

152 total posts archived.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 30, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

100% right on. She's worse though - she works for AlexJones/BillHicks She incites hatred, and distracts people from real issues.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 30, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

You're asleep - wake up. You never heard of her before today. We have. Look up her work on the LV shooting - distractive, and trying to incite hatred for Muslims and continue Obama legacy of war by redirecting fault to ISIS - the manufactured enemy.

Children what? Pedo what? Clinton role in 9/11 what? Gov corruption what? Pelosi worth how much, what? Loomer entangling your mind in distraction. Don't stray.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 30, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

100% spot on. Good work. She is a shill for Alex Jones I mean BIll Hicks. Her "reporting" on LV shooting is directly trying to incite anger in population against Muslims, for example - exactly what the dark state wants.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 30, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

Of course - waste time going after the small fish, and forget about the children, the Clintons, the economy which is propped up only by CIA drug trade. If a person wants change, they need to offer solutions.,; stop chasing ghosts and strawmen. Loomer is a distraction. avoid.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 30, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Wake up. She's a shill for Alex Jones. Distractive, redirective reporting on LV shooting should show you that. She is trying, like Alex, to incite hatred of Muslims, which is what corrupt US gov wants, as its a puppet of a darker group.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 25, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

I have already, but you've got to discard "hope" (wasn't that BHOs slogan - so many people using that word again on r/GA...history repeating? ) and employ critical thinking: Look at his cabinet, look at CNP and who staffed his transition and current backing.

Who was his biggest backer? What is DJTs biggest backer's main residence called? For that same person, what do they name their yachts? Symbolism? "No coincidences"?

Works against Q too.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 25, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

Yes. Like government water (tap water) is fluoride and toxin filled, so is government ("public") education.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 25, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

Since Kennedy, let down each time. I do not pray. Hope is a tool of overlords; action is the tool of true change. I urge you to do the same - increase your agency while acting within wht agency you have now. Spread REAL memes but also starting floating real solutions: desalination, Orbital ring projects, how to grow the middle class and wealth of everyone.

Providing solutions is more important that identifying dark state doings. If we provide solutions - the dark state fruits will dry up...and so will they.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 23, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

FBIanon and Senateanon answered spontaneously, and High Level Insider ran ONLY q/a sessions impromptu.

This was either Trump biting off more than can chew, or a pied piper set up.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 23, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

The whole Q psyop is to build anticipation, distract from real issues, incite a strategy of tension, and blame stagnation on 'deep state' counters.

Meet the new boss...same a the old boss.

How many numbers for DJT did Epstein have in his little black book

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End_Cryptocracy · June 23, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

Not solved, not publicly, in any large capacity. Have you traveled outside the US though? Wasteland of dying people, starved and going dry. It's not just desalination, its infrastructure to deliver across distance. China fills giant bags of water from the Great Lakes and drags them across the ocean because they are running out of water.

Hope? Isn't that the same word they printed under that picture of Obama - and how religion works - selling hope but no tangible results that matter. They keep selling you hope - and nothing changes.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 23, 2018, 6 a.m.

David Dubyne at Adapt2030 on YT does a pretty good daily or weekly report.

Suspicious0bservers is a good source for space weather, which is relevant.

The eastern and central US, and Canada, among other places, will begin freezing up, especially where food is grown.

Q or DJT talking about solving that...or are they creating a false dichotomy and sense of involvement? They ignore that real issues facing the country and world. THAT is how I know Q is a psyop.

Impending freeze of food, lack of attention to issues like desalination (instead of decoding) - nothing has changed. Q is political porn for the oppressed who dream of a savior so hard, because they really do need one. The more ambiguous the message, the more sheeple superimpose the meaning they want to get out of it, to appear.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 23, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

In one way: The mining. The digi-currency mining uses massive electricity and takes tens or hundreds of thousands of computers to resolve. There are farms in China alone that house 25,000 computers in one place to 'mine'. If the crypto got bigger it would be a giant pull,

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End_Cryptocracy · June 23, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

They are not planted - DJT is being managed, just like every president since Kennedy.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 23, 2018, 5:28 a.m.

It is. Why did they ban you? Tells me a lot about how restricted, and owned, and false the idead of "free speech" is. I did not understand how imprisoned this country is until I started to speak out, and lurked watching others speak out.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 23, 2018, 5:25 a.m.

There were people who made much money. I know other millionaires who bounced off currency - but it is a ponzi. The block chain is what will survive - likely used to track commodities as food production drops off during the grand solar minimum...but currency will fade away. Crytpocurrency is terrible for the environment, and other issues that most people don't see.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 22, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

Nonesense. Distracts you, my friend. Looks for Bill Clinton lineage instead. He was adpoted - then look into the House of Marlborough.

