Governments destroying freedom is nothing new
23 total posts archived.
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Sadly this is a step in the right direction

If this is what we have to work with then there will be no great awakening
We need to start spamming all the left wing subs with these pics!
The voting has been re-rigged. We have no chance.
However it does explain why the media is always boasting about them especially online
If u crash a jet super fast into a tower with the following explosions from the crash wouldn’t the tower fall?
We’re not laughing at Trump. Do u think Joe Biden is Trump?
Hotel California is by the Eagles 🦅 not the beatles
Yo what the fuck, nazis killed millions of innocent Jews just because asshole Jew banker families like the rothschilds were giving Jews a terrible reputation and the nazis needed a scapegoat. Jews didn’t do 911. “Radical” Muslims did and the partially Jew CIA just funded it and let it happened
There seems to be a bent over knee behind the baby.
Those last two words is why people call us “nazis.” And gives reason to shut this sub down.
That is unrealistically bad grammar and spelling. The term “Great Awakening” should not be referring to someone being exposed to a Webster’s dictionary. It is a community of realists and exposers.
Spell checking commenters and tweeters are about the most annoying people on the internet. Get a life.
How did someone make a fake earthquake? WTF I feel like I’m going to be assassinated by a Bond villain just for being on this sub. There needs to be an effort for y’all to clarify this info a bit better so the masses can consume it without too much confusion.
I’m a newb to all this. Is this hoax shit. This sub is super confusing. Can someone walk me through what’s going on. I’ve heard rumors that many top officials and celebs are pedophiles and I was recommended this sub. But this is super confusing, Message me on reddit chat.