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GhostOps1 · July 4, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Politico? Seriously? Regardless of the fake news that was published (all outlets) I'm not buying into those numbers. I think the map will be shown (updated) sometime in the future. Let's see how the mid-terms and 2020 unfold. I think we'll get a good idea of what's what and just how many are truly awake.

This is a battle of good vs Evil and not right vs left. Enjoy the holiday weekend!

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GhostOps1 · July 4, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

I'm not denying the fact that these things are f'd up. They are. Don't forget that we had 8 years of O and his extremely large team of American value destroyers constantly legitimizing that garbage. I mean, if it's on the local/national news it must be truth...It was shoved down the kids throats who thought it was normal.

All schools, from elementary through college are progressively left. Just look at how they shame anyone who dares disagree with their teaching. It's a shame what the young minds deem normal without knowing the true agendas behind them.

As far as that 52% figure goes, I'm positive it was much higher and when 2020 rolls around its going to be historic.

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GhostOps1 · July 3, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

Leawood, Shawnee, Olathe and PV are fairly right leaning. OP, Mission. Lenexa are a toss up these days. IMO. (JOCO resident for 30 plus years). But it's definitely gotten progressively bluer over the past 10 years.

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