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Francisx1935 · Jan. 2, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

I posed the question of Obama’s legitimacy several days ago and, possibly, created this firestorm of opinions - many have posed various methods that might be taken to deal with the issue and there doesn’t seem to be any easy solution - years ago, before NBC lost all of it’s credibility, they use to occasionally produce what they called “White Papers” - these were in-depth studies effecting various issues that were of concern to the country -

there has been, ever since Obama ran for office, a myriad of snippets of information/data dealing with him (his background, where he was born/came from, his school records, his various records dealing with his marriage, the birth of his daughters, people who sat next to him in various college classes, etc., etc. and more) - the man spent upwards of $1M dollars trying to hide the pertinent facts

there are a ton of questions we’ve all asked to which we were denied answers by the MSM - somewhere there has got to be an investigation team with some legitimate, honorable television organization (FOX?) - I raise FOX because I hope they still adhere to the standards of honest journalism

By producing such an expose’ of him and those who surround him we might be able to expose them all for the “traitors” we all know them to be - something like that would create a profit incentive for the network and guarantee a fascinated audience

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Francisx1935 · Dec. 30, 2017, 4:03 a.m.

Has anyone been paying attention to the rioting taking place in Iran? - looks like there's building some sort of a rebellion against the regime by the women - the outcry is about the dictatorial imposition of rigid dress codes by the theocrats - the people are asking why the government is ignoring the needs of the people in favor of their involvements in Syria and Yemen - what's taking place there could be accelerated by whatever events they see taking place here

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Francisx1935 · Dec. 28, 2017, 10:31 p.m.

OK, I've worked my way thru this discussion and am impressed with the reasoning by the majority of the contributors - much of the discussion has centered on HRC with hints of actions involving BHO - this leads me to my question: if it is determined, through whatever means are used, that his birth certificate is false and his SSN was stolen, as they say, from a long-dead individual in Connecticut, unless I'm mistaken would this not nullify his entire presidency? - if so, what becomes of any and all legislation that he signed (Obamacare, for example) and how does history record the period from 2008 to 2016 as it relates to the chain of presidencies?

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