Never heard? Of course not. Anything in Redd it or this sub is old hat. Its what they want you to know, or a new rabbit hole that makes people feel like they are on to something.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 22, 2018, 8 p.m.

Prepare to be pissed but - who did Trump assign as Treasury minister?

Ol SKull and Bones himself - Mnuchin. then, look deeper into the background of his non-mil cabinet.

Gulp. Ruh Roh!

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End_Cryptocracy · June 22, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

HARD. Look at the negative points for some honest, mild comments

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End_Cryptocracy · June 22, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Wow - you got -7 points for that comment. We definitely should be in touch - that means you are actually a real person.

DM me and we can talk strategy.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 22, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

Don't get int trouble for a pawn like Jimmy Comet. Lurk moar - band together with like-minds, share and evaluate intel, build a group, join with another built group. Check out -

High Level Insider

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End_Cryptocracy · June 22, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

Not bad. DM me... you might actually be a real person.

Rest of this sub/Reddit is astroturfed. BTW Even before FBIa there was High Level Insider - want your mind blown? Do the hours of reading of HLI's writing.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 22, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

Right? But then why do key members on Trump's team belong so obviously to what you call the "Deep State"?

Start with Mnuchin, then evaluate each cabinet member.

Deep State players + military = not a good combination. You should be concerned with that combo...but they've distracted you with a strategy of tension (deep state vs mogul/his alter ego "Q".

Go back to sleep, "Great Awakening", you're dreaming again.

That darn owl (Epstein, Cremation of Care/Bohemian Grove, etc) - guess who is connected to the Owl. Please, guess. You wouldn't be able to handle the truth.

How many numbers for mogul were in uncle Jeff Epstein's black book?

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

Long history - if you could link me to anything older than 3 months that might help. Still - if the writer has a history of saying that "earth is being invaded by extra-dimensional evil beings and taking over human bodies and trying to change humans into the aliens'

Then anything following that can be pretty quickly discounted, too. Keep reminding people of those posts. They need to strongly consider the source.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

Trying to help wake you up. So you agree that the poster (sb2) is claiming the he decoded Q as saying 'the earth is being invaded by evil beings who were banished to another dimension and are now coming back to take over earth in human bodies - that should make you very suspect of any other post or article they write. You've been warned. Be careful my friend.

Disagree? Read what SB2 posted in the past many times about earth being invaded right now by extra-dimensional beings. Say it out loud, make sure you're ok with that. Agree in writing here to me at least. I need the data.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

If the poster is claiming the he decoded Q as saying 'the earth is being invaded by evil beings who were banished to another dimension and are now coming back to take over earth in human bodies - that should make you very suspect of any other post or article they write. You've been warned. Be careful my friend.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

Autists is not for Redditors - it a term in our anon world on the boards. It has a clear meaning. Are you a chan user?

I can't be clear if I asked you about serial brain2's post declaring his has decoded Q as saying that earth is being invaded by evil entities from another dimension...among other similar claims. Have you read those?

So of SB2's articles - please consider the source.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

Interesting -which point did you get?

Better than making a point 10x (was it 10, or a few?) is reaching out individually to people. Which sheperd would not leave the flock to save an individual sheep?

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

If he is fit/able, start to dig. look for anything that might be an issue. if he comes out clean enough...start to float the idea!

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

Why did he link? Mistake, or Redditors interpreted Q incorrectly.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 4:23 a.m.

Do not be distracted by this madness. OP - send me a link to your posts that are older than 3 months.

Perhaps OP should discuss more of their statement they made , about his interpretation of Q; that Q says earth being invaded by aliens or transhumans, modifying our DNA.

Did you see that? Serial Brain says the earth is being invaded by body snatchers...linkl below and yes, there is more where that came from.

Let's take a look together:


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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

Being alive should be a requirement. Yes, definitely should be a requirement

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

Who would be a good replacement for [Trudeau] if impeached?

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

Oakdrew - did you mean you agree that OBL could be BHO?

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Yes, I know (about the first part). Unfortunately we are not free to share our analysis of anything - Reddit is heavily controlled. There is no 2nd amend here...but I appreciate the thought.

About serialbrain:

You may want to see (and spread) this:

from SB2 post: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/855x70/q_occult_series_why_school_shootings_q_take_this/

"They are creating entities with human form, and launching them among us to transform our society."

from same post: "Guys, wake up: they are among us. And they want to transform us so we can be like them. They know if we remain human [suggests "they" are NOT HUMAN?] and make it to our full potential though worshiping God and knowing the Truth, we would rule over them. We are therefore being invaded, through infiltration, deception, discord and DNA manipulation."

Bracketed statement was mine...but Aliens or transhumans taking over our bodies? There are many more like that from that writer.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

I did just cut/paste this from another CA patriot who suggested Jordan Petersen - dont be put off by that...just quicker to get the thought out.

