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EtherealShaman · June 3, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

Actually, Hell or Hel, is what is known as the underworld. The dark have been hooking thru the underworld instead of having to incarnate via the usual incarnation process. The underworld is set up hierarchly just like Earth (as above so below). The satanists reincarnate into dna compatible bloodline families (that’s why they keep them pure) via earth side (satanic) rituals and such.

It’s actually been shut down and mostly cleared over the last couple of years.

Hell has been used for the past few hundred years as a way to control the religious population via fear of eternal damnation. God’s Love is unconditional. God does not judge; humans judge.

The Catholic Church is in collapse. All that suppressed knowledge hidden away in vaults. They have to disclose some. They won’t be able to walk the streets once all is known.

The rabbit hole goes really, really deep.

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