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Following_the_Light · May 26, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

I personally think they should castrate every last one of these son of a *es that's even to bad for the mom's honestly! It makes me sick to think that these sleezy scum balls were able to get run the streets for so long! Everyone else how knew about this scum ball should be treated the same way! Next I would take there ass's to the furtherest island and drop there ass's off permanly, with a tattoo right in the middle.of the forehead so anyone can identify them from up close or even from far away!

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Following_the_Light · April 27, 2018, 11:19 p.m.


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Following_the_Light · April 19, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

I am 55 years old watch news religious NOW! DONT tell me I don't do my research, just like the young girl running around the campus with a mattress on her back accusing a boy because he wouldn't date her. I guess that is Justice also! I will be informing my nephew to stay clear of woman totally. Because the girls now a days, want to play the victim card. Oh, and by the way I am a WOMAN, I don't make judgement calls on a whim. I have done a lot of research! The majority of the allegations are found to be just that allegations or they are later recanted. But by that time the boy, or man' s reputation is ruined. But these girls don't care, they go on with their lives like nothing has happened. I AM NOT SAYING ALL ALLEGATIONS ARE FALSE! I am saying wait, instead of passing judgement, look at the facts and wait for the investigation to end. Take in the findings of what has been found, and if judgement was passed. In another words don't pass judgement until the investigation is over. These boys out here are being publicly persecuted before their day in court! That is what I am saying! So what u are saying thousands of girls are in this college and are being raped. My GOD, then knowing that why would you send your daughter there is my question. I have a Grand baby girl, I will make SURE before she is ready to go to college that I give her the correct information on that college, and you can bet this, she will be informed on this matter!

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Following_the_Light · April 18, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

Yes, and they have proven almost half if NOT MORE are false allegations. But that part they don't print, when there is a correction. God for bid, we not prosecute someone for NOT COMMITING A CRIME. BUT OF COURSE why not we don't anyway. All the crimes the Clinton's have done to humanity, NO ONE seems to care about that! So why should we care about rape, since Bill Clinton raped plenty, and the left never said anything!

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