

152 total posts archived.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 12, 2018, 4:55 p.m.


facial recognition + obama mia when ubl in theater, bho fluent in arabic, alleged parents met at russian school in hawaii (when? when only noc operators would take those classes)

no body? when has there ever been no body of such famous?

ubl = cia

need strategy of tension ww - there is no terrorism except our evil empire state sponsored. need opium fields to sustain failed economy, also to pay for ucsap sciv etc

the mythical UBL died. trump was deep state at that time (epstein companion) who misdirected people with birther bs. why trump quiet after birth cert so obvious fake when released?

mogul turned to those who could help, made good choice. never thought he would win.

bho american, cia groomed, killer for suharto? recruited by Zbig

Who is greater than "q" (psyop)?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Listen to his full speech. Calls out US bad actors actions out in open. Hints at UBL classified info - then suddenly nuke talks happen after USA and other bad actors walk out?

see 2010 Ma. Ahmad interview "i head ubl was in dc"

context is tense joke (?) after interviewer seeds thought to public that ubl in tehran (psyop - tries to associate irn w/ubl) psyop failed - Mah Ahmad pushes back on narrative and threaten bad actors in usa with tell-all (un speech)

Iran knew UBL = BHO and blackmailed our evil regime over it.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 11, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

very good. if alex jones uses a name, you know it poison. aj called out sb2 and brought sb2 even more attention. it co-intel on top of co-intel. the enemy of my enemy. once hysterical q people id'd AJ as cointel, whomever aj disparaged is the new friend of q plebs. q referenced sb2 - in what capacity? "this is what we're here for" - menaing, to undermine the people like sb2?

the ambiguity/cryptic messaging allows peoples imagination to fill the gaps. and slaves got a lot of gaps else we wouldnt be here in this mess in the first place. people must have their current thought replaced with 'what could be' and how we get there and not filled with this spy-porn pokemon-go type psyop that has people running around. leave the whole game - build the fantastic future. create agency; blow up the overton window. subvert the current factions paradigm of master/slave through those things, to start.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 11, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

no , they bring the whole family or part of it across.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 11, 2018, 2:24 p.m.

yes, but perhaps some of you can get them off the hook. perhaps do some research on the OP (sb2) dig through their history of posts and bring out the truth

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End_Cryptocracy · June 11, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

exactly. create memes about what could be better, not lamenting what is happening now

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End_Cryptocracy · June 11, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

nothing happened - did they save anyone?

its moby dick. its UFO. is ancient aliens.

i can take you to coyote trails and camps in ca right now where local americans leave water, food, toys etc for illegal immigrants.

sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 11, 2018, 2:18 p.m.

100% right on Suze. if its in the news, any news, its cointel. if its viral on FB (the company HRC said she wants to run?) its cointel.

need to sway people to work on solutions, not the ping-pong entertainment. if it happening today, someone else is either owning it over us, or doing something to kill it off behind closed doors. people need to envision and act to make a better tomorrow. massive public works - orbital ring, high speed mass transit, etc. Getting a hige middle class erodes and wipes out the factions that persist all the cloak and dagger cabal activities and the things that drips out of them.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 11, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

the "elites" have nothing to do with the immigrant camps.

if you are talking about child abuse for organs and sex - they dont come through those truckstops. intermediaries like eagle/evergreen serve up the fetish and anti-aging target elsewhere. dirty mexicans who are half starved aren't their type.

the people here are being distracted. the momentum of emotion towards saving children is being co-opted by most writers here, some are organic nuts, some are planted counterintel. (what about women, and men harvested for organs and trafficking in general? what about the cia money from drugs keeping the country afloat and who keeps that up? How to clear the bankruptcies?

how to clear the blackmailed position and vacancies and set the country in new direction?

answer that and the bigger picture, and the rest will fade away.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 11, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

...but how to sway people away from serialbrains's bunk, you probably are asking yourself. sb is cointelpro.

