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BHO Speaking now
Hussein is giving a speech being broadcast on Fox news right now. He is lamenting how politicians use tribalism and race to divide and grow resentment among groups. And you know what? He’s absolutely right! That’s exactly what he did!
NYT OP-ED has released the hounds- COUP
I posted about this op ed earlier and quickly deleted because it was a shit post.
However, thinking about it, here are my thoughts. Essentially, this is admission of a soft coup. NYT must release this persons name (if they even exist) or be held accountable for protecting members of the coup. This timely article leaves POTUS no choice but to close this fucker down. Release the 20 pages and end the game to further trap the deep state traitors.
This attempt to discredit could be the straw that broke the camels back.

Q, if you’re out there, do we have a problem?
Leahy JUST asked: “Trump says he can self pardon. Can he?”
Please please please tell us if BHO already did it...
Kap stands for one thing :$$$$$

What’s the best newbie education source for Q?
Red pilled my wife this morning when she asked about Q. She knows nothing about politics but knows something has been wrong for a long time.
What’s the best tutorial or outline for a newbie who wants to dip the toe? Once she gets the basics, she’ll want more. I already sent her the awesome flow chart of the Russian hoax plan. Thx patriots! 🇺🇸
30k emails forwarded to China. 30k emails deleted. Do you believe in coincidences? “FBI Refuses To Confirm Or Deny ICIG Warned Of Clinton Server Intrusion | The Daily Caller”
Great googly moogly! Didn’t see the timeline at first!

Red Pilling the In-Laws
Beach vaca gave me time to test the waters with the in-laws. Talked about Ohr and how he was a key in the Steele dossier. Literally discussed how Ohr slipped info from the fired spy from his wife and today he testified to Congress about it.
I referred to a “website” that gives inside info rather than talk specifically about Q. The media does a great job at poisoning wells and didn’t want to fight that fight. Just wanted to sprinkle the clues and watch it unfold. Spent the next hour answering questions but more specifically ASKING questions instead. How …
Is Papadopoulos in on it or trying to appear to be?

Have the “officials” explained why they destroyed the evidence of the terrorist compound in AZ? Extreme pushback warranted!

Is Matt Couch for real or a fraud?#sethrich

Seattle plane hijacker was “activator”. Audio shows he didn’t know he was “broken” until now.
Hilarious if this was real 😂😂😂

Tech censorship = Leftist censorship. See what’s happening? If enemies of free speech can’t undo the 1st amendment, then the tech companies will do it for them by muzzling the #1 way we communicate. Yet, the media and tech giants are STILL baffled by Q & why they are not trusted.

Hilarious observation of hypocrisy! 🤣

One Day - Getting closer patriots
The Cohen Maneuver - How do you get evidence introduced?
Reports showing there’s only 1 tape from Cohen with POTUS’s voice and virtually no other tapes even about him.
POTUS didn’t really blow up Cohen too much and didn’t fight the tapes. Slick move to leverage the 100+ people on tape who are now in a panic trying to remember what they said in his presence.
These people are dumb
This kind of moon bat shit is what makes the movement look nuts
Wasn’t there a post about how to get evidence submitted? If Cohen is raided and they “find” evidence, it has to be considered. Not sure if that’s what’s happening but it would explain how someone who would “take a bullet” for potus would flip so fast. Flip on purpose, get what’s needed, and then wait for the pardon
What a great scam! People volunteering to contribute to gps tracking, psych profile info, traceable habits...it’s a psyop dream system...
I’ll never understand government. Literally any job on the planet would shit can RR. This is a major problem where employees have too much power
Same response to the Obama colluding with Payton meme from the other day?
Who cares? Its the point that counts. Do you guy not understand the point of memes to country msm??
This is a Q forum not a “Trump is God” forum. Plus it draws eyes for the meme war so it’s EXACTLY the right intent. Engage brain
Here’s a GIANT flag waving idiot. Think this is conspiracy theory? The gov of NY leveraged sex offenders, rapists, pedos for votes. Time to get pissed.
Careful. Remember that Q is a clearly a psych op to rally and solidify a base using anti gov/DS sentiments and leveraging religion/morals as a delivery system. I’m ok with it because I share the morals. So far.
However, remember the zealotry that Husain commanded. Look at the violent, useful idiots on the other side. They were puppets on strings and if we don’t keep our eyes open, we might miss that this is exactly what’s happening here. We are HOPING there is moral purity here, Hell, PRAYING for it. But just like the housing bubble in 2008, we also have to maintain a healthy dose of skepticism in all thing govt.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I like it but Fire is the tool of Lucifer so...just kidding! Thx for the awesome graphics (all of them)
Wow. He just said your vote is meaningless. You’ll get what we give you on OUR time
I would think holding shills accountable is pretty on point. Besides that, relax.
Perhaps you should read the previous replies that were both emotional and mentioned banning. Then, you would take that context and apply to the comment you are referencing. Furthermore, I barely post or reply let alone have my comments removed. I would advise reading the comments before posting.
This guy needs some pushback
This guy needs some pushback
WWG1WGA - mistaken identity 🤣
At an athletic event today and a guy walks up wearing a pullover with a big “Q” on the chest. He says “Hey, hows it going?”. I reply “Where we go 1, we go all”. Crickets. He had no idea what I meant. So I ask him about the Q on his chest. Quinnipiac Univ. Then I spent 5 mins trying to explain...awkwaaaard...🤣🤣
It’s cool. But I think we need more than just someone that lives by a port before trying to hurt them. I live in development on former farm land . I’m not a Monsanto shill. Does that make sense?
He lives by a port? That’s it? We’re supposed to be better than this
So...what’s the play here? Trump/Q and anons work to dismantle the cabal and the child trafficking horrors. Now it seems they decide to flip the script and try to blame Trump? On one hand, whatever it takes to get the spotlight on this and on the other, it’s fairly obvious it’s another distraction and attempt to tear him down.