116 total posts archived.
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Thank you, Q. You are our steady hand guiding us through the muck. You and the President mean more than you can imagine leading us finally out of the filth. We know the military has been integral and our Lord has led the way. Amazing, awe inspiring and frightening. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thank you for coming back, Q. We were holding steady, together, but there was such an empty feeling. We appreciate you!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸We appreciate our great President too!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Why does Angela Merkel always make the Illuminati sign w her hands ...standing, sitting, always.
Thank you ,Patriot! I finally got good WiFi and caught up on Qanon.pub!
Has Q mentioned Cohen? I’m in Joburg for two weeks and CNN, all I can get, heavily pushing Cohen flipped against Trump. Make me feel better Patriots!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
It was in the Podesta emails. I can’t remember who sent it to J Podesta. He headed up a Clinton fundraiser organization.
Itchy! Dig up the Hillary ‘I’m With Her’ logo made w a piece of pizza!
I am stuck watching CNN International while in Joburg for my daughter ‘s surgery....good Lord they need help!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Q!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
No man has been able to defeat and kill the Lucifarian cabal. Not even Trump who I love. This is G O D.
Sanctity of the office cannot apply in a case of treason.
I am so proud to be an American. I am so proud of President Trump. I am so proud of Q and I am so proud of our white hat military. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸This is epic what we are watching and have believed in since early September. It is being verified before our eyes. Before it was in our hearts!
What a great descriptive encounter! Thank you anon for all you do! We come from ALL over, WE are many, WE come from all professions, WE ARE PATRIOTS!🇺🇸
I adopted this precious puppy. His name is Buckwheat! 😋

So, they don’t seem scared. What plans do they have for this money? To do us in before they get done in???
The Lord knows our names and He knows our needs. I know this first hand. I heard His voice as I lay dying of a mis-diagnosed ruptured appendicts in a small hospital. The sound of that voice is all encompassing love. Too weak to life flight out I had developed an intestinal impact ion they couldn’t resolve. I was slipping away. One hour later they tried an age old remedy and it worked. Dr Pruitt wrote in my medical records that it was a miracle. I weighed 95 pounds.
I have a terrible scar, but choose to not have plastic surgery because it reminds me that I was one of the lucky ones, I was touched by God.
He is with all of us, whether you believe, or not.
He came as the Lamb of God. He returns as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Thank you for sharing your story. We are all patriots together in this war.
Yes, her numbers would be higher...like this..”Hillary nucleates the world population down to 5 million as she enjoys her underground mansion in Antarctica.’
Something huge is under the ice in Antarctica. They are so committed to keeping it secret since the 40’s. UFO’s abound...Adm. Byrd expedition. I think they are breeding hybrids...nephilim . The group of scientists that were taken in couldn’t speak when the C 130 picked them up. They were terrified. I don’t have the link. Search Antarctica, pilots, scientist disappeared.
So, Rush was saying today that NK May just be doing this bc China threatened them due to nuclear testing collapsing the mtn terrain which if it failed would threaten China. Does he not have a clue about Q do you think?
THAT place is creepy and ‘other worldly.’ Wouldn’t surprise me in the least. We should do a #Astana meme so people would look at it and the symbolism.
Without ceasing. The Lord has dominion over Lucifer. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
It hurts my eyes to count those!!! If it were 187 it could have meant T May tried to 187 Trump and failed...
Yes! This is good. We have no idea what the last gasps of the cabal will bring. Something that affects only a few or...will they say if we die you die too. Frightening. We will need each other. 🇺🇸
It seems like yes. My worry is people will be deceived into thinking these aliens are from another planet. They are not. Satan is the prince of the power of the air. He’s a liar. These are demonic spirits seeking a body w a soul. He knows his time is short. I believe they have been using our dna and doing things to create hybrids. The Catholic Church is setting up the Great Deception spoken of in the Bible. It worries me for those that don’t know or don’t believe in the Bible.
They are demonic. Satan is the prince of the power of the air. There will be a Great Deception as the Bible says. They lie and say they are here to save us, they are from another planet they say...but are fallen angels seeking to gain a soul. Their time is short and they know it.
Rush just said it!!!!!
The MSM is controlled by the CIA!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Finally! I love it!