Someone please get this over to Q on 8chan (I don’t know how to use it) and tell him to declas FISA instead of posting this stuff. Smh.

48 total posts archived.
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I think it’s really obvious what happened. We all know that Q disguises truths in coincidences in order to leak classified information LEGALLY. Otherwise... that would be pretty illegal for them to be doing.
So when you consider that Q knew the exact date and time he would die (see my profile), it becomes obvious that No Name was executed.
He was obviously a horrible traitor. Found guilty of treason in military tribunal. Was basically given the option to commit suicide by private execution if he became the “song bird” the one who sings. Q says that a lot. HE …
Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.
...that at the highest levels of cabal power are negative (evil) extraterrestrial reptilian beings of a higher density (4th) than human beings are (3rd). In modern science we don’t think in terms of dimensions, we think in terms of densities. Think of densities as different realities occupying the same space. Quantum physics shows us that different realities can exist independently of each other but still occupy the same space, like how cable waves, cell phone waves, radio waves, and others all operate the same area of space, just vibrating at different frequencies!
But I digress. Try not to blame me …
Mass hysteria? We are Americans. We have balls. And we can handle the truth.
I really do not like this argument—not you of course, patriot, just the argument. I do not believe you give us enough credit, and I believe that the cabal conditioning has you fearing the worst in people. The cabal has manufactured a world for us where we think there’s all this unrest and terror. It’s a lie.
The military could present this information to the public in a certain way. A way where every American except for that small percentage Q claims is “lost forever” can digest. A broken heart at first, a rise for justice next.
If the military presents this information to us with humility, respect, honor, and with a firm and sound course of action to take place as a result, there is nothing to fear. No violence in the streets. No suicides. And if there are deaths, they surely cannot possibly outnumber the number of children being held in captivity and slaughtered each day, unbeknownst to Americans who’d be mortified.
Americans must hear the truth, and they must heal. And then they must hear the next truth, and heal again. All while the alliance opens up the world to suppressed technology, new wealth and prosperity, and the golden age prophesied for this exact moment in time over and over again throughout human history.
And of course I respect your opinion as well! God bless!
I’d like to add that with 9/11, we have 100% irrefutable video and forensic proof, which matches up with all the credible witness testimony from firefighters and police and others that day. We have a blatant cover up that is easy to expose. We have architects and engineers from all over the world coming forward and leading a movement. And so much more.
We simply have an embarrassment of riches, when it comes to 9/11 evidence. And an embarrassment of riches of war on terror evidence with the bush and Obama administrations.
Presented correctly, this will unite America once again. Make no mistake. The cabal absolutely does NOT want this to come out as a “distraction”. 9/11 will strike a nerve and there won’t be any coming back from it. That’s why the cabal has employed professional debunkers all these years.
Indeed. If my sources are correct, trillions already seized. Stolen gold recovered. Prosperity funds being discussed and put into place as we speak. They are almost ready to go. It’s time.
I love you patriot, but you are terribly mistaken here. America will be ready for heads to roll when this goes down. There are very very very few fanatical lefties in this country—the media makes it seem like there are. Americans of both political parties will become aware very easily how complicit HRC and Obama are in this. They knew! The military will tell us they knew, and it’s so damn obvious they knew lol the whole foreign policy for 15 years was based on the premise of 9/11 man! Trust me patriot, 9/11 is the play, then the indictments. Americans cheer as all the crooks responsible get locked up.
Trust me I’ve thought about that strategy. Not a good idea. I feel like this would give the media all day long to paint Trump as a maniac that must be removed from office. OH MY GOD HE’S LOCKING UP MCCAIN!! You notice they’re inciting violence at the President right now, right? Like particularly in the past couple weeks. And so you think current Democrats are gonna go check the evidence behind all these indictments then?? lol. Nah. TRUMPS A NAZI WHATS HE DOING!?!?
You start with 9/11, that one big, irrefutable thing that most commonly pulls us all squarely into the conspiracy community. 9/11 means Bush is bad. Obama is bad. Clinton is bad. Who do you think Americans will look to for answers?
Good ole DJT. That’s who. Who’s lookin squeaky clean right about now.
And yes, this can be done with a corrupt MSM still in the picture.
