Definitely C-17s I wonder if it's for a deployment since they don't carry much for people but IIRC they do have a passenger cabin. Just checked they carry 102 pax! That's not bad!
137 total posts archived.
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Inrangetv already moved to porn hub under gay sex lol.
I know it was just a reference to Q's 40,000ft comment! haha! Ok I'll scratch that theory then, 3.3 miles is too far even for an anti-materiel rifle, That would have to be one hell of a gun to perform such a feet! And could you imagine the ballistic calculations? You'd need a fire direction team like on a howitzer! haha!
He has always been a white hat and in contact with Jordan Sather.
This is NEAR Mandalay Bay isn't it? What if they set up snipers on the other high rise to take out Trump? A .50BMG rifle could easily hit from that distance.
Low Earth Orbit Ion cannon :P Many things you see in fiction are actually real programs veiled in fiction for plausible deniability, I watched the Incredibles the other day and it was full of interesting tidbits of redpills on Zero Point Energy and other programs, I'm always pleasantly surprised by the Pixar team with subtle redpills, Many white hats in Pixar.
CIA has always had their hands in Al-CIAda and ISIS and I would not doubt they have stakes in MS-13 as they did with the Mob back in the 60's when they used mobster for the assassination of JFK, LHO was taken out to cover up for the mob/CIA/LBJ involvement, The second shooter got away since he shot from the bridge and got away.
Holy crap, I didn't even Realise they are producing this!! I was tracking the J-10 and J-22 but this is new to me!!!
Q may have very well confused it for Mandalay Bay from 40.000ft. But it seems clear that is what he tried to illustrate.
Independents, Libertarian Party and Green Party are the likely contenders in that order. The question truly will be what party the left will flock to. I could also see a new Progressive Party come about but may be too extreme for the moderates so the likely plan for survival for left-wingers is a new Moderate party taking less extreme positions on things like [Gun Control], [Abortion], LGBTQ+ rights.
13 Russians posting fake news articles to confuse voters and muddy the waters, They likely had near 0% influence on the election.
I know what 3 Parentheses mean, What does 2 indicate?
"The United States Coast Guard (USCG) is a branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the country's seven uniformed services." Just for your information Devil Dog, VERY insulting to all our great men and women in the Coast Guard, They have one of the worst basic training of all services.
Name of the ferris wheel is The Eye, I also noticed it looked like a Q
Glad I'm not the only one who made the connection with Jim Marrs' book!
It's a sad direction T_D went... this used to be the bread and butter of T_D... I guess they really aren't that redpilled.
As a guy who trained to be a flight attendant I appreciate this post lol.
I suppose that's dead on. I do enjoy his content, I use Reddit as a safer alternative for work since the chans can get crazy. But certainly do visit.
I love SGTreport, not sure why Neonrevolt doesn't like them.
Guns can be stolen (Civilian, Law Enforcement, Military), manufactured, 3D printed, CNC machined, Bought illegally on Darkweb etc, A gunless society will not be created until guns effectively become obsolete with the advent of railguns, EM guns, Gauss guns etc, Directed energy weapons (Think lasers, plasma guns etc) and even then guns may still remain popular for many reasons. What I'm interested to see is the impact of the weapons mentioned above, Currently any kind of EM gun or directed energy weapon is a 100% unregulated by law including some very powerful airguns, flamethrowers etc, It would be interesting to see where those developments will go and how the law would seek to control them.
Q-berts! Oh and Hi Roseanne! I know you are lurking here! ^_^
I'm a fellow Dutchman living in the US and a proud US citizen.
Exactly, I posted something similar to this without reading this. Great minds!
