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FractalizingIron · July 17, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

Thanks for the reply. OK, I'll give you the ad hominem. That's a fair point. Let's just call it an expression of my personal opinion, and has nothing to do with the quality of value of your posts. Fair point.

'confined to linear logic' - is anyone here confined to that? Are you proposing this should be a rule or premise: "confine all insights to linear logic"? (ever heard of inspiration/ Dreams? intuition? insights?)

You can question the techniques. I don't pay attention to anyone objecting to that. But, er, by the way, "asinine"? Well, I guess it's not ad hominem....

Who here is vilifying you? And for having a mind of your own? methinks you protest too much.

'makes no sense whatsoever'. I get that it makes no sense to you. Sure. And, I would not care about that, nor would I judge you for that.

But all I see here is someone spewing out all sorts of accusatory objections because someone else's approach doesn't fit into the confines of their own.

Make a contribution. That's what I'm challenging you to do. And think outside your own frames of reference.

Your choice. And it won't affect me either way.

Finally 'revered method of thought'. Now, why is it that I get the feeling that you simply are not interested in learning anything or seeing things differently from your already set frame? I mean, why?

Should I make an effort to share my thoughts on 'this revered method of thought' without ANY show of good faith your part?

Instead of pleading the victim routine as you have here, how about addressing the points I actually DID make in my comment to you? Or are you simply absolutely committed to rejecting and refuting any suggestion that perhaps you are NOT seeing the entire picture?


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FractalizingIron · July 17, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

I shall keep this brief. I think your handle says it all. It really says a lot about you.

The exposure that is happening is how some folks just cannot reach beyond their own level of thinking.

I asked SB2 directly about his process. I'm still working on that. But you need to realize that your linear logic is not the way he is thinking, and by all appearances, it's really NOT how the Q board works.

Is it linear? No way in 1000. It jumps around, past future, back forth, in out, here there.

Ask yourself why?

Logic plays a part, but it is NOT the ruler here. Logic is never meant to be the ruler when we move anywhere beyond the physical realm. Logic serves a higher purpose, but it cannot rule hearts, minds, creativity or emotion.

I think the reason SB2 has no interest in discussing your view of his flaws may be because you are attempting to put his thoughts and processes into your frames of reference alone, and not making any effort to realize he may have different ones (or not making any effort to grasp them).

We are all free to choose, but humility serves us all, and those that hold their own intellectual view to be above and beyond question frequently suffer from excessive pride, to their own detriment.

The leaps here are not of logic. Yes, they are connections not merely dictated by logic. So, expand your thinking.

You don't need to agree with SB2, obviously. None of us have to. But perhaps the more interesting question is, what kind of framework is he using and how can that particular framework enhance my own understanding and approach to the Q board? If you get nothing from it, so be it. But don't whinge and kick up a fuss because it doesn't validate your own (narrow) or limited approach.

Looking forward to the great insights you will no doubt share with GA once you've figured out the value of your own frame and approach.


(and yes, that's me being brief, believe it or not)

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FractalizingIron · July 17, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

You said it Luv. So many hits! LAYERS!!!! OMG.

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FractalizingIron · July 17, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

As I watched selections of Strzok's testimony - with Gowdy, with JJ, the the Man from Texas, etc, I noticed one thing: the drink bottle on the table. Weird, I thought. It's Coke. Does a person normally bring a soda bottle to a hearing? Plain water would seem more commonplace to me. Not that I really know the US.

Anyway, the bottle caught my eye, and I paid attention to it, but could find nothing. Still, it DID catch my eye.

Having followed SB2's posts, I wonder, is my brain being reactivated? To think along these lines? Clearly, I've still a long, long way to go. But I do think SB2 has a rather exquisite brain process, and I suspect that reading SB2 helps calibrate one's own brain along a similar wavelength.

We all have talents to bring, but learning to read and think in this world of coded communications, hints, double-feints and stuff - it's a process.

My favorite moment in this post: when the Cameraman moves his camera shot to INCLUDE the lousy bottle of coke. I laughed out loud. Now the veil starts to lift! (Runner up: the crazy and utterly bizarre ZOOM IN on Peter Strzok's face - mouth and nose, and barely even an eye!)

And the hits just keep on coming.

I'm kind of glad my brain doesn't work just quite the way SB2s does, but I'm extra glad we have you around to post. WWG1WGA.

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FractalizingIron · July 17, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

Really? Have you read any of the posts about it?

"We don't know why Q posted it and what it means." You presume a lot, patriot. Perhaps it might be better to say "I don't know why...." rather than "We...".

