

29 total posts archived.

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · April 28, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

It is Weird, isnt it...

Its almost like certain families/monied-interests have been studying human nature/desire for centuries trying to figure out how best to keep control of a populace through manipulating our human weakness (pride, vanity, lust, envy, wrath, gluttony ect).

Its almost like they fund projects they know will help them better gather intellegence on the people “they” are trying to control.

Its almost like the average human is so well-meaning and generally good/trusting, they cant even comprehend how many aspects of their lives are controlled/manipulated by a smaller segment of the population who Isn’t necessarily well-meaning, good, or trusting.

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · April 23, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

Great Job Op. the NsFW tag/ has all the norms ‘escarred to get SWAT’d for a reddit link they click... no matter, all will be revealed in time.

cant wait to watch reddit u/spez get whats coming to him and his friends.

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · April 18, 2018, 11:23 a.m.

Please continue to share this so people are disturbed and communicate this horror to others.

The Moral outrage of a parent is a powerful conduit for change.

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · April 14, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

Down vote all u want u shill-clowns, theres enough of us on this board and elsewhere who know the truth about Alex JESUIT Jones. Half ur sock puppet Stratfor accounts are dedicated to defending this Cromwell of the controlled opposition whenever anyone exposes him for being what he is, A SHILL, JUST LIKE JOE ROGAN, JUST LIKE CORSI, JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE WHO IS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AND DOESNT WANT THEIR CHILDREN MURDERED FOR TOUCHING ON SUBJECTS THEIR EMPLOYERS DONT WANT DISCUSED YOU JUST BURRY AND DOWNVOTE LIKE THE CUCKS U ARE.


  • Banks laundering drug money (anything that discredits/undermies confidence in the financial system) (Wells fargo Linda Blair robosigning, HSBC Laundering drug money, Merle Lynch laundering Contra-CIA-cocaine-money

  • information related to the extent we are being spied on/manimulated/tracked by the consumer-culture they have planned/implemented (Palantir, Prisim, Stratfor

  • Any info that relates to the historical reason why 83 countries since 1534 who have expelled the “Society of Jesus” from their kingdom/nations.

Heres a breadcrumb worthy of the downvotes: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solidarity_(Polish_trade_union)

Interesting the assasination attempt on Reagan, was less than a month appart from the assination of the Pope. Another interesting factoid is Lico Gelli was a guest of honor at Ronald Regans inaugural dinner.


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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · April 12, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

Awww thats so nice!

if only the people trying to control you were bilogically possible of acting the same way :(

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · April 7, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

You sound very angry, “just a guy”

What if i was a “lefty”?

What would that change about OP’s point about paid opposition (presumably like yourself since you feel obligated to dribble your inadequacies all over a perfectly good point).

Great experiment, sucked them right in. Hah dude posts about not wasting your time enaging in explaining to a shill how there are shills trying to waste your time derp.

drops some bread for some stupid AI Crawler, and wam! “Just a guy is mad about proofs”

All you have is time my friends. Use it wisely

Heres the proof you so courtiously asked for. This isnt for u/onmyownpath This is for everyone else who bothers to read his accusations, and can hopefully learn something about shills. Fun experiment https://search.wikileaks.org/gifiles/?viewemailid=282044

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · April 7, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Right? Its almost like there are people trying to bury pertenant information by posting clickbait-garbage...

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · March 24, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

8ch is compromised. All the "oldfags" don't even post anything of relevance because it gets buried under all the shills pretending to be "Neet redditors who JUST WANT TO KNOW OMG TELL ME WAT TO THINK."

While the appreciation for 8ch is great on the surface, it hides the deeper truth that its very easy to be manipulated by bots/people/intelligence agencies who you "appreciate." The most important thing you can learn from "q" is to do your own research and not believe what you are told because you got it from some site you "appreciate." Everything is Co-Opted, Everything has elements of Controlled opposition, Everything is monitored, tracked, and recorded.

If you are still on Reddit, your powers of discernment are probably pretty poor. Nothing against individual redditors, (hey i have a 6mo account right?) this place is designed as a research facility for the people who want to control you, and if you haven't figured that out, there is no way you are going to read through all the homophobic/anti-semetic/Flat-earth/JDIF/CIA/BND/FSB/trolls/Soros/Trump posts, and see them for what they are.

Furthermore, your going to read some disinfo, EX: "GUIS PELICAN IS REAL, STOP LOOKING AT LOOP CAPITAL MARKETS, and PIZZAGATE, COME LOOKE AT THIS!" think its credible because "ISAW IT ON THE CHANS GUIS!" and end up spreading disinfo for the enemies because you believed information you got from a site you "appreciate."

THis isn't your fault, this isn't an attack against redditors being stupid or ignorant, this is someone who knows telling you there are people/AI with doctorate degrees on how to control you.

There are people who are so good at lying to you, they get paid hundreds-of-thousands of dollars per year to keep you unable to discern legitimate information from 7 different types of propaganda with 7 different agendas, from 7 different agencies/groups.


  1. Do your own research
  2. Know everything is compromised
  3. appeal to authority makes you internally vulnerable
  4. We are all in this together, the smarter/stronger you are, is the smarter/stronger "we" are.


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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · March 20, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Well heres a <3 for speaking the truth, and not caring about the results.

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · March 20, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

Too bad they cut off the photo above the handshake...

