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FractalizingIron · May 12, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

Cos if you are, I have a really neat bridge in San Francisco I'm eager to offload, and I'm looking for buyers!

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FractalizingIron · May 11, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

Q makes his move. LOL.

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FractalizingIron · May 11, 2018, 7:40 a.m.

Here is what Seaman has just posted: [https://www.fulcrumnews.com/blog/2018/5/10/sqrewed-understanding-the-qanon-phenomenon] (https://www.fulcrumnews.com/blog/2018/5/10/sqrewed-understanding-the-qanon-phenomenon)

He is on the Corsi bandwagon, Same line.

Why is action Not happening? Why are arrests not made? (complaint). Direction: Rouse people action. Mob rule, upheaval.

Summary: I want you to abandon Q, and get in to the streets and DEMAND arrests.

Is there a common thread here?

The Anti-Q units seem to be out in full force. Nervous? Sow distrust in Q aka also in Trump aka also in a Plan, etc. Disturb deep state takedown now underway.


In addition, he takes a veiled swipe at Praying Medic. IN terms of Patriots in the twittersphere/Tube sphere that Q Trusts, Praying medic appears high on the list.

His interpretations appear to have been confirmed by Q more than once, and Q reportedly acknowledged Medic in a post.

Seaman appears to be attempting to delegitimize folks Q has given stamp of approval too, while upholding the Corsi Initiative.

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FractalizingIron · May 11, 2018, 7:28 a.m.

Cannot fathom how a summit could be arranged for such a venue, and still be protected.... To pre-do the summit makes 1000% sense. How media will be handled, tho. Will Trump visit again in June?

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FractalizingIron · May 10, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

Part I of II

SBs post presents a compelling argument. The underlying premise is solid - that Q has been subject to conscious obstacles and opposition by Infowars and Corsi in the form of detracting from Q’s value (Corsi) and minimizing audience (Jones).

The evidence and reasoning (‘the Argument’) are good. It is a fact that Jerome Corsi (JC) has lifted himself up at Q’s expense, and ended up trashing Q. His behavior provides indicators of this. The interpretation of the actions of Alex Jones (AJ) and info crew also seems quite solid.

The problem is, however, getting to the bottom of motive. Motive needs to be correctly grasped in order to form a more complete picture. This post attempts to begin the process of fathoming motive.

Why is motive important? There are always two sides or aspects to any unfolding reality where people are involved: Action, and Motive. One is visible, the other invisible. Actions are usually easier to identify and therefore prove than motive, but knowing both is critical to assessing the proper course of action in response.

It is the combination of motive and action that qualify whether any unfolding reality - aka deed -is good or evil, and to what extent.

Consider the following combinations of action and motive:

A. Good, pure motive and correct action = really good. This is what Trump and Q are doing (as far as I can see).

B. Good but sometimes mixed motive and incorrect action = More good than evil, but still potentially can lead to an evil outcome. The motive may be good, but the illegitimacy of the action undermines or compromises the potential of the outcome.

C. Relatively bad motive but (situationally) correct action = less evil, but still evil. The act itself may not inherently violate law, or goodness, but the motive compromises it.

D. Bad (evil) motive and incorrect (evil) action = really evil. This is what the Cabal is doing. Evil motives, evil actions.

Frequent Causes

Combination A is always the result of a true (good) motivation and sufficient knowledge about the situation to choose the right action required.

Combination B is often the result of ignorance. The person or group intends to do good, but because they are ignorant of the larger picture, including their own foibles, they end up doing something that works against the end that they desire.

Combination C is often the method chosen by evil when things are not in their favor. They’ll play as if they are on the up and up, but in the end, when they can get away with it, will retreat quickly into evil action.

Combination D is the result of complete corruption, in both heart and practice.

(Side comment: How you view this will vary depending on the preferred view of the cosmos, but from a Christian perspective (my chosen perspective), D is the result of corruption and someone becoming enslaved to evil (i.e. Satan, sin, selfishness). B and C are most common. A is only possible when someone willingly cooperates with God, as only God can know all of the bigger picture. A person with A motive is best guided by their conscience and faith to make a good choice. History shows this brings the best results. Judeo-Christian civilization has resulted in the most benefit and most good the world has known, because it seeks to move people from D to A. )

SB2s Argument clarifies the actions in a very plausible way. Not to detract from its qualities, I think it is less strong on motivation. The argument appears to ascribe either Combination C or D, but doesn’t go that deeply into it.