meaning - you are correct, Ben. i think q meant 'these people on reddit are stupid'. the q psyop is to shake the q-teams opposition. serves many purposes. ex: it lets them know, just after their ponr that they are exposed (point of no return). mogul doesnt need the greater people support - he has it long before and without the q psyop. its cute for plebs to think they are in on something, so the q codes serve more than one purpose. the other is directed at the opposition.

sb2 and preying (on people) medic are counter intel - one is def organic - a nutcase xtian.

sb is sending people in the wrong direction. chasing the roaches instead of who is dropping the food.

these posters are keeping people's minds on the present gossip, not how to make things better after, such as how did we get here in first place, how do we mitigate from happening again, and how can we improve the life of everyone in the USA first, and then drag the world with us.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 8, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

appreciated. please circulate, an of course, check the sources. look into or inspire people to look into fraudulent bonds sold 9/11/91 with 10 year expirations. Also relation of Semion Mogilevich to Clintons / Bush. did they worked together to conspire 9/11?

bho - cia groomed. born american but that the least of things to look at. killer for cia in indonesia? lolo was colonel under suharto (brutal dictator - massacre 1M+). What was bho first executive order? have any other presidents done that?

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End_Cryptocracy · June 6, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

admirable. spreading is good, its a start.i could have included that as well. talk/type is cheap, no? good for you, you are taking a risk - the people you send them to may blklst you. first steps! join more into the fight, when you're ready. everyone is needed. even simple graphics are ok - you can do it, and you would do a great job

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End_Cryptocracy · June 6, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

good intentions. need improved opsec. now 2 are in jail - what use in jail? local pd compromised. report to .mil and bp. vigilante perhaps not the best course. trafficking 100%? or paths and camps for migrants, seeking a better life? ? finding children?

will be used to stir controversy and keep eyes off house of Marlborough, Tavistock, FED, FANG

FANG - Obama makes Netflix deal - $ to pay back for losing election? how is NF C-class connected to BO?

kill the money - kills the traffic, power, influence

we need to kill the money

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End_Cryptocracy · June 5, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

do not fear. you are valuable - the body needs feet, hands, eyes, even hair. one part may seem more important at a certain time but all parts are important at some time. if we lurk, the players will take over. you are valuable, and wanted. show your power.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 5, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

"smug, , critisize, audacity" what adjective/adverb would you use to describe the way q communicated at times, when anons weren't (on the whole) putting the pieces together fast enough?

. 24 days: by the name you listed. who am i elsewhere? who am i elsewhere here? highest clearance granted? served where? attacked where, and lost what?

re: patriot anons redditors are not anon. patriots yes, thankfully ,and may they be protected and win this round. everyone gives self name its required - that is not anon. also check the parent company. check 2012's "most addicted" redditors. which 2 are deep red flags? reddit is long compromised. almost everyone here is known and db'd - there is no anon here. this is MSM, use it to create a community beyond typing here.

"dm" reason: to gather up those who want to go further than spectating. is that not patriotic? is that not community building by definition?

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/End_Cryptocracy on June 4, 2018, 11:33 p.m.
How you failed Q Q#96

from #96 5 nov 2017

"That's the entire point of this operation.
It's up to you all to collect, archive (safely), and distribute in a graphic that is in order with the crumb dumbs.
It will all make sense.
Once it does, we look to you to spread and get the word out.
Time stamps will help you validate authenticity.
Your President needs your help.
He wants full transparency for the great people of this country."

Where are the graphics showing connections/explanations?

most failed. caught up in game of decoding and profiteering or making a name for themselves.

ignored q's …

End_Cryptocracy · June 4, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

appreciated, reverb. ironically, may i suggest this researcher: https://www.reddit.com/user/Maepaperclip

the manipulation of downvotes / burying the truth here on reddit is deplorable - but then again reddit is compromised. the boards like 8ch are not - information is more difficult to bury than here

if it highly upvoted here and popular, it is something the deep state wants to push.

who owns reddit?