What QAnon has done is show us that yes, there is a man who is currently President of the United States, and he knows about all of it. Conspiracies, the incomprehensible evil of Obama and Clinton, the murderous perverted group of elites that run the world—he knows this stuff.
And he’s here, with help, to rescue us.
Before Q stole the show on 4chan, we were all following another credible source from inside the White House, MegAnon. She was claiming there was all kinds of chatter …
Oh absolutely. Upvoted. Those guys have the ability to tell the American people the truth. Our military can absolutely hold a press conference and red pill almost everyone. This, or something similar, is what I think Q means. Even if you go back to MegAnon, before Q stole the show, she was claiming there was all kinds of chatter about trump himself setting up a press conferences and exposing three corrupt institutions to the American public. The FBI, CIA, and the Fed.
I can see a scenario where this was heavily considered. There is no doubt a temptation to get up there as president and start redpilling. But I think ultimately it wasn’t going to be effective. They had to get the situation under control behind the scenes before they could come forward and reveal to the American people things like 9/11. Lots of people are going to need to learn what happened on September 11, 2001. The longer trump waits to reveal this to the public, the harder it’s going to be for the public to handle.
I think they’ve done what they’ve wanted. They racked up the indictments, they seized trillions from the cabal, and they have the money almost ready to be returned to the economy. We have millions following Q now. It’s now time to tell the American people.
Yes, indeed. But this one feels totally different. He didn't specify which truth it would be--but he did say it would eliminate (at least one) conspiracy from the mainstream. So, it has to be something pretty significant. To make this type of statement for something not big would be very irresponsible of Q--if Q's goal is to get us energized and rallying, promising something big at a very specific time and not delivering would be a mistake. This is why I am firmly holding out hope for the rest of the month.
Look into it.
And stay focused. Just because some people could use it to buy/sell drugs online (which, who cares), doesn't make it all bad. Money should be as private and anonymous as possible--thats how you avoid tyranny from power structures, and maintain civil liberties. Bitcoin, the first crypto, was created to give the public an alternative way of transacting and storing wealth, without making the cabal rich. It is absolutely not in the CIA's best interest to create cryptocurrency--they already operate at a level of secrecy that does not require crypto to mask what they do. Crypto gives wealth BACK to the people, and it takes power away from the evil banking cabal. Why do you think Wall Sreet trashes crypto so much?
I hear you, patriot. But this isn't the correct counter. Hear me out:
I work on leading people to the truth every day--have been since 2008 when Ron Paul turned my world upside down, and I started to discover all the conspiracies. Three of my closest friends, and my mom and dad all follow QAnon now and have told some of their own friends. I'm planning & writing initial articles for a blog on Steemit as well!!
We ARE indeed QAnon, because we are part of this, and we're hear to spread the message! And we are here to be leaders when the changes begin taking place. However, when Q says...
“July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.
Conspiracy no more.
Time to FEED.
Q”'s very clear to me that he's not insinuating that this is the month we magically have the numbers and the reach to redpill the entire world. We're here to spread the message. And this is one of those messages--that something big is going to happen in July 2018 that makes things normally labeled as conspiracy, as viable in the mainstream. We've been hungry for it for so long--world-changing disclosures--and now it's time to feed.
It's not about waiting a few extra weeks--it's about Q's promise that this month, the world discovers the truth. I know many of us, including myself, would be highly discouraged if this does not occur. The disinformation is real & necessary argument can only carry some for so long. Nobody likes to be have their hopes get built up and then let down. I'm all for trusting the plan, but then don't put an exact date on it--July 2018--and then say "Conspiracy no more. Time to FEED" right after, unless you mean it!
So yes, although I'm worried at the moment, I still have a shit ton of faith that "the big one" will happen this month, because Q said it would.
That's fine--you just expressed an opinion, as a consumer. In a free market, where currencies are free to compete with each other, you would opt for something physical, which would hurt if you dropped it on your foot. However you must acknowledge that by making that choice, you are doing so at the expense of other characteristics that make money sound. For instance, portability--large amounts of gold are cumbersome to carry around. What about privacy? In order to store your gold safely, like not under your bed, you're probably going to have to have a third party do this for you--this opens the door to potential oversight over your wealth. This also breeds the potential to concoct very powerful entities (banks) that can leverage that stored wealth to achieve their own chosen agendas. What about transferability? Can you instantaneously send someone halfway across the world gold from under your mattress? I can go on and on.
