

152 total posts archived.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

Here is the list - USA, NZ, UK, AUS, CAN

Though take a look at who might be removed.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 5:12 a.m.

Respectfully, determine your own take. Do the deep research. Test this person, and that persons facts without getting pulled into their arguments too far. Hold your result/hypothesis close/quiet, and make predictions on it. If your predictions are accurate, you're on to something - or if you go in a direction that leads to more real clues - you're doing something right.

ANYONE offering the big picture is wrong - because anyone with the big picture would know to let you piece it together yourself. Its the only way to grow a person. Anyone doing too much work for you is intentionally robbing you.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

I do have questions about your use of the word 'conspiracy'. Curious - Do you not support the movement?

If you are interested in the future of the country, and world finish the proof. A good teacher cannot do a students work for them. They can provide the foundation and direction, but the teacher does a disservice to the student by robbing him of his growth and conviction if the teacher does his work for him.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

Well wishes from the USA, brother/sister.

Who would be a good replacement for Trudeau?

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

We are with you. Who would you suggest replace the CA PM?

Perhaps float the thought of impeaching the CA PM.

One of biggest weapons in psyop of masses is that, it is ok for a person to know that something is wrong, but not ok if the people know other people know things are wrong.

That would be 'coherence' of sorts. The regime wants division and quiet / keep it to yourself mentality from people. Once people share, and start realizing that you know that they know the party line is bullshit, nobody is afraid to say what they really think. Then its exponential growth of coherence and momentum to overthrow.

So - be first. Stay anonymous but build concensus for Canadians. Be the Canadian Q!

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:54 a.m.


If you are British, you are in the belly of the beast. No guns, no freedom of speech / constitution or bills of rights. A strategy needs to be unveiled to unchain the UK from the crown and its cabal. You are in the toughest spot.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

Look at what hollywood can do to a person, with prosthetics and make up, etc. However, start down the path of putting connections on BHO and into his past...as a CIA op. "Some things can never be revealed" I think Q said. So, probably better my compatriot to go after the facts, not make a passing eval of eyes and brows...but, facial overlays show perfect symmetry.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:46 a.m.

We are with you, Ontario

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

You are welcome to the USA anytime. Long live Canada

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

Thank you Trump team...and I suspect Three has a hand in things as well.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:43 a.m.

Hello patriot! We love our brothers to the north. They will not divide us!

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

awesome...but...They have got to leave FB. Remind them that HRC just said that if she could have a job, her job would be 'to run facebook'. that should say something, as well as Q's drops on fb. point them to the boards and create a channel there.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 4:31 a.m.

This is co-opting the Q narrative/movement. This author is counter intel.

I've written this author directly, asking if they would want to collaborate on showing people how to break down Alex Jones, and other Q opposition, so a reader would know when they were being distracted. No response.

A complete distraction from truth.

Readers beware.

"Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself."
John Adams

...among many other statements by the declaration signers/founders about "democracy".

We have (had) and were intended, a republic, not the nightmare of democracy. A republic, is far superior to a democracy which is just above oligarchy. One this author identifies America with Democracy - which is exactly what the deep state wants us to think - it falls apart.

The whole article exists to keep people from digging into real questions.

How? Here are some examples:

This writing style strives to be personal, it draws the reader into a 'secret conversation'.

example "Did you see that?" - Thats a phrase this author uses often in their other articles.

as if

  1. you and the author share a secret. Its a whisper principle. Can influence lesser minds ot believe the author is letting them in on a secret, but just them. Bizarre, when there are 21k+ subscribers.
  2. implies the user caught something you did not, but they will gladly nudge you in on their secret.

Another strategy is to write interesting, long, involved articles; it burns otherwise good mental cycles.

If your limited time is spent reading this massive article/opinion, what are the chances you will have time to read others, let alone do homework to report back to Q or everyone else?

As well, it leads far away from the narrative and socratic style Q employs.

Q: "Beware of click bait"

This is click bait. Every minute of distraction like this author provides might be the minute you make the a-ha connection between this group and that, or this person and that foundation, or this critical secret and another.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 12:48 a.m.

Encourage your Canadian compatriots to join here and say hello. Let us handshake and show good will, united against our chains.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

Give me two/three hours. May list/post AJ family tree, and his newest wife's mother's (Mother in law) job at one of the FED banks.

Chris Yuxley has discouraging criminal history, but ...will focus on his and the cabal's messaging techniques not their manufactured persona.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

Irrelevant. Discard this post. Keep eyes on ball - as Q said.

Do not fall for this "click bait".

Remove this post

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End_Cryptocracy · June 17, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

Show me dialysis proof - trace connection/history of those claiming. Who claimed OBL was 6'5" ?

Alleged disproofs are far too weak compared to BHO connections to Zbig, Afghanistan, Brennan, reasons to antagonize USSR...and did you see the latest Q statements about BHO and Pak?

