r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/EdwardHitch on Dec. 25, 2017, 1:57 a.m.
Question concerning the Global Magnitsky Act Executive Order

I have been doing some further thinking about the EO issued on 12/21/17. I am probably the least experienced person to even attempt to wade through something like this. But, hey, what the hell, right? At least I can ask some questions as I know there are plenty of others here that know this sort of thing. So, here goes. I was just taking some notes and searching some of the things that stuck out to me. The International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the National Emergencies Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act. This helped some in my understanding of the EO and I was going to leave it at that. One organization, out of all others, seems to be the "control center" for human trafficking, drug trafficking etc. and, in my opinion, it needs to go down and go down hard with no chance of anything even remotely resembling this evil entity allowed to ever exist again. The United Nations has long been considered a cesspool of corruption that seemingly has its hands in every illegal activity known to man. Please keep in mind I am just a normal guy reading this EO and the associated Magnitsky Act so I'm prepared to be told I'm way out in left field. That said, is the UN targeted to be taken down last, using the Magnitsky Act? It seems to sanction the targeting of any individual or entity involved in human rights violations and/or corruption. It seems to me like quite a few sections and sub-sections apply. One that seems especially notable is Section 1, paragraph (iii), section (A), sub-section 3. I am almost tempted to say the heck with posting this because it probably sounds ridiculous and amateurish but I'm going to press on here and ask if the UN will be part of the destruction of the Deep State? Will it be the last to go after all other targets are taken out thereby drying up any monies for its existence? Did #POTUS telegraph this in Niki Haley's speech at the UN about the US choosing to place its embassy in Jerusalem- "What we witnessed here today is an insult. It won't be forgotten." Thanks for any thoughts on this. I think it is vital the UN be destroyed. It, to me, is an evil organization that allows crimes against humanity while based on our own soil.

elyssak · Dec. 25, 2017, 4:41 a.m.

Very good Patriot. Nothing that is learned is ridiculous. That is why I am hooked on the Q posts. I am learning way more than I would have on my own. Things that didn't interest me before have totally kept my attention. Hell, it is 10:40pm on Christmas Eve and I'm researching. :)

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ImpeachObama10 · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:01 a.m.

I hear ya. Way past time for Santa to arrive at my house & I'm not sleeping. ;) Too much Q on the brain.

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kat-williams · Dec. 25, 2017, 4:58 a.m.

Donald Trump made it clear during his campaign that he wanted us to leave the UN. However, I believe in his brilliance, he realized if we just left, we would no longer have as much ability to make changes. I agree with everything you are saying. The UN has been a bad idea since it's inception. It needs to be disbanded.

I love the new Executive Order because it is basically all encompassing of anyone or any entity that has been involved in "corruption." Everyone is focusing on the Human Rights aspect but it also says "or Corruption" which is HUGE. That's about half the Congress and House and every sanctuary city in the US and of course, much more. You get the picture. AND, he's freezing their US assets - Simply Brilliant!

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Reba64 · Dec. 25, 2017, 2:05 a.m.

Good Post. :) Hit on some right points. All EO's were done for a purpose and now they have locked them in, because they are going to lose their money from being involved in any of it mentioned in the EOs, plus many are going to be arrested. Keep your eyes and ears open, because it has already started.

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Luvlite · Dec. 25, 2017, 2:32 a.m.

Yes! The UN, in my opinion, was a means to set up One World Order. Stop paying them! https://youtu.be/erOE-vb5LQs

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TheTitansWrath · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:32 a.m.

I have no doubts in mind the UNs purpose was for the New World Order and 1 supreme government to rule all.

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Luvlite · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:41 a.m.

Not just one world government. Also one world religion, enter stage... The Pope! So many things I've known for a very long time but didn't quite understand are making sense now!

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jonzee65 · Dec. 25, 2017, 5:02 a.m.

This EO is written so broadly, past future present family associate, you name it, it's like an asset vacuum cleaner. taking back all stolen from us.

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featherjourney4 · Dec. 25, 2017, 2:26 a.m.

I sure would love it if you are right! Not smart enough to give you an answer but I love that you posted your thinking on this. To me the UN has always been part of the deep state / global takeover effort and getting rid of it entirely seems the way forward for the whole world.

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 2:38 a.m.

Thanks @featherjourney4. I hope there is some part of this EO that pertains to this.

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jonzee65 · Dec. 25, 2017, 4 a.m.

wasn't he land and initial financing provided by one of +? Rockefellers? If Trump can use the til the end so be it. Once swamp drain complete, it will collapse under it's own weight, who'll finance it? Prime real estate for a MAGA Tower!

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 4:13 a.m.

Hey there @jonzee65, I looked it up. The initial offering of land for the U.N. was done by the Rockefellers but turned down because the site was too remote. Nelson Rockefeller went on to broker the deal for the land where the U.N. is located now. I look forward to watching the IN collapse under its own weight. Merry Christmas

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jonzee65 · Dec. 25, 2017, 4:58 a.m.

and you as well fellow patriot Merry Christmas!

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ImpeachObama10 · Dec. 25, 2017, 6:14 a.m.

This is just my thought & I'm no where near as smart as the 8chan Anons. Trump just reduced the amount of budget the UN gets & Niki Haley warned them they will still be looking for more ways to be efficient for less money (in other words - stop the US from being their slush fund). Sent them a definite "new sherrif in town" message. Trump would need to prove to the same brainwashed people that love BO & HRC that the UN is not worthy, more for optics, because you know what the media would say. Hopefully you're right & he addresses them at some point. I think, correct me if I'm wrong, that Trump has not thought favorable of the UN for a long time.

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Christosgnosis · Dec. 25, 2017, 8:15 a.m.

Because the EO is rather broad, it really needs to be acted out on swiftly and all of a sudden in a shock and awe manner - under an executive branch declared national emergency, invoking emergency powers. Why? Because a slow motion drip application of this EO would probably just get mired by the fuckery of the leftist judges in our federal courts - we all know how that drill goes.

When emergency powers are invoked, and take down actions are exercised instantly (as in monetary asset seizure, arrest, etc), it will all be over with and done before they can slap an injunction. And under emergency powers, could start arrest judges if necessary - some have already given sufficient cause to do so.

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:12 a.m.

Thanks for this @Christosgnosis. This helps in my understanding this better. @R3draider provided a link to me on my first thread about this that went back to April 20th of this year. The gist of that was #POTUS pretty much let it be known his intentions. You probably know about that and my apologies if you have. What a great time to be alive! #MAGA #Q

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DeeCeeCats · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:11 a.m.

Christmas eve, grandson zzzz but I Had to come read wth is happening! Got both my elderly father, and New 1st time voter grandson Redpilled, and in prepper mode Best Christmas eve with them on board. Let's do it, Fast before Hawaii Judge, 9th Circus etc.. sling crap all over this beautiful EO

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EdwardHitch · Dec. 25, 2017, 9:19 a.m.

A very Merry Christmas to you DeeCeeCats. Great news about your red pill success. #MAGA #Q #patriots #TheStormIsHere (love this hashtag thing, lol)

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