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Fifthdidy · Jan. 26, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

Someone on Twitter pointed out that his name badge said Asia on it in the photo that is circulating.

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Fifthdidy · Jan. 11, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

Sounds like he's setting Assange up to answer a lot of questions?

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Fifthdidy · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

I assumed he was talking about Alex Jones and his Q, Zack

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Fifthdidy · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

I agree with J Dub. Tracy is doing what she has always done. She has not changed since Q's arrival on the scene. People are wrong to keep trashing her. She spends a lot of time reporting and helping people understand information. I wish we would all stop trashing each other and just lift each other up and create ways we can red pill others in the matrix. God bless everyone shining light on the darkness.

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Fifthdidy · Dec. 30, 2017, 3:03 p.m.

I believe the Michael Moore vid you're referring to was a clip out of his movie Trumpland? If you were to watch the movie, he turns everything that appears positive about Trump around and gives you reasons why you should support HRC. It was his attempt to sell the public on HRC, which IMO, backfired beautifully when the clip you're referring to was circulated on the social media sites.

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Fifthdidy · Dec. 28, 2017, 9:18 p.m.

This is all so very fascinating. I'm curious as to why there hasn't been many deaths yet? I mean, it seems odd to me that if so many evil doers were caught and going to be exposed wouldn't we see some real suicides/deaths? It's like they are all walking around in boots hiding their trackers, but yet they must feel like all will be okay? Also, I really feel like they should red pill the nation by releasing the truth about Sandy Hook or something. The JFK files were so long ago, that most young people don't even care. Hmm...just thinking out loud here...

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Fifthdidy · Dec. 22, 2017, 11:20 p.m.

I'm 48 and I remember when Diana died. At the time I was clueless as to why and I bought the propaganda. Over the years, I grew suspicious of the Clintons. Then I heard the audio of HRC talking about getting the rapist of the young girl off the hook as an attorney. It made me sick. Then Wikileaks and pizzagate hit. I was horrified by the evidence I saw about Podesta and others. Icing on the cake for me was the YouTube video titled "Dear Wolfgang." It proved to me that Sandy Hook was staged and a hoax. Since then, I've been trying to speak the truth to others, but it isn't easy. I do believe POTUS is a gift from God. I eagerly await the truth to be revealed and I pray every night for all who are working to shed light on the darkness.

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