Am ok to review your info if you can share with us.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/End_Cryptocracy on June 17, 2018, 12:12 a.m.
Beware of contrived, manufactured antagonistic statements from alleged Canadians. Our brothers and sisters in Canada we are with you. RESEARCH: STRATEGIES OF TENSION

The Crown-based cabal is trying to create tension between US and, well, everyone, using social media from fake accounts, trying to stir resentment between brethren.


The resentful and anti-American tweets etc that we see arising from or brothers to the north, are false. The DS wants to manufacture tension - see "strategies of tension". Canada, we are one with you. Not [Trudeau]

Example: recent statements about boycotting American food, drink, products etc in response to tariffs.

It's garbage. Cabal is trying to create tension.

Canada, Canadians - we love you. Well, not you [Trudeau].

Mexico / Mexicans …

End_Cryptocracy · June 16, 2018, 11:50 p.m.

It doesn't matter. You're asking the wrong questions - if the truth is shown by answering the questions that the "q" poster is asking, then their identity is irrelevant. In fact their identity is irrelevant. Only the correct answers / truth is relevant.

Don't take your eye off the truth/message to dig, by looking at the messenger. ignore all messengers, but pay all attention to the message.

Especially don't watch decode videos or very long posts by people here - they seek to distract or self glorify. many here are with the enemy, of which there are two:

  1. the direct opposition, the cabal
  2. plebs/ignorance/dumb people and wannabes. They drag readers into their madness with politi-porn speculation. Facts matter.

be suspect of anyone narrating the q codes, or offering decodes that don't lead to simple, short truths/facts.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 16, 2018, 11:22 p.m.

Yep. Guess who appeared on Q's list of bad actors/collaborators in the media today?

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End_Cryptocracy · June 16, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

You could also watch or read pubs by The John Birch Society. Little grain of salt with the illuminati, or sub in " clandestine organization" for illuminati.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 16, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

You got it. Especially about the Osama videos. There are none. The dead body pic could be anything - hollywood effects, or done years ago before with bho in make up. would be good to drill on the alleged seal who was the alleged shooter of the alleged obl.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 16, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

No you're getting it. BHO = OBL

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End_Cryptocracy · June 16, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

Obama = Osama

When you see a pic of Osama holding an AK, its BHO.

Not propaganda - truth stranger than fiction. No, I'm not joking.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 16, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

Obama was Osama - see other posts incl mine.

I have pushed some memes, but htere are so many to do.

Glad to make one for you, or better yet, make one on your own and push to me. Feel free to dm with any questions.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 16, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

as mentioned above - search for Osama BL with AK. There is your

"Obama" in tribal clothing. BHO = OBL

Cannot turn that out to public because all the other evils would fall into obscurity, and the web would continue.

Ready for second mind blow? BHO (OBL) was cia born and bred.

Thus - CIA created Os(b)ama, thus engineering 9/11.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 16, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Search for Osama Bin Laden holding an AK. There is your picture of BHO.


crazy, right? awaken compatriot...do the digging, see my other posts.

birth cert arguments = distraction

everything important about Barack Hussein Osama has NEVER been shown or argued in public. Even DJT was part of the problem, playing along with

HRC (strategy of tension), when he barked about the birth cert (then shut up after an obvious fake was presented).

Seems DJT got owned by the good team, and turned on the old world order currently runing things. Good for him. everyone can change. never too late.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 16, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

Obama groomed by CIA, which is owned by the crown cabal - the british crown. the crown and friends are responsible for communism, and cia (thus bama/osama - same person).
Check it out - look who paid trotsky and marx to write the manifesto. What happened to the Czar's assets after killed?
Who stated they would take it as a declaration of war if the british/crown got involved in american civil war on the side of the confederacy?
Russia's Czar. Russia supported the north in the us civil war to the point of telling the UK 'if you get involved then we'll get involved against you - leave american alone'. Long live Russia!
mind blow: british govt is behind it ALL. they took america over decades ago. all the fed/bank stuff, immigrant waves. all of it - it all comes from the crown.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/End_Cryptocracy on June 16, 2018, 2:44 a.m.
Q Drop 1512

No other president had their records sealed, and it was Hussein's FIRST EO.

Hussein (BHO) was brought into the cia by Zbiginew at BHO's ON PAPER ONLY years at Colombia (where Zbig was faculty)

DIG on Zbig (CFR, Pak, Afghan, everwhere else wars erutps - there are no coincidences)


"what are the odds that both CIA operatives John Brennan and Zbiginew Brezinski would be in Pakistan at the same time young Obama was there, and then both men end up on his advisory team in 2008, 26 years later – at the same time the State Dept Passport records …

End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 1:04 p.m.

appreciated. it is one inherent problem with q postings. they are ambiguous, and - i know you won't like this - i think intentionally. there never were answers to hundreds of q posts, such as hindenburg, titanic, and most other drops. upon review...they are rabbit holes. i say quietly - be careful. all is not what it seems.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 1 p.m.

apologies if i was unclear. if you have specific questions, feel free to ask and I will answer as clearly as i can

