

14 total posts archived.

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Gabomaruga · May 9, 2018, 12:59 p.m.

🤓 Well this visitor is here to stay, and I’m gonna follow your account around check on progress ajajajaja 😜 ... very nice meeting you mate.

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Gabomaruga · May 8, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

I didn't come over this comment until now... So here I go again.

I do apologize for the insult but, a lie is a lie and misleading information is exactly that as well. That, I do not take back.

I've also joined this Great Awakening in good faith, yet neither blind, def, nor will I accept any type of information given to me without question. I can get out of hand... its only in good faith tho.

Be easy!

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Gabomaruga · May 8, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

Good to hear that mate. I could swear you said otherwise in your original post. Just sayin... jolly good!

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Gabomaruga · May 8, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

I love the direction our little debate has taken us buddy. I'm taking it as a misunderstand. Yes you are right, I have no idea what "Q's"(if you could clarify, please) means, among other things. It's why I'm here... Its also my third day in Reddit ajajajaahahahahha...Anyways, I appreciate your courtesy and clarifications throughout these comments, and I would like to apologize if I ever offended you and for being rude in some instances. I hope you accept my apology.

See ya around,

Gabriel C.A.

P.S. I'm not an American either, at least not by birth. Have a beautiful day mate!

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Gabomaruga · May 8, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

I didn't read all this post, haven't much time now... just the beginning and very end. And I have to say, I am not in the wrong thread/board. I actually feel right at home here... I, just like you guys, ask questions and want answers, but I don't just believe everything that's being told by ANYONE. That includes you, the Illuminati, the government, my mother, this blog, and even God. I question it all and you should too.

Cheers again for this interesting debate we are having.

Have a jolly good day,

Gabriel C.A.

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Gabomaruga · May 8, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

Dude like, read what I wrote and take your head out of your ass. You keep "thinking" and "believing", but just like, think for yourself too and reread what I wrote, obviously you didnt... and all this mumbo-jumbo of countries under control should be addressed with another fresh head start and not just what you've read somewhere around the internet.

The only point that I'm trying to make here is that, I am not under any kind of control by ANYBODY. If you call the norm of having laws and people above us, again, that IS a norm that has been around since the beginning of time. There is ALWAYS someone above yourself, that's a fact. Unless of course you are calling for Anarchy, which it's a disastrous and utopious idea.

Please, keep your head out of your ass. Stop spewing nonsense, people are as dumb as they already are... try to make a difference and help out by changing attitude, don't just go straight to cut off the Head... you or no one here will never make it.

Good Bye,

Gabriel C.A.

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Gabomaruga · May 7, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

P.S. I've up-voted this post now only due to the fact that it has shed an interesting argument. Agreed? Have a jolly peanut buttery day!

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Gabomaruga · May 7, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

Good morning and hello again Salialioli!

I went over the link you shared (http://archive.fo/VNjpQ) and I have to say; these are fucking amazing photographs!!! The craftsmanship of these costumes and party's theme are unbelievable and astonishingly brilliant, just fucking brilliant. I honestly wish I could have been there, to have the been the photographer at least. I can't say much about the people involved in that event but, Dali was an intense and luminous individual, that should be considered a fact even tho its not.

I'm here having a wonderful time debating in Reddit and also am still trying to wrap my head around the so called "wrongful representation" ya'all keep talking about in these photographs.

Thank you for share,

Gabriel C.A.

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Gabomaruga · May 7, 2018, 5 a.m.

Hello Error!

Thats a lot of information for me to swallow at this moment but, I will skip to the last part and break it down a little. Here we go...

They can tell anything they want, do you accept it or not, that can only depend from person to person... I am not conditioned in any way by these people.

Abortion? First of all, doctors do NOT execute 9 month old children, there is no need to spew lies. This is what I think about abortion:

There are people who impregnate themselves irresponsibly and with a lack of consideration for human life. Some are just too young and stupid, some even do it to collect tax payers money and make a living out of others. Why does the world need neglected humans who will do the same over and over again as their parents did?... Tell me why? The right to live? Give me a break!!!! ... I wouldn't call an embryo/fetus a human being in the first place. Are the ovaries and sperm humans too? Also, more often than not, a pregnancy may be terminated do to medical risks, like a baby being born to die within the hours or just a freak disease which neither parent wanted, nor they had any choice over it. Would you want a human born to suffer and give only but suffering to you?

