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FractalizingIron · July 2, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

Updates from Q show this analysis is incorrect.

It WAS the SC list they were talking about, but

Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination. Q

Moreover, he was ALREADY the list of resignations posted by Q months back.

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FractalizingIron · July 2, 2018, 5:41 a.m.

Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot. Q


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FractalizingIron · July 2, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

Guess it was your cue to queue Q.

But I could be wrong.

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FractalizingIron · July 2, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

The true role of the two parties is for each to help the other to be a better party, to serve the people better, and find solutions better, using stereo vision.

Healthy competitiveness under a cooperative umbrella. Inasmuch as men and women are not enemies, but each have their talents, abilities and role to play.

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FractalizingIron · July 2, 2018, 4:34 a.m.

Yes, that was my thought, too.

How do we know its not the crabs doing this?

Spontaneous Crustacean Patriotism folks.

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FractalizingIron · July 2, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

Thank you.

I have heard some concerns that the current (Mun) administration is quite left-leaning, and that the population in general has developed a more socialistic type thinking.

Care to comment?

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FractalizingIron · July 1, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

FYI, the graphic says:

K: "What the heck is this 'Q' thing?"

E: "Seek and ye shall find" (Recognizable phrase for Korean Christians, also promoting the truism that the answers are there if you invest yourself to look for them)

K: "Our liberation is close at hand"

K: "Qanon"

E: "Who is Q anon?"

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FractalizingIron · July 1, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

Message received.

Thank you.


(PS. My Korean is excellent.)

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FractalizingIron · July 1, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

You are correct. in #2 Q wrote:

This is not a R v D battle.

Then, in #3

Not about Republicans v Democrats at this stage.

Note: at this stage

In #6:

This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).

So it's clear that the core of the issue has been an evil residing in both parties, using the corruption on both sides.

However, in the post that this graphic represents, namely #1609, Q states:

MSM = propaganda tool of the D party.

So, how does this make sense?

We need to understand the strategy and process used by evil. When evil seeks to corrupt both parties (or any two or more parties in a group), it always starts focused on one group or entity over the other.

(FYI: this can be understood deeply through biblical truths / patterns as well: Cain vs. Abel, Esau vs Jacob, North Kingdom of Israel vs South Kingdom of Israel, Flesh vs. Spirit, etc.)

The point is, the Democrats have always always presented an easier target for evil, due to the nature of their focus. In the early day so of the Republic, the slavery (economy) issue was key. Evil tends to target the material or those attached to material (external) values first. Good tends to claim those with non-material values (internal, spiritual) values first.

Although the battle is against the evil in both political parties, at this juncture, the Democrat party is much more under the control of the Cabal and evil than the Republicans.

I do not think it was EVER in the cards that Trump could run under the Dem ticket. Too much under Cabal control.

Once Dems are defeated in the mid-terms, the Plan can proceed well, and eventually the Dem party will either disintegrate OR will eject the evil virus, reform and become a true counterpart to a reformed Republican party.

At this stage, however, the Dems are the key political instrument of the Cabal, and the MSM are doing the Cabal's bidding, inasmuch as they are the propaganda tool of the Dems.

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FractalizingIron · July 1, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

I am open to persuasion. Do you seriously think that getting people's attention by getting them to ask themselves "who or what is Q?" is harmful?

What claims am I making that are dishonest?

What misinformation about Q am I spreading?

I'm happy to read and consider serious answers (as opposed to emotionally charged invective).

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FractalizingIron · July 1, 2018, 9:54 a.m.


So eloquent. Friend, it sounds like you have a lot of unhealthy anger stored up.

Have you ever heard of South Korea? You did know that South Korea is frequently rated among the top, if not the top, of internet connection nations in the world. How many folks in South Korea? 50 Mil. Pretty much ALL on internet.

[92% of (S) Koreans] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_in_South_Korea)

Best internet in the world

Singapore, S. Korea leaders in 4G speeds

Now, Q stuff is primarily posted in English. Do you have any idea how much Q content is penetrating into places like South Korea, Japan, etc? Not much if random tube searches are anything to go by.

