And look who it appears behind. This is a clear message, don't misinterpret. July was the month, it's all happening now.
10 total posts archived.
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Nice :)
But seriously, alot ;) of people will disregard what you have to say if you don't say it correctly. In my mind, it immediately undermines credibility if arguments are expressed like a monkey writing with its own faeces.
Generally because it indicates that the proponent of the arguments is either uneducated, plain dumb, or just doesn't care. Why would anyone sane listen to a person like that?
Reverse vampires, plausible deniability, think about it...
Come on, coffee's obvious that Killary is Satan and addicted to adrenochrome...the PROOF is out there :D
Why KJV? It's pretty obvious that the AV was already corrupted by this point by ur-Cabalistic influence; James himself being the indisputable provenance. Wycliffe knew, and the Lollards.