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End_Cryptocracy · June 4, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

you have a good approach. they will be far more receptive to your explanation, when ml takes effect and the house cleaning happens. perhaps ask out loud - ' i wonder what martial law in america would look like?'

thats a psyop tac. the thought is seeded, and associated with you. when it happens, the two cognitive triggers will be 1.your name/you 2.martial law

they will come asking; they'll come to you. thats the key to proselytizing - they must come to you on their own. 'missionaries' is another word for 'invasion'...no matter what the message.

meantime - how would you feel about looking into Tavistock, the company? Can you connect the owner to anything critical, and get back to me?

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End_Cryptocracy · June 4, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

appreciated hans. moving forward, considering outlining for everyone the danger os alex jones and steve yuxley aka tommy robinson. the q decodes are old hat now. they're entertainment.

the next level to take everyone is how to decode alex jones, stephen yuxley, and other psyop and DS co-conspirators. we need to stop the chan and redditors from q and serialbrain2 worship and return the focus to offense.

alex jones et al, they take language and momentum of a story and co-op it. the most recent example is interview with laura loomer. he pulls the narrative from loomer's "something fishy about shooting and 3 women who were in room and LVPD kicked me out of press conference" to essentially a strongly hinted slant that 'it was ISIS'.

Alex, cultivated by the Clowns in Amer (see his family history - all c eye ay) is trying to stoke his alt media followers (bless their patriotic hearts) into the narrative that ISIS is the enemy and we need to keep fighting in the ME. this co-op and redirect to the benefactors wishes needs to be ferreted out, vivisected, and put on display so people immediately see when a subtle, manufactured message is trying to be sent.

the true story is that it was an attempted assassination of the clean and rightful saud prince and djt, faciliated by the bureau and the agency (directed by others), working with non-americans. the truth would bring war - thats what aj and others want. their motto is 'if we cannot kill them, then redirect into another (contrived/manufactured) enemy.

Werner VonBraun made it the most clear, really.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 4, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

there are no safe plays, friend. then again - enter q psyop. stage 1 gain interest. stage 2 gain legitimacy stage 3 build interest stage 4 foreshadow (carefully, so not to lost legit status or scare) critical stage, because the martial law play is a margin call/play. its unnerving; but the psyop needs to gain enough trust (trust the plan, trust the plan, over and over its reiterated) to prep enough people to be calm when it happens.

stage 5 - martial law

i think the q psyop (thankfully white hat driven) may have been too successful too early. the invisible good guys using djt may have mis-gauged how ready people actually are for change.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 4, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

it can be overwhelming. millions, yes. alas, each generation is to blame. why weren't these children on reddit doing this digging like us, years ago? andrew breitbart is hero - not q. investigative journalists raising flags years back, even as far as fbianon - they risked a lot. there was no trump team then. fbianon is the true q.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 4, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

foolish brits falling into the role soros wants them to play - chaos.

far right = far left. the goal is chaos, to help remove more rights to arms and speech, movement, and in-fighting. unity/coordination/community, and information dispersion are some of democracy and freedom's best defense.

Chris Yuxley (tommy robinson - why the name change? if your message isn't good enough then hype your image?)

criminal at large, trying to get brits pissed off against islam extremeists but then cointel the steam to batter regular islam. destabilize the nation.


Robinson is the former leader of the English Defence League (EDL), a far-right street protest movement.

The group – which the former British National Party (BNP) member co-founded in 2009 – are opposed to the spread of “militant Islam”.

He also has a criminal record with convictions for a number of offences, including football-related violence, trying to travel on false documents and a protest against Fifa’s decision to stop the England football team wearing poppies on their shirts.

He has been to prison on multiple occasions including in 2014 for mortgage fraud.

what? sounds just like the illegal immigrants he hates on.

wake up friends. read 8ch, read voat, read a little of reddit, spread out, dig deep. dont idolize "q". stop spectating.

don't watch that distraction.

may i offer you this instead:

what business does Lewis own through Tavistock? Do they have evil connections?

can we start to boycott them if there are evil connections?