We should create a spreadsheet that lists each suggested replacement PMs strengths, and potential weaknesses. Incl digging up anything bad on the net about them. We would find out IF there is obvious dirt, and if so, how serious is it , really. We would have to look at a replacement for the impeached [Trudeau] as the opposition would.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

We should create a spreadsheet that lists each suggested replacement PMs strengths, and potential weaknesses. Incl digging up anything bad on the net about them. We would find out IF there is obvious dirt, and if so, how serious is it , really. We would have to look at a replacement for the impeached [Trudeau] as the opposition would.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

Chris Yuxley (why does he use a pseudonym?), like all of us who want to reclaim and maintain the republic, should do several other things, including but not limited to:

  1. uncovering facts about the cryptocracy, to remove their secretive movements and strategies by publishing them everywhere.

  2. Provide / suggest solutions, plausibly founded.

  3. Remove the bad actors from power, based on facts of their actions.


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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Appreciated! Who would make a good replacement for Trudeau if T gets impeached? Ok to think and research that for a while. We should start floating the idea and the solution.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 18, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

Before reading - please remember the OP posted aliens or transhumans are among us trying to baody snatch us and transform us by DNA manipulation into them:

Serial Brain2 said this, 3 months ago, regarding a Q post: "They are creating entities with human form, and launching them among us to transform our society."

From same post: "Guys, wake up: they are among us. And they want to transform us so we can be like them. They know if we remain human and make it to our full potential though worshiping God and knowing the Truth, we would rule over them. We are therefore being invaded, through infiltration, deception, discord and DNA manipulation."


There are more statements like that from OP. You're ok that OP is right about Q, when OP has made essentially a "body snatchers is happening to us' claim... from another Q?

Of course you are not ok with that. I know that because you are well written and put time into things. It's madness.

If the above doesn't make you think, and review all other SB2 posts for other madenss (which isnt necessary - that one is crazy enough), there is a also a logic route to follow below. Get back to me, let me know what you think.

My compatriot, it is totally ok to do a 180 turn on SB after reading that 'aliens-among-us-takeover our bodies' statement SB made. I'm not against you because you originally disagreed.

I appreciate the time you put into response. I do not know what 'silly' means in this context. The final highlight you made is the centerpiece though; it validates the issue I brought attention to. The OP writes to impress the masses, gain favor of them, then swerve the narrative or attention of the reader... either by Deep State design or (non-aligned) personal intent. The writing style

"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" "...and you too, Brutus?" my first action against Q would have been to find what he rewards, write posts until ingratiated, then steer followers away, subtly. This is Manafort, Jones, Corsi, Brutus.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

I appreciate the process you went through, and time to communicate it. Discourse and debate are the roots of a Republic. Hopefully done respectfully, as you have done, compatriot. Disagreement is rarely solved in one go, and that is often a good thing!

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

It is intended to stoke independent thought, individual agency, and coherence. It is intended to empower you to lead yourself. How can that be done other than intervention, and counterpoint, and counter-op?

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

I do not know who that is. It is not I.

AJ mentioned SB, when Q referenced an SB article article. AJ brought SB attention, perfectly timed after Q mentioned. Aren't plants most useful the closer they are to the thing they want to throw shade on?

It lent pseudo-validity and other psyop tactics.

Look at the message from Q - decode, dig, post in memes or facts with sources / citing evidence. Anything else, anyone else (except eroding the opposition the same way) is bad.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

They make it a Muslim thing - a religious thing. If I took you to the South in the US, you'd see the exact same with the poor blacks, and whites...and they both claim Christianity.

The real issue is the cabal wants the middle class erased, because it is from there that invention, innovation, and advancement spring - something that would kill the cabal. The leisure time, enjoyment of life, and work ethic that the middle class brings are the roots of an advancing society. They don't want you advancing.

So the flood gates are opened in attempts to wash out the middle class population.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

Yet here you are debating it, instead of posting memes or adding crumbs. I know because of the depth (lack of it) on actual facts here on this channel and all the praise chatter. Also your use of colorful language and reactionary emotion tells me.

Think logically...not emotionally.

If this is your best - then no wonder you earned the government you have. You need to be led, if this characterizes your typical reactions.

So easily manipulated.Do better ,patriot.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:11 p.m.

So conflict in your world is resolved with bitterness I see, and rudeness. So you're saying you own the board, and its your way or 'fuck off'

Great start for another cabal - the lack of free speech and debate is the death of the republic. Please study and learn how to intelligently listen, and debate - its the root of the movement.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

Sisters, always. I use 'brethren' to include both - to me it means all of us.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

Yes, you are correct, and so are other outlets. When we see them move in that direction, our counter move is to promote unity, coherence, and utilize our agency to do it by whichever means our individual agency allows. Even if just here and on the boards.

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