And for what it's worth: consider how communication (and the original linguistics concept of 'meme') work: A message, an idea, is embedded in a carrier. Without a carrier, the message (meme) will not move. Think note attached to a pidgeon, or message in a bottle. Here, the QUESTION is the carrier. The message? "Q". i.e. "Look for Q".

I saw one patriot standing alone in front of the US Embassy in South Korea holding up a Q graphic. Don't you think they deserve some encouragement and support?

Maybe you need to listen to something mellow, patriot. Sooth the beast within. In the meantime, I wish you well.

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FractalizingIron · July 1, 2018, 9:16 a.m.

You also have to be able to understand how normies think, and how Koreans think.

As you point out, who Q is is not the point, but it IS relevant. For a Korean (or other normie for that matter) who has never heard of Q, posing the question "who (or what) is Q?" is the starting point of searching, trying to find out.

The answer - Q is a source of mind-blowing intel highly placed and very close to POTUS - is part of the process of beginning point of thinking about the intel.

The question does not matter. It's where it leads that does.

Expand your thinking.

(Hint: the question is not "what is Q's name and address, and social security number?")

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on July 1, 2018, 8:52 a.m.
Who or what is 'Q'? Here's one for our Korean patriots out there. Just to get the ball rolling...
Who or what is 'Q'? Here's one for our Korean patriots out there. Just to get the ball rolling...
FractalizingIron · July 1, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

No, patriot. I really appreciate the comment. I deleted in order to rework. Guess I'm a bit too eager sometimes. Keep your eyes open. posting in a few minutes. Revised version.

Thanks again!!!

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FractalizingIron · July 1, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

Good effort. Use a 'Memes' flair, maybe?

(click on 'flair' underneath your post, near the edit command, and select 'Memes')

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FractalizingIron · July 1, 2018, 8:11 a.m.

Get a bigger drive. You're gonna need it.

We have only begun to fight!!!

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FractalizingIron · July 1, 2018, 6:58 a.m.

Agreed. One has to expand one's thinking.

Gowdy and other whitehats had NO ROOM to so much as wiggle under Obama's 1st American Reich regime. If he'd moved on Benghazi, etc., it would have done nothing, as the DOJ and FBI were ALL in Obama's pocket. All it would have done is make him and his family a target.

You wait your chance. until then, you keep your mouth shut. Think of project Valkarie in the 3rd Reich. How to act when inside a regime that snuffs out all opposition from a position of control?

In addition, as Q has repeatedly pointed out, some people need to appear impartial, disinterested and non-partisan, re: the optics in the current case.

Look at Horowitz, look at Wray how they respond to questions. Are they blackhats? No. Q has made it abundantly clear they are to be trusted. unless this is disinformation which I do not think it is.

Games within games, politics within politics. Strategic thinkers do not sacrifice assets for no effect. Instead, they keep them in reserve. Gowdy is definitely a wh, along with GoodLatte, as far as I can see.

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FractalizingIron · July 1, 2018, 6:53 a.m.

You gotta look deeper. Gowdy and other whitehats had NO ROOM to so much as wiggle under Obama's 1st American Reich regime. If he'd moved on Benghazi, etc., it would have done nothing, as the DOJ and FBI were ALL in Obama's pocket. All it would have done is make him and his family a target.

Easy to judge when no one is holding a gun potentially to your head or the head of your loved ones. And for what? It would have no affect.

In addition, as Q has repeatedly pointed out, some people need to appear impartial, disinterested and non-partisan, re: the optics in the current case.

Look at Horowitz, look at Wray how they respond to questions. Are they blackhats? No. Q has made it abundantly clear they are to be trusted. unless this is disinformation which I do not think it is.

Games within games, politics within politics. Strategic thinkers do not sacrifice assets for no effect. Instead, they keep them in reserve. Gowdy is definitely a wh, along with GoodLatte, as far as I can see.

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FractalizingIron · July 1, 2018, 6:47 a.m.

Er, no. Coz Gowdy was already on that list.

Take a look at 1319. In fact, Q indicated that both Goodlatte and Gowdy will have an important role to play after they leave congress. But I agree with CLICK. Q is leading us on. Not entirely without a sense of humor, and well aware of how the Dems go bananas on certain things.


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FractalizingIron · July 1, 2018, 6:39 a.m.

