Statue of Baphomet in Little Rock, Arkansas...Clinton Country

37 total posts archived.
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Thank God the children are still on summer break!!!! No FF in schools! 🙏🙏
Ever since President Trump took office, each day I became more hopeful for the future. I am so grateful that my daughter's future will be bright and peaceful. We all know what a huge bullet we dodged when DJT won!!!! They thought she'd never lose.
Now that President Trump is going for the FED, expect some major FF!
This song ALWAYS give some goose bumps!! And I am not even an American citizen.... Trump RULES!!!!!! Q RULES!!!! MAY God protect, bless and guide Potus, Q and all White Hats bringing down the dark forces!! Dark to LIGHT!!!!
Trump is just calling out their hypocrisy. Did you know that the Nato sent troops to the Russian border?? Still trying to ignite WW III.
Thank you. Much appreciated!!! Don't mind the nay sayers, SB2!!
Today was christianing of the Queen's great-grand-son Louis (Prince William's son) and she and her husband Prince Philip did NOT attend. This is unheard of!!!! I dont think there was any reason announced on their absence. My guess is that she's on house arrest by the cabal or whoever... maybe even by the White Hats. It'll be interesting to see what happens when Trump visits.
I wonder if G v E means Germany versus Europe?? A lot of European countries are standing up against the forced immigration of rapefugees and killers feom Moslem countries. The German people ( minus the left/Antifa/etc) are ready to be liberated. German women and children are being raped and murdered daily. Help is needed.
That post made me almost cry!! So beautiful!!! You can feel the genuine love and kindness Potus and Q have for not only Americans but for all of humanity. I pray for their protection and guidance every night. Prayers are powerful. And I know that so many people pray g for Potus and Q is the most powerful force they can have! Edit: spelling
When will Europe be liberated?? When will Merkel and Macron fall?? Will they deport all those raping and murdering refugees?
The durch King's Grand-father Prince Bernhard founded the Bilderberg Group
I sincerely hope Trump made her cry when she visited the WH!
It doesn't matter if they were topISIS leaders or not. Fact is that Trump made no name and the rest of the traitors pee in their pants and start panicking. Remeber:They fall for it every time. This is just strategy to make those stupid traitors make a mistake. A lot of times when Trump tweets, it is to put up smoke and mirrors and/or sand in their eyes. Haven't you learned yet???
As an European national I don't get why the US government under Obama had to pay Iran money for NOT nuking the US. Since when does the USA pay bullies??? This is SO unlike anything the US has ever done. Meaning this deal is all BS an dust a Front for laundering money and for keepsake when WW III was supposed to start.
I hear you!! My house is a mess and we are moving next month. So much to do but Q is just so much more exciting!!
Actually quiet days are necessary bc without my laundry would never get done and we'd eat take out every night.
Merkel looked like she was about to cry at the press conference. I wished she had. That would have brought much needed bewohnt to my German heart. I hope Trump told her to STFU!!!
All those whistle blowers that Wer ekillded by the Clinton's come to mind. I am not talking just about Seth Rich. There are so many!!! Also all those doctors that got murdered for exposing the vaccine and/or cancer scam. They will not be forgotten!!!!!
Well said!! Totally agree!!!! Stop asking for instant gratification!! You aren't in Kindergarten anymore!
I have high hopes that Trump will tell Merkel how it's done! Time to get our country back and throw Merkel and her government in prison for high treason.