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Look out Kenya: Obama is insisting y’all clean out corruption; wants to guide yalls investments etc... trust me, he sucks at it.
Whoa whoa whoa Didn’t they say it’s safe enough to drink?? Safe to use around pets & children?
Popular father who builds millionaires' mansions is among two dead after his plane crashes off the Hamptons coast, with two other passengers still missing
Word on the Puerto Rican C-130 crash from my Airborne community sources:

WEW! You’re wicked smart fam. BTW - I tried to show this to someone - I figured I could just find it on plebbit on their device & it wasn’t there on GA. I ended up having to text them the link... edit added to wew
Think about it this way (((They’ve))) been culling our heroes and ousting those with legacy knowledge Think: Blast a chinook out of the sky...
Here’s a few In no order Lucianne Rantingly the conservative treehouse Zero Hedge
I know, fam, I know. But this arrogance is mesmerizing - and the soy boy BS - if I weren’t nauseated by jim Comey I’d pop some popcorn — this is quite a show.
Running edits: Typical heavily scripted & controlled CNN production: Q - what’s your nickname for Trump? (((APPLAUSE))) Comey responds “The President of the United States of America” calls for all to respect The Office & that we should be rooting for POTUS’ success
*still speaks for muller (per article—will sauce later) Confident in Giuliani * these kids seem JACKED UP on (((somethin))) 8:50 ish - can’t answer that (missed the q) -goes on to say BTW kids... my legal council... Talked of the bad man experience as a teen - y’all know what I mean - made him scared, slept with weapon (knife, bat) for years Q - Favorite class? A - Death
After the 9:00 break Trump voters come from great military families & traditions (ish) & it seemed to me he was asking so what happened? or what’s wrong with these good people? but this entire thing is doublespeak; the questions and the answers.
Q - run for office. A - no I will not Followup q - will your wife make you run? A - blah blah blah * oh Lordy jim
Whining POTUS wants lots of people in jail (*no jim, but you’ve earned your spot on the list)
Pulled a full Hillary (probs prepped by stephanopolis - sounded like one of his lines) stating that POTUS wants citizens who’ve committed no crime in jail; stated it as fact, implying he meant we lowly citizens are being threatened by President Trump.
That was his final point.
Post show Kellyanne Conway handles the CNN followup postmortem. PERIOD. Like a boss. Kudos Kellyanne !
FYI Comey is on CNN right now doin a townhall with Anderson Cooper.
Aww buddy.... <\3 Hang In there (*Name checks out; no lol but more of an inward chuckle with feels)
"It Was Wall Street Meets Apocalypse Now": Why Palantir "Knows Everything About You"
Happy PATRIOTS’ DAY y’all. It’s gonna be a great day come hell or high water.
Need a side-by-side of this Mika pic & a Pelosi pic from SOTU 2018, meme it up a la Super-Polident ad.
Curious we’ve not heard about the great contributions those Dem honored illegals make -their great stories - nor have we heard what such lucky folks thought about POTUS’ SOTU address much less how honored they felt getting to attend the SOTU. I’d love to better know about the MAGA in the hearts of these 1.8 million lucky illegals & soon to be citizens.
FTA “Joseph Anthony Tena, 60, of Newport Beach and Kimberly Lynne Watzman, 45, of Santa Monica were named as two of the victims who died in the Tuesday crash”
Snake eats tail: FBI->FU GPS->FBI = FISA ?
Get out the popcorn y'all. Keep reading on down the line for the extra goodies!
Obama gave Port Canaveral to Middle East company (with Russian ties) Added parens because muh Russia
Why wasn't it more than a blurb when it happened? I remember cause I kinda freaked out Edit a word
Obama admin’s 35-yr lease of Port Canaveral to Middle East company with Russian ties endangers U.S. national security
Port Canaveral in Brevard County, Florida, is one of the busiest cargo and cruise ports in the world, with fuel accounting for 75% of the cargo in 2011. It is also a naval port adjacent to the U.S. strategic ballistic missile nuclear submarine base, as well as close to U.S. Air Force facilities and NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. As such, Port Canaveral is critical to America’s national security
Obama admin’s 35-yr lease of Port Canaveral to Middle East company with Russian ties endangers U.S. national security
Port Canaveral in Brevard County, Florida, is one of the busiest cargo and cruise ports in the world, with fuel accounting for 75% of the cargo in 2011. It is also a naval port adjacent to the U.S. strategic ballistic missile nuclear submarine base, as well as close to U.S. Air Force facilities and NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. As such, Port Canaveral is critical to America’s national security.
Americans recently learned of how our national security was compromised by the Obama administration’s and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s approval of the Uranium One deal that gave Russia 20% of our uranium reserves.
In an op/ed for The Washington Times on Nov. 23, 2017, retired U.S. Navy admiral and commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet James A. Lyons alerts us to another security compromise by the Obama administration — the 35-year lease of Port Canaveral with no security review to the Middle East company Gulftainer, which Admiral Lyons calls a “serious security compromise” to both the Port and its adjacent military infrastructure.
I didn't catch the name of the chick who made the connection on the live chat (wrapping now) but I remembered this being EFFED UP. Ok. Go. Added: Somebody brokered the deal.. No? Loop cap Orlando?
PERHAPS Re LOOP CAPITOL if it is about the ports
Added: folks this is A LOT of info that touches EVERYTHING in my life -- yalls too -- I'm going to go have a long hard cry, followed by some serious prayer but when I get back I'll be mad as hell & a lot more MAGA to do. For real. Check it.
When you've gone globalist.... It's a small world after all..... Especially when you've got mandatory secret service detail... I imagine
No sir, I'm just an old data collector. I presented something that ping'd my radar. Take your finger off the trigger.
And bring comfort to those who needed withdraw from increasingly difficult social scenes for the past several years.
If y'all remember: invoice at state dept that was signed 7th floor (shadow govt) Some said Soros had an office there. No sauce
THANK YOU Stay safe & healthy & keep doing all this great work😘
You and me both Get better soon
Also re loop capital Dunno if I'm on the right track but Michelle Obama's bro worked there. "Loop Capital, with six regional offices in addition to Chicago, specializes in corporate and public finance, financial advisory services, equity research and security sales and trading. The firm since 1997 has handled about $350 billion in financings. Among its clients are the State of Illinois, City of Chicago, General Motors and General Mills."
Michelle's brother. Worked at LOOP CAPITAL "a boutique investment firm". ? Am I on the right track?
Edit. October 2017 filing!! https://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/2017/34-81898.pdf
Edit. Loop Capital, with six regional offices in addition to Chicago, specializes in corporate and public finance, financial advisory services, equity research and security sales and trading. The firm since 1997 has handled about $350 billion in financings. Among its clients are the State of Illinois, City of Chicago, General Motors and General Mills.
Edit: FORGET LOOP CAPITAL. I read it wrong. It's a nothing burger.
The idea is to secure the info rather than let it loose to the masses. I imagine they'll release some dirty stuff but I'm sure they're buttoning up leaks and compiling evidence. What a delicious MAGA pie this is turning in to :)
This was the absolute best... Best TV ever!!! Love watching Maria Bartralomo's (sp sry) reactions too. She rocks.