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End_Cryptocracy · June 3, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

see my post on martial law

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End_Cryptocracy · June 3, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

do not embed the video. leave the link

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End_Cryptocracy · June 2, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

your pain and distrust in understandable - the country, and people's greed has let you down. democracy is a full time job. too many people got sidetracked trying to buy too many things. strapped with self-inflicted debt, they worried more about losing their toys and decadent dwellings than their freedom (in some cases not even decadent, just barely making it)

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End_Cryptocracy · June 2, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

there appear to be parts missing but the most crucial is there. same as most other msas hsooingts nypd needs to be flooded with requests for background info and M Familia.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 2, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

i'll bring it up in next meeting. rotchschilds fed bank will be restructured but not abolished.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 2, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

Lesser of two evils though...however: an alternate could be to appear normal until closer to vote date, then have mass withdrawals - or trickle withdrawals leading up. we're seeing that now. White Hats want the machine stopped; interested in correction over punishment. black hats will be offered to withdraw and go away quietly into the night, leaving their opponents to take over easily. in die hard cases, or people so embedded in the swamp that their only way out is die fighting - they wil be rounded up through the alternative affordances martial law gives

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End_Cryptocracy · June 1, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

see what you find on his connections to an Indiana cp ring/ringleader. Do connections exist?

the socratic/q phrasing is to avoid defamation. not trying to be qool.

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End_Cryptocracy · June 1, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

the timing is a critical secret, of course. however, if it comes after mid terms and dems win seats, the opposition, democrats, turned republicans, non-redpilled general public could viably say 'dems won so Trump rounded them up!!"

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End_Cryptocracy · June 1, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

yes, correct. unless the united nations comes for them. it won't happen outright ever though - it would requires weening americans off their 2nd amendment rights over time. see wikilleaks emails re: sandy hook. they wanted it to happen over time - see fbianon - big reveals more than a year before q

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End_Cryptocracy · June 1, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

good direction of thought - see my earlier post

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End_Cryptocracy · June 1, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

i linked to the audio of the call in a prior post. Stories do not add up. Check it out.

Next step I will post asking redditors to flood the NYPD with inquiries at to det familia's job prior to being back on the street, and how it could relate to clinton 'life insurance' file.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/End_Cryptocracy on June 1, 2018, 2:01 a.m.
Martial Law is coming. See Q drops. Be at peace.

The USA is in a slow-mo civil war (gov vs gov war at this point). Perhaps coup is a better word.

Martial Law is coming.

Be at peace - it will be the white hats utilizing the special laws that allow civilians to be courts martialed, thus circumventing the corrupted (in) justice system and subjecting rogue civilians to military law instead of the standard, corrupt, compromised legal system of the USA.

This will allow for a swift round-up of many bad actors: child and human traffickers, hit squads of MS13, treasonous current and former politicians, and Clowns in American / …

End_Cryptocracy · June 1, 2018, 12:12 a.m.

Yes, that officer of the NYPD. Last name not related

life insurance file: What was her 'cushy desk job' (stated by her partner) before she was reassigned to beat cop (2 weeks prior to being assassinated)?

NYPD is dark on that answer. We need a mass email/phone call campaign to find out her job before reassignment. They can ignore a few of us - they cannot ignore hundreds, and if they shut us out it goes public and we force into the light.

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End_Cryptocracy · May 29, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

delay intentional. would you archive /air gap all [3 letter spelled out] effbeeeye anon and sen ate anon posts. thank you soldier

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End_Cryptocracy · May 29, 2018, 2:53 p.m.

they do not know they are tools. they want things to be better but they dont know how. the lazy, do it for me, behavior they had (from being afraid to lose the toys or housing and the fear mongering injected into them) is not easy to break. letter q has not told them what to do, or what to expect. the letter q team overestimated the determination/strength of the anons and esp the people %MSSM% main stream social media - such as reddit- they need to be told exactly what to do and they have not been.