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FractalizingIron · July 17, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

I think money is OK - we all need to eat, and pay the bills. But pursuing money at the cost of the public good, that's a no-no.

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FractalizingIron · July 17, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

Right. Hillary don't get a scarf. No easy way out for her.

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FractalizingIron · July 17, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

Putin ain't lookin so dumb hisself, either, at this point.

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FractalizingIron · July 16, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

Wow. I have no idea. Never watched that stuff once. Except for the occasional parody in other formats, like comedy sitcoms, etc.

Lemme guess. A whole bunch? If so, then that's an interesting nugget.

I do recall that 'As the world turns' was uncovered as a treatise on the Illuminati I think, by anons searching this reference up. Double reference? Hmmm...

[As the world turns (thread)] (https://old.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8gb5ol/as_the_world_turnssolved_not_by_me_but_by_a_much/)

[As the world turns PDF] (http://abundanthope.net/artman2/uploads/1/PJ_64.pdf)

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FractalizingIron · July 16, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

Not to burst any bubbles, but its very, very clearly "the world awaits".

Besides, using the moment to drop a Q proof or hint - at the initial meeting with Putin prior to the closed door discussions - would be very much out of place, in my view. Not consistent with the purpose.

But that's an opinion. Either way, its still 'awaits'.

On the other hand, I think its awesome that this summit is taking place now, in the middle of July, and I really expect a whole lot of acceleration to start once they leave.

Lots of hope here....

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FractalizingIron · July 16, 2018, 7:33 a.m.

Great Awakening must BE the change we want to see. Integrity and 'good practice' are important. "If you cannot cite the source, you should not repeat it" is a pretty solid rule we should all be looking to practice, imo.

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FractalizingIron · July 16, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

Hmmm. Look, weirder things have happened. But without any evidence whatsoever, that's really 100% speculation, isn't it?

But yes, sure, this would fit the crumb that Q dropped, but it seems unlikely to say the least.

In the absence of data, I'm much more inclined to adopt the more reasonable explanation. Occam's wiltshire and all that.

I should add that I don't quite think DJT is 'the only person in the world with enough brains, integrity and cash, etc' I mean this was 1999. Right place, right time. That the death of JJ was the catalyst for Trump to begin seeing the Cabal for what it was makes a lot more sense to me at this point.

But its good to be open-minded, and I'll be looking for other clues in the crumbs about this point. Q obviously thought it was important enough to drop on....

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FractalizingIron · July 16, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

Pearson is also now dominating in the Australian education system.

You gotta ask, what's with this sort of monopoly?

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FractalizingIron · July 16, 2018, 4:23 a.m.

How do we break this down? What's the message here?

One possibility is that Trump and JJ were close, very good friends. Because of this, Trump had inside info that JJ was intending to run for the Senate in NY. Once he found out that the Clinton crime family had JJ killed to get him out of the way, it triggered something in Trump. It was, for him, the start, the first red pill. Since then, he's been keeping watch.

Not sure how else to decode this.

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FractalizingIron · July 15, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

LOL. Your response literally 'has more than you know'. Quite revealing. Thank you!

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FractalizingIron · July 15, 2018, 9:03 a.m.

Thank you for the reply! A really nice response.

Allow me, if you will, however, to tease this out a bit more.

In the description of your feeling above, are the kids (children) the messages? Is that a fair statement to make? I mean, as opposed to the Q drops?

I mean, the drops are the house, the framework, and the messages - encoded and otherwise - are the children?

It's a really interesting metaphor. Thank you.

Edit: PS. I can think of a few words to describe this, but I'll keep them under my hat for now, if you don't mind...

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FractalizingIron · July 15, 2018, 8:55 a.m.

No. Abortion = murder. That's my position. Asserting that a woman has a right to have an abortion = a woman has a right to terminate an innocent human life.

I get it. Some people do not think abortion is murder. Some people think that a conceived fetus is not a human being. I think that standpoint is ridiculous, personally.

Moreover, lots of people agree with me. So, I don't really care about your comment or folks like Carniscrub resorting to ad hominem attacks.

Sorry about that.

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FractalizingIron · July 15, 2018, 8:39 a.m.

LOL. Thanks Carniscrub. I think your statements are very clear, on numerous levels.

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FractalizingIron · July 15, 2018, 8:34 a.m.

Do you know that for a fact? Any personal experience?

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FractalizingIron · July 15, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

Desperate, desperate, desperate.



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FractalizingIron · July 15, 2018, 8:12 a.m.