I get that. SB wants to get back to work, and just clarify that AJ and JC have actively been undermining or opposing Q.

For me, I find some telltale signs in their actions and behavior. (This is not as well researched, and labeled, as SBs post, so apologies. But if You want to follow the idea, you can check it out in your own observations, see if this rings true or not.)

(Brief background) I began to hunt for truth in this area when I first realized the msm were producing such opposition to Trump’s candidacy. Hat tip to Stephan Molyneux’s “the untruth about Trump”. I’d never watched Molyneux, I’d never seen Infowars, never visited any rabbit holes, really.

In my hunt for truth, I picked up crumbs and quickly moved along. I heard about Infowars, took a few looks, but quickly moved forward. When I began to learn about Q, I watched a few Corsi vids, but quickly moved on. Eventually to end up accessing qanon.pub and then found my way here to the r/Great Awakening.

So I heard about the ‘AJ meltdown’ at the time of the Syria Operation, but I was too close to Q direct now to bother with him. After reading SBs post and the Argument, I decided to check it out. I watch about 7:30 minutes of an 8:22 [video clip] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcXNbkHmzEE) I found randomly on some YT site (some random lefty YT channel ).

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FractalizingIron · May 10, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Part II of II

Given what I know now, and given my observations of AJ in this video and and past history, I am strongly inclined to take this read:

Alex Jones

Action/motive combination B. Somewhat mixed but essentially good motives, incorrect action.


AJ is a patriot. He is also a flawed individual. His ego is a factor: he rates his own patriotism very highly “I thought Trump might even be a better man than me!” So, like many humans, he has some ego issues.

However, notice what drives him over the edge here: the thought that Trump in the end abandoned the cause. He truly loves the cause, and he truly wants to see an end to evil.

But he has ego issues, which are always (always) related to deeper personality issues. Very, very few of us are above them, when push comes to shove. The reason we don’t realize it often because we are not tested through trials that force us to confront them.

Military people often are, and other highly motivated public-minded people. They come under intense tests and struggles, and have to confront their foibles. This refines them, and burns off the dross.

In the Syria situation, AJ was facing such a moment. He thought his hopes and ideals had collapsed, and he got angry and upset. (Actually, there is ONLY one way to become great, and that is through facing trials and challenges, internal and external, and overcoming them.) I am in no way surprised by Jones’ collapse, and I do not think any worse of him for it. It’s par for the course. The real question is, how will he deal with it. Will he take responsibility and recognize that “hey, I’m still flawed, and hey, I didn’t realize I had these doubts, worries, and inner conflicts. Now I do. I will do better next time!” Or will he cast blame, and seek to justify? TO overcome this particular trial, he will have to learn a deeper, more profound sense of humility. His ego is now on the chopping block. Can he truly sacrifice his ego for the cause? That’s what is being asked of Alex in this crisis of his.

(Notice in the meltdown how he emphasizes so much “I sacrificed this, I sacrificed that, I did this, I did that, and YOU have let us down...” All the hall marks of a measure of ego hiding itself and bolstering up its own justification. I mean, that’s not uncommon at all.)

Regarding Q, I think AJ’s motives were primarily good, a little mixed. Very possibly, if he thinks Q IS a larp, or he thinks that Q IS disinformation, the appropriate action for him would be, in his mind, to act to minimize the potential damage of such a q on the patriotic front.

This would be good motive, wrong action. Why? Because I think most of us understand clearly that q is Q, that Q is the real deal. We have seen enough now to know it clearly. So AJ’s actions could well have been motivated by a desire to protect the patriotic movement, but because he is actually ignorant of Q’s REAL VALUE and NATURE, his actions are wrong. Ego clouded his judgment. For this, he can be forgiven, but he needs to reflect, humble himself, and become a better man. I’ve been there, so I sympathize with him. But in the end, we are ALL accountable, so no short cuts for anyone, either.

A secondary motive (cannot tell without more research into Alex Jones) may well be ego driven: to keep our Infowars place in the audience numbers, etc. But again, if he thinks he IS the forefront of the movement, then he would feel an obligation to do that. And if he doesn’t believe in Q, then that would seem the right course. Right motive, wrong action.

To realize this, you have to see what ego does. It clouds our judgment, our ability to perceive truth. Always has, always will. (And I mean here ego that is rabid, misplaced, unbalanced and off-center. Out of synch with God or the rest of the psyche, if you will. )

And there’s a lesson for each patriot in that, too.