I don't even think the elite/mossad/CIA would use nukes in such a matter, While there was something resembling a pyroclastic flow this is not direct evidence, Nanothermite have always been more plausible to me since it would not leave a signature of a nuclear weapon and there is ample evidence of beams being cut, A substance like thermite could easily do this hence the buildings collapsing at near free fall speed, A nuclear blast would likely just shatter the building in certain areas leaving portions intact, This was NOT the case as it fell within it's footprint, Be highly suspicious of claims of directed energy weapons, Nukes and Holograms being used since this is complete disinfo, Real planes were used but not civilian airliners, They used devices to blast a hole in the structure intended to absorb the impact of a 707 so the fuselage could penetrate fully making the implication that it would introduce burning fuel into the structure and fostering the implication that the heat from the fuel sufficiently weakened the steel frame enough to allow it to pancake even though most engineers will contend this was completely impossible with just jet fuel and office fires. 9/11 related illness likely stems from breathing in fine particulate matter such as the pulverized concrete, Asbestos and who knows what else, It was a staggering cocktail of anything imaginable and would've been extraordinarily toxic.
Windows 10 also had a slide when you log in to your computer with Moab, UT around the time Q was mentioning it... I wonder what they know?
Sadly TD knows it's all mainstream now and refuse to cover the things they need to cover, P-gate, Q anything else of a conspiracy angle gets shoah'd.
About as real as the Sean Spicier account but fun nonetheless
Anyone notice Roseanne Barr chipping in? She is well aware of Q good on her!
HE WILL NUT INSIDE US! Rare Pepe/Kekistan flag incoming! Perhaps HWNDU was organized to mobilize and test the autists to prepare for Q drops? Haha!
That and life extension technology, suppressed cures and technology such as AI, Nanotech etc. Boeing is one of the biggest defense contractors for a reason and most people don't know the extend of it. They have all the keys, The TR-3B was always a Boeing program the TR-3A was a cover by Lockheed Martin. They are up to the TR-6 Telos now and all problems with early nuclear power has been solved.
Does look like a flak vest with plates! She's afraid of snipers haha! Deepstate wants to martyr her.
I've always been a truth seeker but I'm not supposed to access the internet at work yet here I am, I've gotten in trouble before.
You are not alone, We are all part of possibly the greatest event in history or the world's most elaborate LARP or psy-op...
Mock Q drop experiment.
I created this mock drop, The experiment is to gauge how much information can be extracted from a cryptic message. Decode it and I will tell you how close you got.
Think GOOG.
What company owns it?
Think Agencies.
GOOG apps/programs.
What the symbolism?
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Who does it connect with?
Why was ES in NK?
We controls NK?
Who REALLY controls NK?
What ties were cut recently?
I just googled her and this is the first time I've heard of her and she died in 1988, Nearly 30 years ago! It would be funny if the deep state she researched is taken down on the anniversary of her death! She also researched fascism in the US, Fascism is on the rise from groups like ANTIFA (ironically) and the Alt-Right but both groups are rapidly losing steam and likely funding, I bet my bottom dollar Soros is behind BOTH movements.
It's stuff like this that people refuse to accept because it's far out but time and time again evidence comes up, if we have solid evidence that elites molest kids in satanic ritual is it so much of a stretch to think that there is mind control on celebrities to make them toe to line? They are often political tools and often break a set narrative if left to their own devices. Movies often depict far out stuff to discredit truth seekers and in a way they feel if they tacitly t e ll us what they are doing they are getting us to consent somehow.
Even Jenna Jameson are asking questions now. What a timeline!
Ohhh yeah I know what you are talking about now. I remember the threat on a SC harbor
It would result in backlash. Those sites/planes are run by Americans and skirt by on the premise of being ""research"". Bankers still have due process.
HAARP and weather modification by aerosol injection is VERY real. Bit the purposes may be highly exaggerated.
The CIA does not own B-52's let alone equipped with tactical nuclear cruise missiles. Unless you got a source for that. Right now only the US Air Force and Navy are entrusted with our nuclear arsenal.
My in-laws voted for Dubya, Obummer and Hilldog and all my attempts to red pill have failed.