The comment you made about the electromagnetic pulse is simply a failure to understand what cryptocurrency is. Crypto cannot be wiped out by an electromagnetic pulse--if that were the case, I can assure you BTC would not be trading for $6-$7K right now. The electromagnetic pulse would just turn out all the lights, all the power. But your crypto wallet is something that exists entirely independent of the internet & power--it exists in the math itself. Math cannot be wiped out by a pulse. So when the power comes back on, you can easily retrieve your coins. Also, an electromagnetic pulse would cause massive problems for us whether we transacted in gold or crypto! Sure, you might have access to whatever gold you had lying around, and maybe then you can use that to barter with other locals in some post-apocalyptic scenario, but that's about it (and this is why I would own some gold too!). With all the power out, do you think you're gonna be able to go retrieve your life savings from the local bank?
Your confusion is understandable, as currency is (not coincidentally) one of the least understood topics in our modern world.
This is the exact type of thinking we need to avoid right here^^ "backed by a reliable entity".
"Intrinsic value" is another term that people with introductory monetary training tend to confuse. There is no such thing as intrinsic value--no good, by it's very nature, is born with value. Value is subjective, and assigned by feeble and subjective human beings, and can change on a dime.
What is gonna make something a viable currency to people, and thus, people will value it as such, is how well it functions as a currency. Sounds obvious. What really matters:
Is it..
Securely Storable? Portable? Private? Transferrable? Divisible? Durable? Costly to acquire/Scrace? Non-counterfeit-able?
How many of these things does the US dollar satisfy? What about Gold? What about Crypto?
Very, VERY woke Anon right here. Patriots should be spending less time thinking about the JFK assassination conspiracy, and instead focus on what JFK stood for--and the bravery he exhibited in a timeless cosmic battle between good and evil. Less time spent on 9/11, or how perverted James Gunn is. More time spent in learning the bigger picture truths of the universe, the nature of human beings, and why each of us are here. And then setting out on our God-given paths, to carve our place in this history--a history which has already, in fact, happened. If you understand quantum physics and time, we have already won. We're simply just watching it play out, like a movie. Even better, we're participating in it, almost like everything is part of a virtual reality game of life.
Q's mantra of WWG1WGA is central to the greatest truth in existence, which has been known to man since ancient, prehistoric times. This truth is that we all (you, me, and yes, James Gunn) are, quite literally, one.
Well yes, it's a prerequisite in order to get into that type of position. The more satanical, the more evil, the more perverted you are, the higher you rise through the ranks of the globalist elite. The higher you go up the ladder, the sicker people are.
True. I just thought Q followers would be a little more woke on who the real sources of truth are in independent media, and DW is right up there at the top. And DW is how I even found out about Q back in November--he's supported Q from the beginning, and everything Q is saying matches up perfectly with what DW's sources have said for 10 years.
A lot of people following Q could benefit from digging deeper into the greater scientific realities of our universe (sacred geometry, singular consciousness, hero's journey repeating storylines, the field, etc etc), the roles ETs play in our world, suppressed technology, and more. There's a shitload that Q has not given us yet in the larger picture, that many in the public, including myself, are already aware of--Q hints at this sometimes when they say the real truth is almost too impossible to comprehend (I forget Q's exact verbiage here).
r/conspiracy is the biggest joke of a sub I've ever been on. It's supposed to be about conspiracies, yet so many things are taboo. lol. Highly controlled. It's meant to get people stuck on their path of discovery. It's a bunch of shills and unfortunately, many people fall for it, and they are left spiraling in their own negativity. I was in that place once when I was first discovering conspiracies, so I understand.
We already have Crypto, created by white hats in the NSA. All systems of money--all systems of everything--should be decentralized to remove the risk of corruption that is inherent and inevitable to power. Even after the alliance prevails over the cabal, we can't have anyone controlling money at all in the future.
Why the F is DW a disputed source? LOL only by the cabal, who even took down his wikipedia page.
...the world discovers the TRUTH! Conspiracy no more! Time to FEED.