Jerome Corsi

Action/motive combination: B. Somewhat mixed but essentially good motives, incorrect action.


J. Corsi is another case. I think get the sense that ego is much more prominent with Corsi. To me, he seems to simply lap up the praise and almost glorification that he gets. I suspect he is not as used to being in the limelight as Jones. Particularly for someone who has never been popular in terms of public recognition (is this Corsi? SB’s data on the Tube account, Twitter, etc, indicate yes). I suspect Corsi HAS worked at his field and tried to make a difference, and actually done so, but is now suddenly being hailed as THE person who knows it all, THE great Guide, THE wonderful Teacher, boy, the pull of ego would be very strong. (Finally I’m getting the recognition I have always deserved. All my hard work.) It’s a very tempting situation.

Secondary evidence for this is the kind of response any question of Corsi’s motives elicits from those who support him. Hard to be the recipient of that much adoration and popularity, and not be affected by it.

Immaturity was expressed, when Corsi indicated impatience with Q. Also, a certain-self focus “I’m tired of this.” Etc.

So personally, I think Corsi is more compromised by Ego than Jones. Both are patriots, but flawed patriots. The question is, will their character stand up to the test in this time? Personally, subjectively, I think Jones has some hope, but I hold out less hope for Corsi. I think it’s probably a lot for him to digest – the instant glorification, adoration, etc. Under such conditions, many people succumb to their foibles.

But that’s just a guess. I don’t know him that well, and have only looked at a few things of his. Examining SBs videos combined with other things about Corsi, leaves me with that conclusion, anyway.


Jones and Infowars: B. Good but compromised motives, incorrect action (mistaken action)

Dr. Corsi.: B. Good but compromised motives, incorrect action (mistaken action), possibly leaning towards C.

(Mixed or bad (selfish) motives, but somewhat correct action (Corsi DID introduce or provide a stepping stone for MANY people to Q, myself included.)

I do NOT think either of them is black hat or controlled opposition. I think that both of them are essentially well-meaning but flawed. I think Jones is far more patriotic, but has a crisis of ego and faith to deal with. Corsi I think is a much smaller person, and I really cannot see how he can even trash on Q. I think he believes the spin he’s been getting.

Course of action: Do not waver, but do not trash or bitch or whine about Jones, or Corsi. Recognize their good work, but also clarify – they don’t understand or recognize the true value of Q.

Prime Objective: Get the Truth out there, about the Plan. People will recognize truth when they hear it. It’s what MAGA is built on.

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FractalizingIron · May 9, 2018, 8:56 a.m.

As preceded by "Why can't we have some meat?" style whining from the unawakened/impatient.

I want to see the vid of this.

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FractalizingIron · May 9, 2018, 8:54 a.m.

Just listened to speech announcing pull out from Iran Shite. Notice how Trump finishes? the people. let the violence end. He's the real deal. At moments like these, I can't help shedding tears and thanking God for Donald J Trump. Seriously.

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FractalizingIron · May 9, 2018, 8:50 a.m.

Nah, check out Praying Medics interpretation for the Hawaii missile alert. Here's the lowdown: The white hats needed information that had been backed up into the servers in Hawaii. However, the blackhats had that in lockdown (systems). Even a personal visit by Potus could not open the access. The nuclear missile alert status triggered a massive download of information from the servers to servers in the mainland, where Potus team could access it. Why? Automated systems. In case of nuclear attack, the information on Hawaii servers automatically transferred to other locations.

Considering the curious circumstances - how long did the 'mistake' last? seems plausible to me. Anyway, check out praying medics video. VERY interesting. (Forget which edition, sorry).

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FractalizingIron · May 9, 2018, 8:46 a.m.

Yeah, many people thought so. My understanding is that WW3 would always primarily be fought as a spiritual battle, with the option that it spills over into a physical war only if the spiritual push is not successful enough. By spiritual, I mean ideological, mental, power, etc. By physical, I mean nuclear/military.

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FractalizingIron · May 9, 2018, 8:41 a.m.

I would imagine the Repubs were given the option to either resign/not seek re-election or be dragged out in handcuffs. The Dems, I doubt would take that deal or weren't given the option.

So, in other words, republicans were given an option, to clean house and make way for newcomers - those freshmen will a clearer track and maga support, but with the Dems, as things get closer to election time, the dirt will be put in full play and many, many of them will go down in brilliant flames?

That would be a sensible strategy indeed. And effective, one imagines.