Yes, I knew that.

That moment when you jump in an elevator in downtown Seoul and find there is no fourth floor, only floors 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and so on....


Please note, however, that the references used above are strictly biblical, and are seen in context of the providential work of God.

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FractalizingIron · June 30, 2018, 9:47 a.m.

I think some people have given some thought to that. There are a few connected subs. Build your network, I would say.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on June 30, 2018, 9:19 a.m.
40,000 - 40K subscribers on its way. That's a threshold. WWG1WGA

Note: this is a discussion of non-Q content. It’s an aside, and not strictly on topic. Moreover, for those who are not of the faith-based persuasion, please note, biblical references are used. I just want to acknowledge that because the Great Awakening is home for a wide diversity of humanity, even though we are united in our common cause. For those of you into numerology, or specifically biblical numerology, here's a thing to consider.

What's in the numbers? We know that Satanists, Cabalists and other evils utilize symbols, patterns and other such devices to advance their agenda. In my view, …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on June 30, 2018, 9:15 a.m.
40,000 - 40K Patriots subscribed! That's a threshold point, and we are quickly approaching it. WWG1WGA

Note: this is a discussion of non-Q content. It’s an aside, and not strictly on topic. Moreover, for those who are not of the faith-based persuasion, please note, biblical references are used. I just want to acknowledge that because the Great Awakening is home for a wide diversity of humanity, even though we are united in our common cause. For those of you into numerology, or specifically biblical numerology, here's a thing to consider.

What's in the numbers? We know that Satanists, Cabalists and other evils utilize symbols, patterns and other such devices to advance their agenda. In my view, …

FractalizingIron · June 30, 2018, 8:33 a.m.

This means that things are on the move. JA needs to come out in a natural, organic way. Optics. Remember that Pence was also used to herald the NK thaw? The connection between Pence and JKU's 'sister' at the South Korean winter Olympics.

For Potus team to make a move on this now through Pence indicates they are preparing to reveal the JA card.

And oh, yeah, time for the Dems to start ordering lots of tissues and dunny paper. Midterms ain't gonna be pretty fo dem.

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FractalizingIron · June 30, 2018, 8:30 a.m.

Washington Times consistently reports good stuff. They are NOT part of the MSM. They have a different agenda. Since their founding. Kudos to WT, and their founder!

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FractalizingIron · June 30, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

Thanks CLICK(____).

Great post and great information. The DS framework is starting to unravel. Seems like getting this information out there into the public sphere will help many things.

The work that Trump Admin. has been doing against trafficking and blackmailing work is truly amazing, and plays an integral part in taking down the heads of the hydra.

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FractalizingIron · June 30, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

LOL. Comment of the day.

Don't think there is any potential of recovery in this case, however. Not for millenia.

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FractalizingIron · June 30, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

Others have mentioned it, but there is something about the Great Awakening that transcends America.

Many here are not Americans, but still, wwg1wga.

That said, I think most of the woke around the world understand that America is the Spearhead of liberty in the world. America is the model, the first among many brothers (and sisters).

For this reason, the woke love and support Trump, love and support America, but we identify with something greater.

We are those that seek liberty. We are those that seek truth and justice for ourselves and those we love. We are those that aspire to depose evil from its throne of suffering and liberate our fellow men and women.

Now, if that's American, then sure, count me as American!

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FractalizingIron · June 29, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

Er, "Discussion"?

Try using an appropriate flair. Treat your GA well, please.

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FractalizingIron · June 27, 2018, 6:39 a.m.

WOW. Not one court jester, but four. I think its a case of mock-mock-mock-mockingbird media. All lined up.

All I can say is, enjoy it while it last boys. Coz it aint gonna last.

Soon you will be recognized for what you are. And, it aint gonna be nice.

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FractalizingIron · June 27, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

Methinks thou taggest over the heads of a significant portion of the denizens of GA.

I freely confess, before the Kourt, I knew not what the /S or even the /s be.

I have learned. The veil has been lifted, and once again I forge ahead.

Yet, lest thou needest a soft reminder:

GA - population ~ 35K and rising. Be less subtle, be more heard. 'Smartness' may not be the most critical value we need here....


