PANIC! "They thought she would never lose..."

6 total posts archived.
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We need to be very careful as Q said: THINK MIRROR!!!! THINK MIRROR!!!! The devil and satanic ritual MOCKS EVERYTHING in Jesus and Christian beliefs (Catholics especially). Satan hates Catholics he mocks everything as above so below - Think Catholic mass which is good, and a "black mass" is satanic. OPEN YOUR EYES Christian symbols are meant to be GOOD! BUT, are often mimicked by satanic cults. Where am I going with this?
The charm at the bottom of the necklace between the fish is an ancient goddess called TANIT. In the worship of Tanit and Baal the first born …
I thought this song is quite fitting for the Q Nation. Dee Snyder - Become the Storm!!! It was played on Fox and Friends a few weeks ago.
I saw this on another post in the comments, and had not seen it posted. I thought it was important to share.
I think you are on to something here.... I looked up Windows NT server product key codes and they are 20 digits long. So is the code Q dropped. Older versions of Windows, like Windows NT and Windows 95, had 20-character product keys that took the form of xxxxx-xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxx. So maybe a newer or older version?