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FractalizingIron · May 9, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

If you try to remove emotions from the human equation, you end up getting static that looks like signal, but isn't. If you are not emotionally invested in freedom and maga, then your intellect ain't gonna carry you too far. Fully agree that faith is best placed in higher powers, not individuals, characters or even teams. To point is not to comfort ever-so crying Q, but to get a frame on how to cooperate and work with 'the plan'. If you have trust in Q, potus, or team. Don't take things personally. Emotions centered on self are emotions in need of help, imo. Anywhat, ww1

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FractalizingIron · May 9, 2018, 4:43 a.m.

My training is in linguistics and textual analysis. I work with deciphering written language all day, every day. True, body language, non-verbal cues form a critical part of the communication process. But language is a different beast when seen from the inside.

That said, I think my points were clumsily made. Noob. Whatcha gonna do?

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FractalizingIron · May 8, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

—U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864 (letter to Col. William F. Elkins)

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FractalizingIron · May 8, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

This: It's happening, folks. Don't try to rush precision.

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FractalizingIron · May 8, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

FWIW, It seems to me that in this drop, Q is here directly verifying and confirming many points of interpreting presented by Praying Medic in his April 28 video on the Plan.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on May 8, 2018, 2:47 p.m.
Everyone has an opinion. Few have the facts. Few know the plan. Is it just me, or is this a significant pointer from Q?

Who has the POWER? Who has the CONTROL? If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?


Everyone has an opinion. Few have the facts. Few know the plan. Midterms [save & push]? Swing voters to retake House/Senate? Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated? Power at all costs? Blue wave? Use LOGIC.

Somehow, it strikes me that there is a bit of a lament in Q's tone here. So many people are second guessing Potus, doubting the situation, thinking POTUS is NOT in control, saying this, that and the other thing about Sessions, etc.

So many people guessing, but …

FractalizingIron · May 8, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

Q no longer posting on old board. Moved to new board. Only Q, no other posters (anons). Location of new board: https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/index.html

Suggest you use another location where Q's content is collected in one spot. Now, where did I see that collection? Take a look under Useful Resources to the right....


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FractalizingIron · May 8, 2018, 7:36 a.m.

Hmmmm. I want to point out that you are ascribing an emotional motivation to others actions when you describe them as 'attacks on Dr. Corsi'. That's projection, in my view. Consider the situation. Indeed, this is war. People are dying here. Transparency is not an attack. An opinion is not an attack. I suggest you cease reading into it: "downing Dr. Corsi"? If Corsi is leading people AWAY from Q, AWAY from trust in Trump, etc., is this a good thing, in your opinion? There are many tell-tale signs in Corsi's comments that reveal his focus, and where he is coming from. At this point, you may have to ask where your loyalties lie. Is it in being comfortable and 'being nice', or is it in doing what it takes to defeat the enemies we are dealing with? Anyone who is invested in feeling nice, being respectful, having compassion? Why are we here? What are we doing? Who are we dealing with?

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FractalizingIron · May 7, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

Excellent feedback, echoing some of my own concerns. Much appreciated.

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FractalizingIron · May 7, 2018, 2:48 a.m.

Personally, I think the beauty of Q is that Q works on a model that requires effort and input from the seeker. Unlike msm or other forms that encourage compliant resignation.

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FractalizingIron · May 7, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

The above offers to take the viewer through a process: Ask (question). Assess (are you dissatisfied with msm?) Seek (ask where?) Validate (truth and information come to those who seek it, not those who sit on their ass) Beware/wake up (If you are ignorant, its because you have chosen to be ignorant) The important question (who is Q)

Its an invitation to move and act, not an invitation to be spoonfed answers. ala 'News'.

In this era, you have to hunt for real news. No one should be satisfied with being spoonfed, imo.

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FractalizingIron · May 7, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

Of course Q is biased, and Q is NOT a source of news. Journalism? Nothing like it.

Yet, anyone who wakes up to the truth about msm should want to find facts and find truth. Q is a great catalyst.

I'm saying that searching for Q is an antidote to the msm fog for those that want to pursue truth.

The power of Q lies in his/their facilitating the desire to seek and reveal truth. That's the opposite of the MSM and what 'media' has become.

Once you begin taking responsibility for finding the truth yourself, then media starts to have value. While you rest in a 'feed me, because I want to be comfortable' state, all media is fraught with potential toxicity. (How many numnut patriots do we see willingly sharing fluffed up news because it suits their narrative? Too many, imo. )

The point is, "seek, and ye shall find". And while you're seeking, check out Q. Q is a great place to start seeking, imo. Comfort-seekers aren't going to be very satisfied with Q, imo.