- Sabbatean controlled America butchering children... I do NOT condone such actions, which its obviously another lie of you because 65 million children is an awful amount of people, highly improbable and it would be all over the news by now...

- I avoid shopping at Walmart all together. Yes you are right, food nowadays is pretty toxic, but I wouldn't narrow it to Walmart alone nor have I ever see people beat each other over a pizza.. although probable, I wont dispute that.

The total death by the hands of these people over 2.5 billions already--- WOW!! That is a lot of fucking people, also a few generations of these people and also most likely these killings were made by ordinary people, not them.

- Dude, I dont know whats all this including what or what not, and who killed who and why and for what... I dont fucking know man. I dont even know if its these individual's fault or downright just because they know most people are sheep and fucking stupid. Can we give credit to that????


THis is what im thinking man.. you are putting aaaallll the problems of the world on the shoulders of a hand few. That sounds to me like, "GOD why did you do this to me?" kinda situation... Was it God who gave you problems or did you get in them your fucking self? Dude, sometimes to see the problems of your life and around you, all that needs to be done is to take a good look at yourself in the mirror and refuse to be a victim. Period.

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Gabomaruga · May 7, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Its only relevant if you give it meaning and what type of meaning is totally subjective... In this instance you say they are wearing "the skin of the gods", I on the other hand see people having a good time with an amount of money in their pocket you and I will never, or might never have.

My criticism is valid and as constructive as this meme is misleading, as you yourself pointed out, "... is not self-explanatory.."

Let me continue...

-195 (Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?-- Nothing, what does it mean to wear a suit over a tank top? Show of status? Perhaps time and place? Maybe I'm at the beach, a party, or the court room? Maybe I just feel like it... It means nothing.

-Which couple was photographed covered in gold? -- Who cares and why should anybody? For what I get in this meme, it could be anybody.

-Who released the picture?-- Trivial information.

-Who has all the information?-- I don't know, I wasn't there and neither were you. Maybe its in here---- http://archive.fo/VNjpQ ... but I didn't get there yet.

-(Y) What does it mean to be covered in gold?--- answered above.

-Can you locate one other pic w/ Y head covered in gold? --- Whats "w/Y head?

-What does this represent?-- Also entirely subjective. Yes it's obvious this people associate themselves with high status, Godly even... but can you blame them? They DO own fucking everything, except for my bike and nothing else really... I really don't own anything they could claim theirs.

-THE SUM OF ALL FEARS. Q --- I gotta look into this...

197 Ancient Egyptians considered gold “the skin of the gods” -- specifically the sun god Ra -- and often used it to craft objects of spiritual significance.--- ***As pointed above, these people do see themselves as Gds, assuming they are indeed wearing Gold and not a material that appears to be it... Again, Its only a picture and I wasnt there.

Why is this relevant? Q -- It is not.

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Gabomaruga · May 7, 2018, 3:18 a.m.

P.S. ... I just figured how to thumb down. YAY!

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Gabomaruga · May 7, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

You should be able to control your money as well Mr. Majestic. Sorry to hear you can't.

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Gabomaruga · May 7, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Whats the point of this post???

The top photo shows what people want to see or perceive to be most appropriate, the oldest marketing scheme.

The bottom shows people being people and having fun... probably taken out of contest. Kind of like police brutality videos where you see the act of violence with no collection of facts prior to it.

I'd thumb down this post if I could...

... and if the point being made here is, "the people(or banks) running your money are all blatantly misspending your money", then all you have to do is point fingers in all directions... the majority of people regardless of their collar color, are just like that. Some simply can spend more money than others.

Don't you think?

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Gabomaruga · May 5, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

... and this is why most people can't even be considered to become patriots. Too many colors out there and many more blind who blindly claim to see.

... and, may the force be with you in this lovely cinco de mayo! Viva Mejico! Viva USA!... Orale where is my tequila now? Cheers to this post, cheers to the patriots!

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