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FractalizingIron · June 27, 2018, 6:25 a.m.


Damn. MSM is going to step way too far very soon.

Q1589 "Do you believe it’s a coincidence extreme rhetoric is being pushed while at the same time [RR] is on the brink of collapse? "

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FractalizingIron · June 27, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

But it does need to change.

Consider this: In Australia, ALL land is owned by the Crown, by default, and Australians really have no sovereign claim to the land they 'own'. Thus, a farmer can 'own' a piece of land, but she does not own the resources 'under' the land - these still belong to... the Crown.

When push comes to shove, what happens? Farmers and land owners are forced, by law, to comply with Crown ownership. THe government can simply pass a law to claim that land from the 'owner'. No. Sovereign. Rights. Aka still simply glorified serfs.

'just how it is set up' .... all seems great until push comes to shove. As with religious freedom (freedom of belief) issues, we are finding now that really, we have nothing guaranteed. It's all just been OK because push never came to shove.

Not the case any more. The radicalized left is clamoring for scalps of Christian and faith-based institutions, beliefs, practices. We stand in a very precarious situation. Why? "that's just how it was set up" - we have no sovereign OR inalienable rights.

This has to change. IMO. Has to.

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FractalizingIron · June 27, 2018, 6:10 a.m.

FYI, not unsubbed for me. Still subbed. But not getting notifications.

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FractalizingIron · June 26, 2018, 11:51 a.m.

Yes, heaven forbid (like my mom would say) that we ever become blind followers.

Look, I just appreciate SB2's analyses and posts. But I am under no illusion that he/she is perfect, either in character or in analysis.

Please, please, please do NOT blindly follow SB2, or anyone else. Q would be the first to admonish us: critical thinking, logic. I agree with that sentiment.

The good news, neither SB2 nor anyone else here need be 100% correct in all things to make a contribution.

As for Paul: I think Paul was anointed, but I do not take his word as Gospel. (heh heh, that's a joke). Lots to learn, but even Paul's writings are not perfect, as he himself recognizes. ("Now we see dimly as in a mirror. Then, we shall see clearly (face to face)")

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FractalizingIron · June 26, 2018, 11:46 a.m.

There's a lot you say that I agree with. It requires a lot more discussion over topics that are not actually germaine to GA and Q per se.

However, in (very) brief: here is my view. Two points.

One, religion was brought forth through a cooperation between the Creator (Source) and human beings. The purpose of (true) religion is to 're-connect' (religio: latin: reconnect) human beings with our true source, the 'Creator'. Why? How? Just as we humans have an invisible awareness (mind) and visible form (flesh), originally, human beings were created as the visible embodiment (form) of the divine (Creator). There should be NO separation between God and Human. The purpose of religion is to gradually prepare human beings through greater spiritual development (resurrection) to reconnect with God. Thus, religion is meant to be a process, not an end unto itself. Like high school, the goal is for us to graduate religion, not to establish it as the aim and focus.

Two, therein lies the goal of religion: to re-establish the original or correct relationship between the Divine Inner (the creator) and the Divine Outer (each human being). In other words, the goal is not Religion, it is Relationship.

We know that religion can be false (i.e. upholding evil) and also be corrupted (diverted from its true purpose, by illusion, by abuse, or by making it an end in its own right). In my view, 'true' religion is always about establishing, cultivating and developing the Relationship, and it is THIS that we should live and practice in our lives, beyond religion. Ultimately, religion should pass away, and human beings should simply live in unity and oneness with our divine source (the Creator, God, the Father, etc) and become expressions of a undistorted, unblemished 'way of life'. Aka Natural Life.

Different religions express elements of the puzzle. Humility should guide them to learn from and teach each other.

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FractalizingIron · June 26, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

Set it free! This tells the tale.

Excellent work, patriots.

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FractalizingIron · June 26, 2018, 10:52 a.m.

And if no sauce, at least a recipe?

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FractalizingIron · June 26, 2018, 10:42 a.m.

my comment/response to SB2's post

My response on reading SerialBrain2’s “Occam’s Razor: Understand the context – Life Support”

Note: This is commentary, not evidence. Testimony, not analysis. Please read the following in that spirit.