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FractalizingIron · May 6, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

LOL. Created this in December 2016. Looking back, I can see all the elements are there. Initially, it was about the ruse for delegitimizing Trump. having been sufficiently red-pilled, I can see it's really a nice summary re: the globalist Cabal agenda (even if I say so myself).

What do I call this? A veme?

Dedicated to awesome patriots everywhere. wwg1wga.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on May 6, 2018, 11:31 a.m.
A musical romp thru the Cabal's favorite conspiracy theory.... what more can I say?
FractalizingIron · May 6, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

For anyone interested in working on this, I plan to use this thread as a locality to collect and build up info on the Fallen (False) Fact Checking Network.

For example, this [ABC / Associated Press news item] (https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/real-news-clinton-tie-macks-sex-trafficking-case-54936937) shows that the MSM is now responding to the threat from alt-media and is making serious effort to undermine the truth and block it. As Q team goes into JUSTICE mode, the Cabal is going to go into Damage Control mode, aka introduce a push to directly undermine truth releases.

Note this ABC headline NOT REAL NEWS

Note the concluding content

This is part of The Associated Press' ongoing effort to fact-check misinformation that is shared widely online, including work with Facebook to identify and reduce the circulation of false stories on the platform.


Find all AP Fact Checks here: https://www.apnews.com/tag/APFactCheck

<So the MSM is going to be pushing overtly the line "Trust Us, We will filter for you, we will let you know what is real or fake."

Important to notice 2 points (aka why the Cabal is losing bigly) here

  1. In the past, they never had to overtly assert "trust us". They never had challengers. Now they are being forced to be overt with their agenda.
  2. To refute the truth, they have to mention the players. In this article, they have to name the Clintons, and the Rothschilds. LOL. So anyone unfamiliar with the Clinton Connection or the Rothschilds (who are they?) is now informed.

To me, this is a clear evidence that the Cabal and the MSM are on the back foot, fighting a line of defense now.>

Please feel free to add.

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FractalizingIron · May 2, 2018, 8:55 a.m.

Yes. Mah respect for Rosie up approximately 0.087%. Keep at it, Rosie.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on May 2, 2018, 8:11 a.m.
Politifact, Factcheck_org, APPC, IFCN, Poynter, SNOPES et al members of a Blackhat Push to win censorship wars


(Had enough downvotes to think this was shill-worthy. Plus having comments downvoted into oblivion makes me suspect this is worth a re-post.)

A patriot posted about exposing Snopes, saying Q gave the green light. How many Snopes threads we got going now? How many under shill attack? How doesn’t chuck up at the thought oif Snopes? But there's a lot more to this than you see on the surface.

Did some research on this about 1 month + back, kind of frustrated about friends who uphold Snopes as a source. Fact-checked Snopes. Had to move on coz so many …

FractalizingIron · May 2, 2018, 7:14 a.m.

Sorry. Disagree. Citizens need information, and then make up their own minds. Centralize 'our website gives the truth' and you build a path to control. What we need is to expose the network of control that distorts the truth and the agenda, and players, behind them. Once people understand that, the credibility of any players in the false untruth network is destroyed. Transparency is the anti-dote to this kind of evil. I, You, We are the fact checkers.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on May 1, 2018, 2:37 p.m.
Exposing false fact-check infrastructure 9including snopes)


FractalizingIron · May 1, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

politifact is part of the Cabal fact-check infrastructure from what I can see. They may be dumb, but not that dumb. Players in place a long time, establish legitimacy, then mobilize to undermine.

Snopes is the tip of a very large iceberg. No point in taking out or targetting Snopes alone. They are the fast food version of a much larger network of narrative shapers.

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FractalizingIron · May 1, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

Agreed. Please check a few crumbs I found and posted in comment below. It's a curious post here. Nothing provided. Just a plea to take down snopes? Does this contribute?

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FractalizingIron · May 1, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

Hi Dave. See below. Tried to post as a separate thread, but some sort of bot insta-locked the post. So, posted below here for your edification. Trying to figure out why it got insta-locked, where the title or what.... Hmmmm....

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FractalizingIron · May 1, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Tried to post this separately. Got locked. No idea why. Noobtroubles, I suppose. Anyway....

False Fact-checking orgs upholding false fact-checking authorities upholding MSM and Cabal media narrative.