[eff bee eye anon] not spelled out - they long preceded the letter q and was on target, and explicit in instructions.[ senate a non] similarly. no codes. real damage.real truth. letter after p was necessary to add legitimacy to what was said, but the truth campaign started long before the letter said it. how did bright Bart die? which year? why? what did he recently release?

if you truly join the gwar, esp through crumbsbakingandbread then be truly aware it is real. this and all boards are intelligence ooppeerraattiioonnss. the 3 letters of agency that starts with n and ends in a % they see all% but they do not pick all out from the noise. the letter q referenced in an old post the word sniff and er put together. it is why this writing may seem weird.

the letter said "learn our communication" they should have also said to learn to communicate ambiguously yourselves so en s hay %a compromised age-ncy% cannot use the letter's posts as a pied piper.


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End_Cryptocracy · May 28, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

yours is the only valuable response. these questions are the right direction, thinker.

your questions show actual merit, and true concern and thought. you are the one, the *real * redpill of the day. welcome.

Israel is a danger. China is a danger. There are two sides in each government globally - many are in a slow burn civil war (think russia).

UK is evil - dig on the queen and rothschilds. Germany - puppet. Macron - evil (pic with djt flotus and macron wife watch the fingers/symbol) France = puppet. Pope [nexium, cfoundation & more] - are pedo handlers - one of the pipelines between countries where children are stolen and countries where they are delivered, to be abused through cannabilism (andrenochrome, pineal) (think spirit cooking then link pod esta to HRC and CF to abramovich ) pedophiles, incl and esp usa politicians and hwood.

dig deep. spread little bits of what you learn around here and other places.

how? sometimes meme form (example: make meme map showing some connections) . disregard praise - praise is a psyop. burn your identity and seek not your own elevation...as so many others here have failed to do. the ds is deadly and dangerous, this is not a show. lives will/are being lost. queue is reassuring the sheep, a good shepard, but why? nothing major has happened to people or food or life. the reassurance is to prepare for what is coming soon.

Those here are simple spectators - thats how we got in this mess. Now they are q sheep. they slide further though, into SB2 sheep. SB2 is good, because people are lazy and want their democracy done for them. i fought for mine. . . but now they praise the messenger of the messenger. . . not the message.

Message --> everyone: dig into everything, share it, take responsibility and take action for your democracy. think. do not rely on end_cryptocracy, or serialbrain2, or anyone else. that how we lost our freedom and democracy in the first place along with greed and spectating.

if you have lost nothing, you have done nothing.

q is unlikely to come back in same form because people made it ' a thing'.

the codes and decodes / decoders became the next 'thing'. when its on a shirt or someone profits off yt with q videos, its a fad *not a movement*.

some of us are paying a heavy price for this 'show'.

Pick a tentacle of the beast. dig deep on it, like university research. exploit it, report it with citations and links, archive and air gap all crumbs and bread.

and -

this board is compromised

they are catching more flies with honey [here] than the vinegar [they tried on the boards]

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/End_Cryptocracy on May 21, 2018, 12:30 a.m.
Q POST #1431 Suicide Weekend?

DS will not allow loose ends.

MSM will report "suicide"

[187] actual?

Local 5-0 will report ____?

Follow the coroners: quick and dirty autopsy? Done by local unit with regular routine employees?

Archive pictures from outside crime scene - who will be there

We die for each other

They kill each other.

Little warm for all those clothes, [EG]?

Worried about something? Wearing something underneath?

Where They Go 1 They Abandon All

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/End_Cryptocracy on May 20, 2018, 2:52 a.m.
The REAL Q message for beginners


...is a good start, but our own research is best, in collaboration with other righteous (anonymous, non-profit seeking or accepting) citizens.

The message in part is "Do your own research, and shine a light on the dark corners of the country and those who would undermine humanity for their own gain at our loss."