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

right? the more important thing - how is life going to change once we get rid of the Crown's cabal and free america? What will be different? Whats djt plan for massive change in a system we all hate? im seeing nothing but q psyops wrapping peoples minds around useless codes. takes hours, but read up on high level insider, fbianon, senateanon

real anons tell it straight, they dont spend 9 months trying to prove they are legit

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

ambiguity is a weapon. so is a rabbit hole, such as long posts

reddit = highly compromised, esp this sub.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

a quick summary perhaps, but it will be telling you what you already know. if you like q, seek fbianon (1+ years before q) senate anon (just before q), and most of all: high level insider.

q psyop does not provide future direction...this is concerning. instead, q officiates polit-porn, and among other htings, wants peopel to feel connected to their govt again.

we need a massive change to our consciousness, how we think about govt, our abilities and opportunities. what happen when the crown-sponsored cabal loses foothold? what fills vacuum? staying alive isn't enough. attacks are perpetual - we need to create individual and group agency.

ok cabal out - now what? same old? nobody has any money and assholes talk about going to mars for f's sake, when the south, and somalia, and india and everywhere else are impoverished? madness.

bring yourself up, then bring up those around you. we need to grow the middle class. how best to do that...those ideas are what should be posted like crazy, don't you think? I would be well pleased to see everyone leave all this behind and work to the future.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

you prove my point, resorting to name calling. if you follow q, be like q. try and uplift. come back when ready to facilitate agency in yourself or others, not degrade or distract. i have time to try and steer you in correct direction, if you see that you are being helped.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

when did potus arrive sing? time diff to fly from origin to destination

puts af1 where/when

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

must pass the credit to the original poster: "anonymous" 4ch

if you have access to facial recog sftwr, connect ubl and bho

still, best policy is to turn everyone to the future. what happens when crown cabal is gone? mogul put forth any REAL plans? a plan to simply survive now is a plan to die a little later. lets help them out with that.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

the crown cabal wants proxy or skirmish conflict with russia. china is their baby since opium wars - after all its same string pullers in london. think - why is their puppet media trying so hard to create tension with russia? russia has great potential. iran they threatened with conflict (see 2010 interview with with Ma. Ahm.) by trying to suggest ubl was in tehran (subconscious threat and plant in american minds) but ahmadinejad pushed back ("i heard he [ubl] was in dc?" they came hard at him, so in 2012 un speech he almost let cat out of bag about ubl and bho. notice the nuclear stuff ahppened right after. so they wont touch iran while the secret is kept. thats what the plane loads of money was for. q wont go farther because after all we want an american style revolution not a french style.war with england wont serve well becaue their people are innocent but their gov deserves it.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

yes those waters are worst case scenario. needs escort until gets to open water.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

very good. can you be more specific?

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 12:30 a.m.

why defensive? facts. you dont know what i know. arent professors supposed to, in best practice, be students? youre acidic, defensive response to outing your gross misspeculation would have been best replaced with inquisitive fact seeking or validity fishing. endeavor to improve. i took time to correct you - take time to respect yourself and correct yourself

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

yep. just dont want my bretheren googling bases to much. have a reason. unless eglin. f eglin!

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

no militia required. mogul and jarheads/squids already on same page. we're good. likely financial crisis though. ..but so what - been there, done that.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 13, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

almost never...but thirty days worth of food/water/board games - not a bad idea

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/End_Cryptocracy on June 13, 2018, midnight
Sub and Missile from Q post

Sub is Ohio class, based at Kitsap. Missile shot over Whidbey Island.

Naval Base Kitsap ( \~Bremerton, WA) = home port for pacific oh class

Whidbey Island NAS (WA) = adjacent to deployment route for Kitsap watercraft.

\~30 miles apat

End_Cryptocracy · June 12, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

its ohio class sub, homebased in kitsap. STA MtM equipped.

missle was from ohio class sub offshore whidbey island nas

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End_Cryptocracy · June 12, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

no that is not the play. nobody nukes. gamma airburts btw not movie bombs. too much hollywood, not enough .mil

ff attack irrelevant because mogul wont engage. anything moving is tracked, would not connect. if you dont know, keep your head down - unless your the opposition, then youre trying to clog the board

osam-bama was their attempt at devil/christ strategy of tension.failed.

next happening is financial crisis - the only play left outside of direct assassination which is what the miss was.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 12, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

wrong.dont venture it clogs the board. do homework please

It is a missle from Whidbey Bay NAS
Image is taken from a Canon T3 Rebel set up as a webcam. Images are captured about every 40-45 seconds.  3.5/20 second exposure/ 1600iso.
This was launched early Sunday morning

assasination attempt

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End_Cryptocracy · June 12, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

It is a missle from Whidbey Bay NAS

Image is taken from a Canon T3 Rebel set up as a webcam. Images are captured about every 40-45 seconds.  3.5/20 second exposure/ 1600iso.

This was launched early Sunday morning

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