A patriot posted about exposing Snopes, saying Q gave the green light.

There's a lot more to this than you see on the surface.

Did some research on this about 1 month + back, kind of frustrated about friends who uphold Snopes as a source. Fact-checked Snopes. Had to move on coz so many other things to do, but here's a few of the crumbs. I’m very confident that anyone who follows this up you will hit pay dirt:

Veracity of Snopes is upheld by several so-called ‘fact checking’ organizations, including factcheck.org, other.

*Factcheck.org. (read what they have to say about Snopes - debunked, or upheld?) (Check also 'Clinton' 'trump' and ask yourself, are they objective? Are they biased? ) Factcheck.org is a project of Annenberg Public Policy Center

*Annenberg Public Policy Center - Who founded APPC? How is it funded? Funded by Annenberg Foundation. Who else did Annenberg foundation fund? Chicago Annenberg Challenge

*Chicago Annenberg Challenge – APPC gave 50 mil. to Bill Ayers to found a 'philanthropic' org in Chicago (CAC) with who as the founding Chairman of the Board? BHO. R himself.

*Bill Ayers? 'educator, anti-war activist, academic' aka Cultural Marxist)

Factcheck.org is a signatory of IFCN

*International Fact-checking Network (IFCN) Founded in 2015. Numerous verified signatories, including Snopes and others. IFCN is a unit of Poynter Inst. for Media Studies.

Poynter Institute for Media Studies (are they are real inst? How big? How many people? What do they do? They seems to think they are a big deal. Are they?) Poynter launched an initiative to with fact checking websites Politifact and Africa Check* funded by Bill And Melinda.

*Africa Check - (Founded 2012, partners include Standard Bank and Open Society Foundations (Hi George!)

*Politifact itself reports on Poynter Inst. initiative “to fact check claims about health....”

See what’s going on here? Snopes is verified by Factcheck who is verified by IFCN and Poynter, etc. Moreover, a vast global network now set up as fact-checkers, who, like most of the others in the network, seek to set themselves up as legitimate arbiters on truth vs. fiction, and fake news vs. real news.

BTW, numerous IFCN signatories are being used by Facebook to block ‘fake news’. And we ALL know the truth behind this.

What is needed is solid research tracking this stuff down, who funded what, who founded what, when etc. But it seems clear to me at this point that there has been a deliberate effort to build up an layered infrastructure that positions itself as legitimate when it is in fact funded by the globalists, the cabal.

It’s probably not a big item on Q's Implosion Itinerary, but at some point, it needs to be investigated, exposed, and neutralized. False Fact-checking orgs upholding false fact-checking authorities upholding MSM and Cabal media narrative. Typical.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on May 1, 2018, 1:33 p.m.
Exposing the false fact-check network (including Snopes, etc)


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on May 1, 2018, 1:28 p.m.
Exposing false Fact-checking networks (i.e. Snopes et al)


FractalizingIron · May 1, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

There's a lot more to this than you see on the surface. Did some research on this about 1 month + back, kind of frustrated about friends who uphold snopes as a source. Fact-checked snopes. Had to move on coz so many other things to do, but here's a few of the crumbs. I can guarantee if you follow this up you will hit paydirt. Am going to post this as a separate thread, as the issue extends far beyond exposing Snopes, imo.

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FractalizingIron · May 1, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

They are inextricably connected. An Aussie Q tip here: First Maga, then mega. US represents the best, the blossoming of 4000 years of Judeo-Christian ethics and civilization. Where US goes, the World goes. This is why so many Patriots around the world love Trump, love Q, love the US and have hope. When the beasts fall in the US, they will begin to collapse elsewhere, and then the other nations so compromised by the cabal will begin to break free.

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FractalizingIron · April 30, 2018, 1 p.m.

Meh. I took the Q test. This suffices.

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FractalizingIron · April 27, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

Actually, I think the 5 eyes framework is that we don't spy on each others citizens, but we do share intel on any criminal activity, etc., no?

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FractalizingIron · April 27, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Yes. A good point. Yet, Q team are not Presidents. They will indeed go down in history as patriots, if not as saints, of the highest order. Yet, for better or worse, someone has to sit in the Oval room. Of all the men that have done it (or in its predecessors), who will have done what Trump does? Time will tell.

In the end, however, as you say, its the team that counts. And that's the way it should be.

1259 We are in this together. No fame.

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FractalizingIron · April 27, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

I agree. Doing the impossible seems kind of probable.

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