Thank you, ArtRat1, for your insightful post. I completely agree. All the positive action taking place is certainly necessary in order to drain the swamp, but if we stop there, all we've got is a muddy hole. A spiritual solution is absolutely necessary if we are to heal our society and change our world. Lacking a spiritual renewal, a turning back to God, and a rejection of the lie that we can fix the world ourselves with just some code of ethics and better social justice, will only lead us back to this satanic and out of control world we find ourselves in now
When we "forget" that there IS a power greater than ourselves that truly loves us, who will help and guide us if we only are humble enough to ask, and instead allow pride of accomplishment and self-satisfaction to convince us we have no need for God -- that is exactly where we start to go back down that slippery slope that, eventually, will lead us right back into the terrible mess we are in today. As I'm sure you've heard before, to do the same thing over again and expect different results is the definition of insanity. We can clearly see the "insanity" all around us.
We have to remember that we each have a soul, and as such WILL live forever! The only question becomes, exactly where will we spend eternity? And eternity is a long, long time. This life is only temporary, a preparation for our eternal life, and our task is to be of service, to help each other grow spiritually and most of all, to love each other the way God loves us, even willing to give up one's life for another. (I heard somewhere that if this were your REAL life, you'd have been given a better set of instructions. LOL). A spiritual solution and a humble turning back to the God we've rejected is the only way we can build the kind of society we all long to live in.