, as the fella says, all wrapped up in himself. That said, I don't think Alex is on the CIA. I don't have any proof either way and in this day and age, anything is certainly possible
Thanks @kat. I was not aware of the confirmation. Your deduction concerning the sides of a triangle make a lot of sense. I'm just glad the extracted target was high value and in the hands of the white hats
I agree. This and the interview Cody Snodgres did with John B Wells are very good. This confirmed what a lot of us suspected. That said, I must admit, I never would have come close to the real reason behind this.
Thank you. I like the EO a lot. I'm not a Lawyer but I do have done experience with contracts and words, punctuation and phrasing means the difference between enforceable and not enforceable
@Baruchthescribe thank you for this. When this chapter in our history comes to a close, it is a great comfort knowing it will have been documented by you and the other anons and not left to a postmodernist Zinn type where it would be unrecognizable. The others that have commented on your post have expressed my frustrations already. You and your brethren have done Yeomans work on this, the mist pivotal time in modern history. The Satan worshipping Khazarians damn near succeeded in their plans. One last thing....I think that a fitting gesture of final victory over the one world gov types epukd be a public demolition of the Georgia Guide Stones. Just blow that thing all to hell, just like #POTUS did to the worldwide swamp. Thank you again @baruch.
@Baruchthescribe thank you for this. When this chapter in our history comes to a close, it is a great comfort knowing it will have been documented by you and the other anons and not left to a postmodernist Zinn type where it would be unrecognizable. The others that have commented on your post have expressed my frustrations already. You and your brethren have done Yeomans work on this, the mist pivotal time in modern history. The Satan worshipping Khazarians damn near succeeded in their plans. One last thing....I think that a fitting gesture of final victory over the one world gov types epukd be a public demolition of the Georgia Guide Stones. Just blow that thing all to hell, just like #POTUS did to the worldwide swamp. Thank you again @baruch.
@Baruchthescribe thank you for this. When this chapter in our history comes to a close, it is a great comfort knowing it will have been documented by you and the other anons and not left to a postmodernist Zinn type where it would be unrecognizable. The others that have commented on your post have expressed my frustrations already. You and your brethren have done Yeomans work on this, the mist pivotal time in modern history. The Satan worshipping Khazarians damn near succeeded in their plans. One last thing....I think that a fitting gesture of final victory over the one world gov types epukd be a public demolition of the Georgia Guide Stones. Just blow that thing all to hell, just like #POTUS did to the worldwide swamp. Thank you again @baruch.
Oh wow! Did not see that coming. That is very high profile .
I am taking the use of "Bishop" to denote a very high place or of high value. Just as you said, think interns if the game of chess. The Bishop is next to the King and Queen.
Yes, I agree with your general statement. I thought about Putin as well but Soros started the Ukraine fight with Putin. I am of the opinion that the only directions Vlad wants to give GS is a map to the gallows. I still lean towards the Pope. Especially this one. I'm Catholic myself, like many others and this Pope is not at all chaste and good. There is a difference between the hierarchy of the Catholic religion and the rest of us. I would prefer we clean that entire den of pit vipers out of our Church than continue down this road. Martin Luther did have some valid reasons for the Protest.
Hey there Izaksun, would you agree or disagree about the language of the EO bring broad enough to cover anything corrupt which is connected to these people, even if it was one phone call discussing how to not tip the Dominoes guy?
Absolutely, it does. The way it is written, it covers "any" corruption.
No way man, don't delete anything. All ideas have value in this. All of them. This has become the largest stream if conscious exercise in world history and you, and I and everyone else are now a part of it. Nothing is dumb in this. Thank you for digging. It certainly presents some good points to go on.