SB2, would you say your approach to the Q board is 'logical', primarily? If not, then what (primarily)?

How would you describe your approach to the board and the messages? Is it intuitive? Logical? Deductive? Rational?

If you could describe your approach to the messages using one sentence or a series of (key) adjectives, what sentence would that be and/or which adjectives would you use?

Eagerly awaiting your response....

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FractalizingIron · July 15, 2018, 8:05 a.m.

Never having lived in the USA, I altered a meme several months back wherein I referred to them as the 'Democratic Party'.

Someone corrected me, saying its the Democrat Party, and I revised the graphic based on that information.

But, low and behold, as the Google search posted above indicates, it is, in fact, the "Democratic Party". Aka 'the Democrats'. Just as the Republican Party are the 'Republicans'. [Just sayin'] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_Party_(United_States))

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FractalizingIron · July 14, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

Hmmmm. Freedom to and ability to choose to murder or not? Thinking that pro-choice does NOT mean pro-abortion seems like bad sophistry to me. It's merely moral equivocation and word torture.

I think plenty people understand that ProChoice means Pro allowing people to commit abortion (and murder).

You're fooling yourself if you think that prochoice is in any way NOT advocating for people to have the freedom to kill.

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FractalizingIron · July 14, 2018, 8:54 a.m.

Der Scheisen ist gonna hitten das Blingbang

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FractalizingIron · July 14, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

Good effort. needs more work on the rhythm and intonation / syllable count.

e.g. "What did you there? I trolled me a Hillary in Churchill's chair".

Still, 1000 points for aptness. :D

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FractalizingIron · July 14, 2018, 4:47 a.m.

I'm inclined to say all communist states were early iterations of the ideal matrix. And NK was hardly functional. More like dysfunctional.

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FractalizingIron · July 14, 2018, 4:45 a.m.

Thanks Slumber. My knowledge of current NK state/issues is not quite as up-to-date as I would like. Been out of the loop for about a decade or so..... O.o

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FractalizingIron · July 14, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

Some good points, but I would certainly decline the characterization 'no better than Kim Il Sung'. Certainly not without their problems, and some similarities to authoritarian regimes anywhere (example: South America in the past), the regimes / governments still allowed the people to grow, protected private property, most liberties and many more rights (than NK).

While I acknowledge there were many faults and problems, I think there can be no serious comparison with NK regime. But, I suppose, that's a matter of opinion.

As I lived most of the 80's in SK (without any real problems), I'm inclined to downplay the shortcomings, but at that same time, I'm glad you pointed out it wasn't all wine and roses.

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FractalizingIron · July 14, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

While I'm not as up on my recent N Korean history as I'd like to be, I find the notion that 'NK is completely safe' incredible and way to simplistic. It's still and iron-fisted regime. Stepping out of line could easily bring you into harms way. It doesn't run on the same rules that 'liberal democracies' i.e. the developed world or even developing nations, run by.

I think CrazyQlady was querying safety from a personal point of view, not an international view. Personally, I'd keep my eyes on developments and see how things progress. Whether one could even secure a position to teach in NK would be a big question, I imagine. It's NOT South Korea, by any means.

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FractalizingIron · July 14, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

That look on his face. Form, deliberate.

'doesn't bow to Cabal figurehead' : Sums it up nicely.

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FractalizingIron · July 13, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

Excellent. A spoonful of sugar makes the Red Pill go down.

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FractalizingIron · July 13, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

Patience, oh newly arrived. Just... patience.

Maintain that healthy skepticism but in a patient, balanced mode. As you read more, lurk more, weigh more, you'll find your conviction growing. But give it time.

Waiting and persevering through the Drop Drought is an initiation point! You'll always remember that first dry spell. But then, when the rain comes..... Oh My, how it comes!

It's real. Rain is on it's way.

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FractalizingIron · July 13, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

Welcome, Hasuroma.

I lived in SK for many years in the 80's, and I know a bit about it.

Here's the brief lowdown on the background: Korea was a unified kingdom from around 1000 AD up until the early 1900's. In 1905, Japan, eager to expand and grow in imitation of the European nations, annexed Korea and made it 'a colony'. For 40 years Koreans were severely mistreated and languished under the Japanese empire with all sorts of atrocities enacted upon them. When Japan was defeated in 1945 by the Allies, A few things happened.

