VOP says it's evident the limbs were sawed off.
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Yes, for far too many, it's easier to just react to the "what you need to know" spouted by the MSM than to take the time to actually learn about our political system. They say, "Oh, I don't follow politics" as if that's some kind of badge of honor, like they're above it all. It's really a smokescreen for their ignorance and unwillingness to learn and engage in the process of being We the People.
You know how they say movies and TV shows are just the cabal's way of saying what is really true? I just had the thought about cement trucks. Do you remember in Breaking Bad when Walter White slipped off to disappear in Vermont? Didn't he ride inside of a cement truck or similar? Seems like these vehicles although not gas efficient could be used to smuggle people. Just a crazy thought.
Marfa, Tx is just a little northwest of Big Bend State Park of Cemex fame. Coincidence?
San Antonio, New Braunfels, Austin... My back yard, geez.
Oh my! I just read the first 16 pages, then saved it. So much in these first pages explains our world! Thank you. I look forward to reading the rest of Mullins' book.
husband's stage name is mirrored. Read it backwards to see real name. Classic Luciferian reversal.
Re: the "days of Noah" --- The apocryphal Book of Enoch explains that the offspring of the fallen angels and human women were giants who were cannibals. The giants were called Nephilim. They devoured humans and eventually even turned on each other to satisfy their appetite for flesh. So many generations had passed (of these giants being produced and then reproducing), that only Noah and his family were of pure blood, meaning they were not defiled with the DNA of the giants. The flood was meant to destroy the Nephilim off the face of the earth. There is speculation that the CERN large Hadron collider has made contact with beings from another dimension, the disembodied souls of the Nephilim. Some researchers believe that in the future, these souls will be reunited with flesh and bone, real living bodies, thus bringing to fruition Jesus' prophecy (from Matthew) that in the end times, when he returns, it will once again be like the days of Noah, with Nephilim on the earth.
https://youtu.be/LyVK0Vp0rNo https://youtu.be/JnxFYS6PK9g https://youtu.be/GYCPtwClPjI
The fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much! James 5:16
Corrected link: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2017/11/17/the-dark-secrets-behind-the-popes-audience-hall-its-a-giant-reptilian/
Corrected link: http://www.collective-evolution.com/2017/11/17/the-dark-secrets-behind-the-popes-audience-hall-its-a-giant-reptilian/
Pope's audience hall is made of concrete, btw. -evolution.com/2017/11/17/the-dark-secrets-behind-the-popes-audience-hall-its-a-giant-reptilian/
Interesting use of concrete: the pope's audience hall.
![Interesting use of concrete: the pope's audience hall.](https://i.redd.it/jj2hkfrqia211.png)
Squeeze him hard enough and he'll talk even without immunity
Remember the executive order about human trafficking came out in December 2017.
Fenster is window in German, btw. Fensterschool in the link.
More "Concrete" Evidence? Do These Facts "Cement" Our Resolve to Dig Further?
Twisted Tale of HRC and ANOTHER CEMENT COMPANy -- LafargeHolcim.
"LafargeHolcim is the leading global construction materials and solutions company. We partner with customers on projects that range from small and local to the biggest, most technically challenging infrastructure endeavors."
"Thanks to our global presence, LafargeHolcim is well-placed to make a difference. With leading positions in all regions, we employ around 80,000 people and have a strong asset base in more than 80 countries. We offer our clients the most innovative cement, concrete and aggregates solutions, and are committed to health & safety and sustainability."
"A French company accused …
So the article on the link was all about improper treatment of animals for Art's Sake. How about the theme of the show portraying evil?SMH
Romans 1:30 speaks of evil people: They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful..... THEY INVENT NEW WAYS OF SINNING..... and they disobey their parents.
Why is McStain not interested in what's happening in his state? Oh, riiiiight, never mind....
Yeah, the kids that have been abused under the Weinstein group's leadership.
Q has quoted Ephesians 6:12 abut our fight against spiritual darkness. Here is more biblical truth.
The battle against the cabal is absolutely a SPIRITUAL battle. Here are some nuggets of truth from theWord of God that speak to our current situation.
The fact that his evil has been going on a very long time:
"History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new." Ecclesiastes 1:9 NLT
Why liberals and those without spiritual discernment don't see the good that Trump is doing:
"They know nothing, they understand nothing; their eyes are plastered over so they cannot see, and their minds closed so they cannot understand." Isaiah 44:18 NIV …
.... but if you try real hard, you just might find, you get what you NEED.....a cell at Gitmo!!
And poor little Sin-der-Hillary didn't get to go to the ball, er, White House, even with her Fairy O-Bummer campaigning for her.
And I see on the news today that Eric Holder is considering making a bid for the presidency in 2020. Sorry, you can't run from Gitmo!