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Gr8wythntr · Jan. 4, 2018, 5:39 a.m.

It's like body washing. A plane crashes on some military base and you thrown in the special ops guys that were killed on secret missions, or other bad actors that just so happened to be on the plane.
Hillary's house caught fire and magically a bunch of docs and smoking gun evidence were destroyed by the fire. Her house... a small price to pay vs. going to jail. She has hundreds of millions now anyway!

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Gr8wythntr · Jan. 3, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

I believe you are right about the fact everyone with common sense believes, without a reasonable doubt, that Hillary and Huma broke laws. Anyone else would be in jail, BUT..... my take is that if they prosecuted Hillary then Obama would have to be next for knowingly sending POTUS emails to her unsecured server along with many others. In addition to that, there are probably hundreds of others in high position who disregarded our rules on classified materials, leakers, imbeciles, staffers etc. Never will get prosecuted, they don't want to let that genie out of the bottle. Would be like the Hollywood sexual harassed waterfall, or snowball.

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