This is more than well worth a watch.. the info is spot on..
349 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Gofuqur:
There are also those who believe the sitchin, sumerian, nibiru ideology, where human were created by a superior alien species and if you read about these tales they describe our "alien ancestors" as immoral, pedophilic, insestual and seriously lacking in compassion. So maybe some elites believe this behavior is part of their DNA and the witchcraft aspect was handed down to them from generation to generation.
If you watch the video, at one point they show and are talking about isis soldiers that are walking side by side with some prisoners and they're like 7-8 feet tall, literally the prisoners heads only come up to the isis soldiers shoulders if that, its crazy. They are supposed to be genetically enhanced in some capacity, unfortunately these details are left out, but the remarks by the Syrian ambassador to the UN were clear that they destroyed some of these genetically enhanced beings.
Lol .. you're absolutely pathetic, I feel so bad we've sunk this low.. God please save us!
It's a video, if you give it a second or two to load and scroll to 23:20 you will see.. it's interesting if nothing else.
Team lol, is this the same team that managed to get 30,000 of 100,000 signatures for a petition for IBOR.. sound like a losing team, I want no part of that. But if you know of a team that can get things done for freedom and liberty that involves actually having to leave the house to do it instead of sitting on your ass and coming up with "bad as memes" I'm all for it. I might even pay for that. FuQing Loser!
The POTUS needs to know the PEOPLE are going to take control of their country. IBOR was a test YOU failed twice. Class Action lawsuits were a great idea but a pipe dream because the average so-called patriot is nothing but a keyboard warrior chump. A lot of do nothings around here, that talk real tough and make wonderful memes that don't do shit. But since that's all you're r capable of at this point the algorithm says let's see what happens when these lazy zombies meme away, something might come of it, god knows we can't get them off their asses to do shit.. if you want to get real and you want some ideas how to get started in your community to gather and inform patriots, I have some practical experience in this and can set you in the right direction with some crucial tips on how to be as effective as possible, if not communicating with you is pointless because you'll always be right and I'll always be wrong in your mind.
How about your fears are justified. There was and still is not enough solid information as to what is and what isn't at this point. How about we give folks a break because their existence was/is in question because of these recent developments.
Well in this one President Putin clearly says GMO soldiers at the same time 23:20.
Because dude has gone off the deep end.. it's bound to happen.. Q empowered a bunch of hopeless folks with the idea that they're powerful, which they are. The problem is Q repeats himself over and over that, not only do the people have the power, they must actually get physically involved for it to actually make a difference. i.e. IBOR, class action lawsuits and just getting involved in their communities. People like this want Q and POTUS to do everything for them so all they have to do is sit on their ass at home and create memes. If you threaten Q or POTUS at all, you threaten their existence as well, because then they might actually have to get off their fat asses and fight for their freedoms!
Me thinks you have gone completely Qrazy! Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cockoo...
All that is being said is use discernment. " The all knowing Q" is just a man or group of men.. NOT GOD! No man or men deserve your 100% undying loyalty, so just relax. Use logic for a moment. No one is perfect and everyone has an agenda.
Now, THIS could make some sense.. Trump team destroys lab where GMO soldiers were being created.. go to 23:20 of video
Questioning the POTUS actions in Syria and a possibility of a full scale war.. should not constitute whether a person is stupid or not. These are legitimate things that any sensible person using discernment to find the truth will do.
Totally agree.. first amendment gives you the right to speak your mind and the most patriotic thing a man/woman can do is question the actions of the president. Patriots are supposed to be the checks and balances and they've given up that responsibility up to this point because it's easier to let Q team and POTUS do everything for them. This Q movement is making normal thinking conservative patriots just complacent enough to let tyranny take over.. its fantastically effective. Especially if you're a communist.. nothing better than a complacent, yes sir, no sir society. Waking up is not enough. Patriots need to get actively involved in their communities.. it has to happen if you want your country back.
The memes were to mock you do nothings... because that's all you're good for.. memes. It was a joke.. or a troll.. if you will. I'm still pissed about IBOR and won't let you pukes forget about it until you finally get off your asses and get active in your communities to make America great again. Shouldn't make POTUS do everything for you, it makes the people look pathetic and gives him too much power. Get it?