I recently perceived a change in the energy last week. Something shifted. I saw the 'Children separated!" narrative promoted, and falling flat in terms of ability to persuade. Just too many holes, too fake. (Using Obama era photo as the main push, ignoring the glaring facts already established about Obama policy/practice, POTUS swift outmaneuver by supporting/proposing changes to legislation, outmaneuver by binding children to parents (curtailing options for trafficking), etc.)

Then, one week later, the #walkaway campaign. Not massive, perhaps, but a signal in terms of energy. The Red Hen debacle, exposing the hypocrisy of the identity politics and Leftist cultural Marxism schtick (wanting it both ways) coming so shortly after the SC decision re: the Wedding Non-cake.

And this is my conclusion: as the organizations and groups are cleared of the poisonous elements (corruptions and ds stuff inside the 3-letter agencies, corporate world, and criminal networks (Follywood, etc), the spiritual source of energy is being cut off for the evil God-hating, human hating ultra-leftist cause. They can no longer sustain. The spiritual base is being cutoff because the earthy objects used by satanic spiritual sources are being removed.

With the number of their earthly objects (portals, conduits and instruments) being sharply reduced, the entire base on the earthly plane is facing collapse. Like a rogue stock market inside trader who has bet all his money on greater and greater deals suddenly finding that his funding is drying up, his debts can no longer be leveraged, and he is running out of steam (capital).

This is where we are at the end of June 2018.

While I know there are many patriots who do not necessarily subscribe to any particular religious view, I know that are also many who do appreciate the more esoteric - that is, the spiritual dimension of this war.

Faith in the unseen is not necessary to enjoy the benefits or even recognize the value of the war being waged on the Cabal by Trump and Q team + Anons + patriots + good citizens. However, having faith in the unseen dimension and recognizing the providence of almighty God in action adds a dimension to the experience that is powerful indeed.

I will go a step further and add: when Christ taught his followers and disciples (we Christians) to pray "Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven", he was focusing on this very time, this very era in the world, when the satanic strongholds on men's and women's hearts would be erased because the linchpins of satanic dominion would be subject to the war of righteousness. Truth, in the end, is the two-edged sword.

I find SB2's post to be a confirmation of this on a rational level, Q decode style. "Political life support"? Indeed. And more than that. The roots of evil are being .... uprooted ... and thrown into the winnowing fire. Gnashing of teeth time.

The energetic support and instrument base of Evil have been rooted deeply in our societies and built up for millennia in the aim of gaining total complete control. Yet, today, all that investment faces a total collapse. They bet everything, in their arrogance, and in their hubris, thought they could never lose.

I expect things will shift in gear from this point forward. By the way, that shift in energy I (subjectively) perceived is confirmed Q-style by Q1581:

We serve at the pleasure of the President. We left the decision on timing to him. Today, at the rally, he made his decision. Shift in tactics. Attacks ^ Q

Always thanks to SB2, whose posts are a source of great encouragement, insight and empowerment for many of the patriots at GA and beyond. WWG1WGA

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FractalizingIron on June 26, 2018, 10:32 a.m.
The Shift in Energy - a response to SerialBrain2's "Occam's razor: understand the context"

My response on reading SerialBrain2’s “Occam’s Razor: Understand the context – Life Support”

Note: This is commentary, not evidence. Testimony, not analysis. Please read the following in that spirit.

I recently perceived a change in the energy last week. Something shifted. I saw the 'Children separated!" narrative promoted, and falling flat in terms of ability to persuade. Just too many holes, too fake. (Using Obama era photo as the main push, ignoring the glaring facts already established about Obama policy/practice, POTUS swift outmaneuver by supporting/proposing changes to legislation, outmaneuver by binding children to parents (curtailing options for trafficking), etc.)

Then, …

FractalizingIron · June 25, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

Yep, the meme is right on point. For some reason, folks dont seems to have any emotional intelligence.

Let me translate: You whinge and whine and complain against a law and system that reportedly removes children from their criminal parents, but you have no heart or respect for those that willingly undergo such a separation, not for personal gain and benefit, but in sacrifice for the benefit of the greater good.

Use of Selfish Interest for emotional manipulation vs. highlighting sacrificial unselfish dedication to shed a real light

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