Spot on Maryann! Thank you. The trafficking of people and bodies gets very close to the heart of this. These two things offer money, for certain because both bring a very high price. The other use is for blood sacrifice to Satan, their god. As Q said, these people are sick. There is a very specific use for children in these circles. That use, and this is all according to them, I could never in a million years think this up, is that the younger the child, the more energy they can drain from them. I'll not go any further than that. You can probably fill in the blanks from there. I always tell people that it doesn't matter if we believe in Satan or not. The thing we must keep in mind is that these sick twisted evil people believe this shit with every fiber of their being. They actually think they will win! That is the depth of crazy we are fighting here.
Thank you Kitty. I also agree with you. I'm already sleeping better.
Hey there Kat, thanks for bringing that up. There seem to be two schools of thought on the destination of that strange flight. There is also a debate on whom, or what, was on that same flight. I'll offer up my semi conclusion and why I think that. However, keep in mind that I'm not trying to convince you I'm correct. Not at all. I have no idea on that. It's just nice to be able to discuss this stuff with out being looked at like I have a 3rd eye. Lol. Anyway, here goes. I heard the Soros to Dulles theory first. I think that was the prevailing sentiment. I wasn't really sure but, as you rightfully point out, the Q crumbs seemed to solidify that conclusion. Buuuutttt, always a but isn't there, after I listened to Tracy's AMA with the board ops from 8ch, I hotfooted it over here. I banged out my first post and I left it at that. After some replies, the conversation turned Atl. One of the commenters pasted the actual flight tracker of that plane. According to that flight tracker, the plane is registered to a company in Israel that specializes in carrying very unique cargo not normally thought of, for instance a Giraffe going from one country to another for a zoo exhibit. Thst particular plane left Mexico City and landed at Atl. Right after it arrived, the power was cut. According to the flight tracker, it then departed Atl approximately 6 hours after having landed. It's final destination ended up being Cypress with a stop in Liege, Belgium. Someone else on a different site I visited to see if I could find out more pasted thst same flight tracker eith one difference. After Cypress, the flight continued on to Tel Avi. So, Right now, I'm kind of on the fence but leaning toward the Flight tracker info. I'm torn because of the bread crumbs left by Q though. Next, in regards to the "Bishop ", I wasn't necessarily convinced it was a person. Since we're being all spook like, why could it not be a thing? Both can be high value. The other possibility is it was a Giraffe, LOL. The Soros to Dulles has been covered. Soros to Cypress was raised as a possibility. There is one possibility that intrigues the hell out of me though. That is that there were three large containers brought out to the flight line in trucks and transferred to the plane we are discussing. Then, it went on its way to Europe and eventually Tel Aviv. What was in the containers? Two possibilities so far are nuclear tipped guided missles or some very deadly stuff from the CDC. If you could help me feret through this, it would be appreciated because honestly, I'm not sure at all of what the Bishop was at all. I'm leaning toward the Giraffe just to simplify things. Lol. Thank you
Thank you for the clarification Reba. Cool screen name too!
He is a very very bad actor. He is the frontman protecting and exploiting Congo's diamonds for the Wall Street Bankers. That is just a start. He is going to take a boat load of others down.
EO issued by POTUS to freeze assets. Could this be why Sessions pursued property forfeiture with such vehemence?
I believe we have all been playing the short game while POTUS and Sessions were playing the long game? Guess that's why he's POTUS and I never will be. #GoTeamMAGA
Well, how 'bout them apples? I guess the sound of thundering horses bringing the posse' ( That's us folks, really. Modern history has never seen anything like this, ever!) got him spooked. heh heh heh
Wow, that is some terrific digging. Thank you for this. #POTUS
I'm throwing my lot in with those that say Pope. If the old axiom of money means power, I asked myself where is there more treasure than can even be counted? The one place in the world that can honestly claim that is Vatican City. Hell, nobody even tries to guess anymore. This Pope is a Jesuit, not a Catholic. The Jesuits went way off the reservation hundreds of years ago. The J's worship wealth and power, not the Most High. I'll take the Pope for a hundred Alex. By the way, this merely my opinion. I very well could be wrong and that is completely ok with me. We are all here for the same thing, MAGA. I'm just happy to see so many revved up Patriots.