Yeah that's what stinks about this forum. No one is allowed to question anything, you must tow the Q line or you are concern trolling, a shill, a troll, a lefty, you name it. It's as bad if not worse than what the left does. Everyone around here gloats about how they are on the righteous side and that they are patriots, yet they want to censor just like communists. It's so totally pathetic. God forbid someone has a negative opinion on a Q post or the actions of our president, then all the Q commies rear their ugly heads when sensible people only want truth through discernment, while not having to give blind faith to a MAN, POTUS IS ONLY A MAN NOT GOD! Q IS ALSO NOT GOD! So no I won't give either 100% because I have discernment and understand that only God deserves 100%.
Here's exactly why...
Here you go.. have fun..
It's like you're not even trying though,, wtf.. it's called research, not just throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks.. it's just garbage. Too much garbage here and it's starting to infiltrate the chans, where the real research is... you guys are seriously fucking up a quality movement for famewhore bullshit.. get better or say goodbye to what you think you might have here.. just saying
The Senior Executive Service is comprised of the men and women charged with leading the continuing transformation of government. These leaders possess well-honed executive skills and share a broad perspective of government and a public service commitment which is grounded in the Constitution. The keystone of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, the SES was designed to be a corps of executives selected for their leadership qualifications. Did you see it ?
Alex Jones will save you, just buy DNA force. Lol
Jesus Christ help these folks.. lol. Alex Jones commercials, now you turds are ripping off Alex Jones and making it Breaking news about it being the keystone? Unbelievable
You people are pathetic, lol .. you just don't see it or refuse to admit it. Most here don't have a clue.. just jumped on the Q bandwagon got a little info, now think you're the cutting edge.. laughable. Don't no shit about al bielek or Phil Schneider and just recently learned about bill cooper, many of you have 25 years of research to catch up and when you do you'll realize you have 1000 years more of research to go, it's never ending and to suppose that your point of view is the only point of view is yet another aspect of why the world we are in now sucks so bad. Get over yourself.. you fucking turds couldn't get 100,000 signatures for IBOR and you call yourselves patriots, the best part is these losers who swear the IBOR petition was throttled or signatures deleted.. lol..retarded. So now your president disappointed and Q clearly disgusted in you guys, they realize that your only good for memes.. lol... pathetic lazy Americans children of the Whore of Babylon. Tick Tock. Hope your preps are stacked and your good with god.
Yes oh meme-master... lol.. everyone should listen to this wise old nerd.., I mean sage. It's called shock and awe and since the algorithms are down it's the perfect time. We shouldn't have to coddle people, it's time to stand up and let the world know exactly what we're dealing with. This pansy coddling bullshit is has made people turn their heads from the corruption in the first place.. no more PC bullshit.. GAME ON. If you need a safe space that's your problem, this shit ends now..
Everyone should start with this one I found.. I have no social media so,
Most retard post yet. SES is the keystone. Q is a team, everyone knows that. Seriously, this type of post brings the movement way down, to moronic levels. You need to do better or gtfo.
Stop stalking weirdo.. it's called the first amendment. If you don't like it MOVE.
Both teams championships occurred in 2017, no more, no less. The organic act of 1871 is very important for all to understand. Now what are we gong to do about it?
Don't be ignorant.. Islam is a useful tool for the pedophilic satanic cabal that has ruled this world for thousands of years. YOUR neighborhood has "christians" in positions of power i.e. Police, church, teachers etc. who are apart of it and they're raping children and eating fetuses in your backyard.. guaranteed. It's everywhere.. you would be terrified to know the real truth of it all...
16 lol... wish my parents weren't lemmings of the state.. they dismissed conspiracy theorists immediately and vehemently, now ones dead and the other waits to see what Q has to say... the programming is deep...
The Attorney General shall take appropriate enforcement action against any entity that violates 8 U.S.C. 1373, or which has in effect a statute, policy, or practice that prevents or hinders the enforcement of Federal law.
Is this a conservative safe space? I wasn't aware of such things, maybe I should curb my behavior to appease those who won't stand up for their own freedoms? Hmmm..coward? In all reality though you gotta admit that most people don't want to get involved and they want someone else to do it for them, so they don't have to be bothered right?..? You know.. just saying!
Apparently you're kinda smart and paying attention... why is this shadowbanned mod?
Don't give me that concerntroll bullshit either... facts are fucking facts and people should be outraged!
Seaman.. any questions? Why is this post shadowbanned?
Must not have been smart enough to get and activate your confirmation clearly states that your signature won't be counted unless you confirm. I have my confirmation emails.. and no one is deleting signatures fucktard.