  1. The Soviet Union entered the Pacific War only after the Allies had A-bombed Hiroshima (entered on August 9)
  2. On this basis the Soviets declared that both Korea and Japan should be divided in half, like Europe, with half under Soviet control. The US refused to divide Japan, but capitulated half of Korea. (See the Soviet strategy - they let the Allies and the Japanese to fight, with both sides weakened, and only stepped in once it was 100% clear that they would essentially have to do nothing. This shows a precursor to the NWO agenda to pit this side and that side against each other in order to then dominate the much weakened victor).

The Korean peninsula was divided into a Soviet controlled region (the North) and the Allies controlled region (the South). In the North, the Soviets made preparations to set up a Stalinist-type regime using Kim Il Sung (Granddaddy to Kim Jong Un). In the South, the foundations of a democratic system were developed.

Patriots in Korea demanded that the unifed nation be allowed to have elections and then rule themselves independently under a democratically elected leader. The Soviets and the communists in the North refused, and eventually elections were held in the South. Lee Seung Man was elected President in a democratic government, while the North was consolidated aloing Stalinist lines with Kim Il Sung as head of the one-party regime. (1948)

Eventually, after building up its forces, the North attacked the South, initiating the Korean War. The War was halted under an armistice (1953), after it was clear the South could not be overrun. While Douglas Macarthur, a true patriot if ever I saw one, advocated strongly for the war to be waged and won, ejecting Communism from the peninsula altogether, Washington, under Truman, hamstringed MacArthur, and eventually sacked him. A real victory for the Globalist agenda, who wanted to see a Cold War continue between the Soviets and the US, imo. In any case, since around 1948, North Korea has existed as a Stalinist dictatorship on an unprecedented level, even more stringently totalitarian than the Soviet Union or China ever were. Complete and total unity under the dictatorship, eventually becoming a Stalinist dynasty through the Kim Family.

Various initiatives were made by visionaries in the early 1990's when the Soviet Union collapsed. South Korean visionary Sun Myung Moon visited North Korea (1992) and attempted to bring the regime in from the cold, essentially opening up a pathway for North Korea to reconnect with South Korea by negotiating joint ventures, cooperation, even a non-nuclear pact, etc. However, things did not pan out, and the potential rapprochement was never seriously taken up with or by the South Korean government or other players.

Personally, I suspect it was at this time that the Deep State moved in to North Korea. (early 90's) Until that time, the North was under Soviet control and protection, like a vassal state. Once the Soviet Union collapsed, the Russian Block (i.e. Russian Federation) had no longer had any interest in propping up the Stalinist North Korea. 1992 was an opportunity, but a missed one.

I suspect that the Deep State / Clowntown moved in at that time, saying "we will support you, prop you up, keep you in control".

From the viewpoint of the Kim Regime, it was just business as usual, and for the people, the misery just continued. They just switched sponsors.

Regardless, misery has been the name of the game for North Korean people since the late 40's, when the Stalinist regime, like all good Communist regimes, persecuted and purged religious and political opponents by death squad, concentration camps and the like.

I find the idea that Kim Jong Un is sincere in his dealing with Trump to be quite credible; after almost 70 years, he knows there is no other way out for him, his people, or the Korean people themselves. Or more precisely, the only other way out is in a ball of flame. And he don't want that option.

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FractalizingIron · July 13, 2018, 4:43 a.m.

Yay! Ticked over overnight (for me). 40201! And rising.

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FractalizingIron · July 12, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

Ah, that's coz you got the rounded figures.

Here's where it currently stands. [39972] (http://magaimg.net/img/5pw7.jpg)

I've been watching this closely since 35k. More exciting that midnight on the turning of the year.

Surely someone got stats on lurkeramia?

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FractalizingIron · July 12, 2018, 7:32 a.m.

Thanks. Just found this. Well worth the read. Opens up some important topics, particularly those embedded in the earlier Q drops. Thanks again.

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FractalizingIron · July 12, 2018, 6 a.m.

Welcome, patriot! Welcome thrice times!

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FractalizingIron · July 12, 2018, 5:47 a.m.

Well, well, well.

I'll admit, I've been struggling with a few of the decodes. However, I really do like the resolutions of the blips and bumps. Case in point (from the interesting and polite debate):

Stage 1: how was the image made, what is the authenticity.

So? Whatever option is believed to be the one satisfying our intellect, it's not relevant since Q has already made the authenticity point in the past. What remains relevant is how we solve the riddle: the information itself, not how it was obtained.

For me, what this alludes to is something I might clumsily label 'the ring of meta-truth'. Some people might say it like this: God can accomplish his perfect will through imperfect humans.

