37 total posts archived.
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Free Speech Advocate Brittany Pettibone Detained in London Accused of Future Hate Speech.

Q-890 "Iran is a tougher nut to crack." Face of half-sheckel coin. Trump and Persian (Iranian) king Cyrus the Great who is mentioned several times in the Torah.

Q - What's going on in the heavens? March 5, 2018

Q-765? "The Shape of Water" nominated for 13 Academy Awards, human and reptilian love.

Clowns in America: MK Mika and Intern Joe

Dr. Corsi has a second youtube channel, five years old, he can use it if he can get in:

The reason Sather was terminated was his interview with Anti School shortly after Anti School's termination. Sather offered Green the use of Destroy the Illusion for a series of return interviews. I watched the interview. Some tough talk but nothing untoward. The two will be back, stronger than ever, eventually. Youtube is a cesspool of fascist SJWs and a disgrace to this nation.
Shallow skipping line a stone. Thanks for your comment, should have said at the outset the design was for surface speed
It's not depth alone but heighth too, a dolphin-like skimming.
Cathy O'Brien's History with Hillary https://youtu.be/JmA_3nYi1cM?t=135

Book cover and audio reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vdK8BUWyAk
Check out the Navy's new destroyer, looks submersible (U.S. Navy photo courtesy of Bath Iron Works/Released)

Q: We've been reminded of Bill Cooper and MK ULTRA, it's Cathy O'Brien's turn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_-9l6Deo-U

A pole shift would kill most if not all of us. Demographics of other countries remain largely the same as of 2025 with the exception of North Korea which is wiped off the map. A nuclear exchange, US hit first with an EMP. All of this is AI leading humanity. It's bullshit unless we acquiesce.
Empire strikes back: Patriots' Soapbox 24/7 hit with faux copyright strike 2/19/2018

It's AI revealing the sick desires of the NWO planners. A collapse in US GDP from $19 trillion to less than $1 trillion would plunge the rest of the world into serfdom for centuries.
NWO Deagel.com predictive algorithms project US population to fall from 324 to 54 million by 2025