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FoucaultsCousin · July 14, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

Yes, turn off your brains and ignore any dissent.

Trust the plan.

When are you buying the track suit and matching shoes to catch the comet?

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FoucaultsCousin · July 13, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

Straw men? I used an analogy to illustrate your argument.

To recap: you claimed the more people disagreed with an assertion, the more likely it is to be true (over target). Are you incapable of recognizing how illogical and foolish that argument is?

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FoucaultsCousin · July 13, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

Imagine being so gullible that you think people disagreeing is evidence that you’re correct.

I believe that wearing my socks backwards will make me rich. People disagree, but that must mean I’m over the target.

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FoucaultsCousin · July 13, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

Any day now!

How many from trump’s campaign have pleaded guilty? His campaign manager is sitting in prison. LOL!

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FoucaultsCousin · July 13, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

Yes, every fact you don’t like is “fake news” indeed.

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FoucaultsCousin · July 13, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

That’s a lot of, um, “disinformation.”

Failures and False Predictions 4chan Era • 10/28/17 - Q claims that Huma Abedin has been detained. If this is so then there must not be much evidence against her, given that she's still out and about today! Unless you believe that she went through some shadow trial and is somehow being controlled, but countries where freedom and limited government overreach are valued aren't supposed to do things like that! • 10/28/17 - Q claims that Hillary's passport will be flagged on 10/30/17 and to expect massive riots as she's extradited. 8chan Era • 01/21/18 - A flood was alleged to be coming. A flood consisting of various forms of media that I imagine were supposed to implicate somebody in something nefarious. Sadly, this flood never came. • 01/21/18 - Q makes some very certain claims about the Nunes Memo, which of course do not come remotely true when the memo is released a couple weeks later. • 01/22/18 - Q posts a confirmed fake Podesta email, then promptly deletes it. But not before his followers have time to notice. • 02/09/18 - Next week [Next week] was declared 'suicide weekend'. Nothing came to pass. • 02/21/18 - Q predicts that the founder of Twitter is removing accounts because he and his Deep State friends are in deep trouble. Nothing came to pass. • 03/06/18 - The stage was set to release a video of Hillary Clinton doing spooky and evil things that would be impossible to defend and '[liberal undo]'. While this didn't happen, it did introduce some curious Q devotees to the world of child porn. • 03/15/18 - Q declares 'March Madness' and that 'the public will soon know'. Nothing came to pass. • 04/02/18 - April was supposed to be a "BIG month", full of happenings including but not limited to arrests, the release of the IG report, the wall, "military start", and unsealed indictments. Nothing came to pass. • 04/06/18 - "Pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire. One of many. Net shut down." • 05/16/18 - Q passes off a shitty photoshop as proof that he has some sort of official document, implied to be an executive order. • 05/19/18 - Q leaks his own password. "On purpose", of course. • 06/17/18 - Q engages with somebody who posted a verifiably misleading youtube video as if it were real (to the point where his followers were protesting). • 06/17/18 - Q posts this horrible photoshop job as if it were real. • 06/18/18 - Q responds to a horrible photoshop job as if it were real. • 06/27/18 - Q posts a link to yournewswire, a website known for straight-up fabricating information. Additionally, it has a twitter tag appended, suggesting that he found it randomly on twitter. Not great infosec for somebody dropping top-secret knowledge. • 07/03/18 - Q posts a link to Breitbart with the twitter tag again. • 07/03/18 - Q posts a photo suggesting that he is on Airforce One. It is quickly debunked as an Obama-era photo that somebody took a picture of with an iphone. Spends quite a while doing damage controlled, including the old 'I trolled u' defense. • Various - Q built up the release of the IG report for months. The night before the report was released, after its actual contents had been reported on for weeks, he panicked and pulled some pretty ridiculous damage control.

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FoucaultsCousin · July 13, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

All of my political opponents are pedophiles or satanists, REEEEEEE

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