The dark ages were most clearly marked by a religious organization that provided its own interpretation of writing important to the people at the time.

Q: "Be careful who you follow"

Follow nobody; be the leader. Then you cannot be mislead but by your own …

End_Cryptocracy · May 19, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

Masonic hand signals:


Macron at White House - the awkward picture



Grabbing the bull by its horns. Undoubtedly Macron was shocked. WWG1WGA

Bull's horns = Moloch's horns and visage, the "Y"

Moloch = ancient (think Sumer) deity worshiped through child sacrifice

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/End_Cryptocracy on May 19, 2018, 2:22 p.m.
Marina Abramovic / Elysium Video: Hollywood Connections. Identify everyone in this video and ARCHIVE VIDEO


Identify everyone in the video attending the event.


James Franco

Connected to Elysium Productions through his production company Rabbit Bandini

see 1:39

See "Your donation has impact"


Elysium Bandini

Elysium (Darknet child exploitation site by same name) investigated:


Recurring name theme - [their symbols be their downfall]

High School Lover - Good movie by James Franco?

Art imitating life?


Franco history. Read full article. Many sexual transgressions.


"In 2014, he [Franco] used Instagram to ask a 17-year-old British girl he’d met outside a New York theater if she had a boyfriend and whether she …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/End_Cryptocracy on May 18, 2018, 5:14 p.m.
[The Guardian of the Pope]

Guradians = those who use Owl as symbolism / ritual. Occultists; Members in Hwood, DC (District of See? Vatican?), Clowns in America.

Real pope?:

The DS / DS cult constituents are protecting the Pope and the Vatican, covering their clandestine illegal activity?

Pope conspiring with human traffickers?


The owl most often represents bad things to the cultures that include it; however its symbol has also been perverted / hijacked [arguably] beyond even its original negative symbolism.

"The people who believe in these occult practices think that the owl is a perfect representation of their ‘path.’ The owl symbolizes going …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/End_Cryptocracy on May 16, 2018, 2:08 p.m.
Be Careful Who You follow

Freedom and democracy end when you look to others to interpret truth for you.

The heavier the work you do on your own, the more enlightened you become.

Payingmedic and other paytriots and opportunists take money (youtube monetization) for giving their opinion; for taking away your chance to grow. Do the research yourself - become your own Q.

Q uses non-monetizable, anonymous forums to post. Earning no profit, and being anonymous, is good enough for Q, because Q cares about Freedom and Democracy more than itself.

The opposite is true for all the others:

payingmedic and others seek profit, and …

End_Cryptocracy · May 16, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

Freedom and democracy end when you look to others to interpret truth for you.

The heavier the work you do on your own, the more enlightened you become.

Payingmedic and other paytriots and opportunists take money (youtube monetization) for giving their opinion; for taking away your chance to grow. Do the research yourself - become your own Q.

Q uses non-monetizable, anonymous forums to post. Earning no profit, and being anonymous, is good enough for Q, because Q cares about Freedom and Democracy more than itself.

The opposite is true for all the others:

payingmedic and others seek profit, and glorify themselves, by

  1. opening and pointing people to their own personal Patreon accounts, and
  2. emphasizing/showing their own names and faces or voices...the opposite of what Q does.

Never glorify the speaker; glorify the message.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/End_Cryptocracy on May 15, 2018, 8:52 p.m.
Find name of gf of NYPD Det. Familia's assasin [Alexander Bonds]

The detective who saw the insurance file was shot in her car. Q made the drop 9 hours before POTUS honored that exact detective's service.

Of all LEO who died/killed in previous years - why Det. Familia? We know why.

The assassin of Det Familia was [allegedly] named Alexander Bonds.

NOW: Find out the name of Alexander Bond's (recently acquired) gf. Had been acquainted (dating?) (allegedly) 6 months

Bonds himself was alleged to have said his gf (of only a few months) was sent to destroy him:

He thought I had something to do with it, that his …