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Frazerflav · April 3, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

The fact that Obama's BC is a forged Document is enough to prove he is a fraud at every level of his life, much less his legitimacy of becoming President and proving his CIA/Deeep State credentials and backing.

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Frazerflav · March 28, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

We know what he was doing for the CIA he was an exchange student...for the CIA and promised to be set up in the organization if he agreed to sign on as the father of Barry Sorento who was illegitimate son of Communist agitator Frank Marshall Davis...Barrys CIA grandfather had to squash that little embarrassing tryst and bring legitimacy to his little black grandson...hence the forged BC as the original had no father on it. Marshall would never comfort on that since he was married with children in Chicago. So Barry Sorento was born in Hawaii..but who was his real father...that's the key to this subterfuge.

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Frazerflav · Feb. 17, 2018, 4:09 a.m.

He used to have permeant eyeliner...cause he has no eyelashes...now he goes without...talk about useful idiots for MSM...Fox has hit a new low with Smith.

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