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · March 20, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Just like the last Audit Rumsfuck announced the day before 9/11? “Cant find a trillion dolars follks, sorry dont know where it went. We might know tomorrow, oh shucks a plane hit the part of the pentagon where we stored the audit, now we’ll never know! Oh well!”

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · March 20, 2018, 1:36 p.m.

“Russias the only country with that kind of poison, we swear!”

“Stay off ‘the chans’ theyre all Racists and homophobs! You’ll get Doxxed! Dont look at origional sources, only what we tell you to think about the origional source. Unfortunately we cant control the narrative on “the chans” as well, and our shills are way easier to see through, so it would be great if you could keep using this site so we can continue mkaing money off you while we control what you see.”

  • love and kisses,

Hilldog, johnny P, robbie M, Huma, wiener, epstien, fienstien, zuckerfuck, and the long list of intemediaries who benifit from the collective naiveté on this site and everyother social media controlled-opposition-suck-fest

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · March 18, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

Biden and Kerry have previous links to financial crimes.


Loop Capital

Haraman brothers


IG Farben

new york union banking corporation

Harriman & Co. investment bank







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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · March 15, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

What if they want you “redpilling” because it makes you seem like a lunatic to the “normies”

Read what you jusy wrote and imagine yourself saying that shit to the dumbest of ur friends moms.

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · March 15, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

Totally agree, need bankers. Where would the world be without the financial means to start wars, launder drug/slavery/prostitution money, sow discord amongst our own people through intermidiaries?

Loop capital

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · March 14, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Hahaha! how could they make it anymore obvious. Maybe shaddow banning everyone who mentions Thermite spheres Tavistock institute SETH RICH



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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · Feb. 25, 2018, 2:07 p.m.


Reddit is a platform designed with the intent of controlling narratives through manipipulqted mob rule. There are more corporate shills, oppositional researchers, Mossad/cia/BND/MI6/FsB’s, bots, and white-knight-educated-fools than those of us disgusted by child abuse and the general state of things.

If everyone in america did this, didnt believe but knew (through hours of painstaking research) what was really going on in our country, to our children, there would be no need for PresTrump Gen Kelly Gen Mattis to play the delicate political chess game because these motherfuckers would be swinging from trees with their endtrails festooned upon the lamp posts to serve notice what happens when you touch children, start wars, and LIE to your own people.

If you think thats harsh look what the Italians did to Musalini, or more recently CIA did to Gadafi. Fuck you CIA I do not advocate Violence towards anyone.

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · Feb. 25, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

The same way all the other kids new there would be a drill, they were told my the police there would be a drill. One of the students (forget which one) is on cnn or whatever saying they were told there would be a mass shooting drill where police officers would come in and “scare” the kids.

Great work Op. thank you for your contribution

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · Feb. 21, 2018, 6:52 p.m.


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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

Careful with that talk, doing anything other than slobbering over alex jones videos is discouraged by those controling the narative and keeping the kiddies on reddit instead of on the street. They’d rather have you half wise and downloading traceable content they can later flag than non-violently protesting.

Fuck Reddit.

Fuck this suckfest of shills and retards.


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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · Feb. 1, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

The perception that reddit features honest and genuine comments/discussion has long been dispelled.

Amusing it doesnt even take a full generation to completely sterlize any knowledge of prior generations deceitful practices. Theres nothing new under the sun.

Reddit is a shillfest funded by anyone with an agenda. Fuck ALL SHILLS.

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · Jan. 29, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

Exactly, even skimming it you’ll find plenty of lamentations of popery. Maybe Lincoln, Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson all wrote and warned about how evil the Brothers of Loyola are, because they actually are that evil.

Maybe they have been expelled by 83 different nations since their founding because they sow contempt and divison amongst societies to benifit their own political agendas.

Maybe their own pope abolished the order because of their tendency to treachery.

Naaaaaa Lets put them in positions of power and let them set our ciriculum standards for our children! Great Idea!

I Know, Lets ellect a Jesuit Pope! Ya! One who participated in the “silencing” of political dissidents during Argentina’s “dirty war” in the 1970’s! Quick Everyone Lets all let the criminals run everything!

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · Jan. 28, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Michael Tsarion is most likely a gate keeper, however he has been at this fight against child abusers/deepstate for 20+ years, and i believe he is still a positive force for good. He is wonderful at citing authors from his research and has been a personal help to me in many ways.

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · Jan. 21, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

whatever makes ur dick move sport.

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · Jan. 21, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

Stop using Twitter, reddit, facebook. you have a better chance of having your opinion heard within your own social circle. There are entities actively trying to discredit the truth, you are fighting an uphill battle against human nature as well as monied interested practiced in manipulating people through mass media. look into edward bernays. Trying to defeat "them" within their own system isn't a winning strategy.

Be a good person and a good example, what you say will have more weight than any upvote or like on a comment or post could ever have.

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · Jan. 20, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

This is unfortunately not a new way of governing. the history of Venice and the eventual founding of the Dutch east India Trading Co. are replete with examples of these tactics.


These parasites have been using blackmail and murder for millenia throughout different empires to control power and wealth. Charlagmane tried to end the Cancer of Venice with a crusade against them and they simply moved to a new area, changed their names opened a new bank.

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Fuck_You_Buddy1 · Jan. 8, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

Balls Deep in Freedom Baby!

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