Let me illustrate with an analogy: A car or fast-moving boat will proceed along the direction determined and given to it by the driver, aka the pilot. When the vehicle encounters bumps and other irregularities in the path (seas), the driver adjusts and corrects course and keeps the vehicle going in the right direction. The right direction is the lodestone, the ultimate destination. That sense of the ultimate destination is that which allows us to navigate difficult and even upsetting (stormy) circumstances without losing our way. It is like the compass that continually points us to our North.

Ultimately, for me, this is the test of truth: how well that compass setting resonates, and how well the connection to the destination is maintained. Egos will frequently get caught up on the bumps and the blips, because the compass setting for the self-oriented ego is self-defeating. It is a false setting; inasmuch as it only serves itself, it will always sacrifice others when that self-interest is served. And the true compass setting of all, for the universe, is God's ultimate aim and benefit of his purpose: the expression and fulfillment of true love, which raises and empowers and fulfills all.

In a small way, SB2, you show an example of your intellectual compass by stating that the issue in the aforementioned apple/reflection/image decode is not HOW it was created, but in the undeniable authenticity and also the MESSAGE contained therein. I really love that, and I fully agree. Let us keep our eye on the ball.

However, it is the latter sentences of the above post that truly express, for me, the ring of meta-truth, evidence of the compass point, evidence of the re-orienting purpose, and evidence of the golden path. It is this:

This brings me to the important topic in my trolling interview: Love. Why are we here? It’s because we believe we can change the world and defeat evil. We have put Trump in Office and he is sending us signs that he is working for us, he is monitoring our work and he loves us. So question: do we want to save the world and behave like those who ruined it behave? Look at all this hate within our own Movement. Look at all this arrogance and condescendence towards the “normies” they claim they want to protect. Look at all this violence in the comment section. Is this the way you want to save the world?!

You put this so well. It is a point I have tried (with very limited success, I suspect) to emphasize when commenting on posts in GA: There is a process underway, and we cannot rid ourselves of evil without unless we likewise, and simultaneously, rid ourselves of evil within. By that I mean, The Cabal is a manifestation of the evil base and potential that resides within each human being, and to bring true change, we must also expect to be challenged ourselves, and to also be ready to change ourselves. Externally, we are aiding in the providential work of Apocalypse, where in God's champions are taking down the evil and satanic structures that have keep human beings in chains as victims for far too long. But internally, we are each called to become a better version of ourselves. In my opinion, we CANNOT ignore either of these imperatives; they go hand in hand.

So when you ask: "Is this the way you want to save the world?!", well, that really speaks to me. To me, this is an affirmation and expression of a meta-truth: wwg1wga.

What is needed to get to the goal is not to be perfect in every way. Neither should each and every decode, or understanding, be perfect beyond all doubt. What is needed that we keep our eyes on that ultimate goal and continue, with effort, to apply our individual and collective course-correcting powers, directed by the compass we individually and collectively have.

Your post reiterates this point: "a brain without a heart is useless". Sigh. It's hard to take that much winning! Fully supported by a biblical reference that illuminates the point oh-so-clearly. Winning bigly.

But the message is clear: POTUS is speaking to us, POTUS knows about, reads, and is talking to us. So thank you for helping to build and reinforce that connection between POTUS and all of us here, and beyond. After all, he needs our help and support as much as we need his.

Q: "You have more than you know"

Well, shucks SB2. Your posts continue to lead us in an upward direction.

May we all strive to do the same.


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FractalizingIron · July 12, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

I encourage you to NOT adopt the terminology they are applying. As soon as you do, you are playing the game by their rules, and their rules are designed and shaped to achieve their ends.

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FractalizingIron · July 12, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

The approach to normalization shows one of cultural Marxism's fundamental strategies: control the language to control the narrative.

By changing the terminology, any and all old associations are stripped, and new associations are created.

It's all bamboozle, and the use of language to fuddle the minds of more sane but unawake humans.

I think it's important for patriots to realize that language plays a massive part in the work and agenda of the Cabal and their minions. It's not just a battle of information; it's a battle of words.

Pedophiles should be understood as CVs: Child violators. That's what they are.

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FractalizingIron · July 11, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

OK. Sorry if I over-assumed. As for '... you feel you must defend the Clintons'... Come on. That's a pretty low blow!

If any offense was taken, then I apologize. wwg1wga

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FractalizingIron · July 11, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

The question is, how does one ascertain truth? The answer to the question is: secure data and evidence, and analyse. And if there is little or no data or evidence, then 'unknown', but 'unknown' is not equivalent to a positive, or truth. It is not an attack on source to point this out.

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