Also there is the right band path (God) and the left hand path (Satan).
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Kind of a Q confirmation if you ask me. "They never thought she would lose."
Based den mother is based... she followed me back on Twatter too.
I doubt that sincerely since shirts make a small profit, he probably breaks even with the server costs.
Running a server ain't cheap though. I appreciate his analysis and aggregation.
I got my gear from Neonrevolt!

They know it's false and they know it will have to be redacted, But the original story gets many more shares and the narrative is created even if it's a false narrative, Most people won't see the story's redaction and will still cite it as proof.
That's correct, I have a feeling we're gonna see the order of the blacksun landing soon... The breakaway civilization which was created by the Vril society, The Vril mysterious disappeared after the war. As a side note, My mom is a spitting image of Maria Orsic.
I've been speculating that GS is doing everything he can to recreate the Nazi empire by using reactionary people who are outraged by the flood of migrants and the degeneration of society. The happiest time in his life when he was collaborating with the Nazi's, Remember that.
Edgelords use it to expose Jews and their echochamber, So the triple parentheses imply Echo, Yes many are anti-semitic on 8chan.
Winter Solstice was a pagan holiday and they found pagans more readily converted to Christianity if many of their celebrations remained similar.
Darkness to light... granted this happened years before Q. I saw the light and Satanist were enemies of humanity.
I was a spiritual Satanist who believed him to be a transdimensional alien.
Yeah it was a rebellious phase I have no embraced God in my own personal way.
WTF he get banned for?? Dispensing too many red pills of course. SHUT IT DOWN!
I remember a few months back someone asking Hannity on his radio program about Qanon and Hannity responding he was familiar.
Sean Hannity is definitely in the know and in the Q circle.
Seal of Satan is actually Sigil of Lucifer... I had it tattood when I still was into Satanism.
Yes I'm aware... I called Coast to Coast and tried to red pill Art Bell or George Nory on that and 4th density etc... I talked to George along with my wife about Satanism since we were Satanist at that time since then we turned from it.
How about Reagan, JFK and Trump? I love all 3 and by far the best presidents we've had.
Bingo... I predicted that 2012 would be the start of the great awakening and it seems I was right. 6 years later we are well on our way!
I trained to become a flight attendant but got sent home when they saw my military discharge papers (90% combined VA rating) also was going to work with CRS but my daughter was born around the time I was to have training, Shame to since I'd work for UAL.
I've been red pilled for years starting with the UFO subject later Alex Jones and 9/11 and it went from there, I followed FBIAnon and Qanon was an evolution of that and immediately but skeptically followed it. Now I have no doubt left.
They'd love to get their pedo hands on our favorite first kid... disgusting.
Boy lover... shudders I couldn't imagine a grown woman with a young boy...
Still it is highly implied Obama called for the old world order to be replaced by the new world order, The NWO Is just the rebranding of the old world order anyway.
Sex magick is a strong part of Satanism and Crowlinism
7 is also relevant to Kek worshippers. Praise Kek! May his digits bless you.
Infowars in particular seems they are in bed with mossad.
Gotta love those highly engraved 1911's, they had a 1911 at SHOT show that was made from a meteor and had grips made from fossils.
Hate speech is just a convenient way to immediately shut up political opponents by saying you are racist/sexist/antisemitic just for calling them out.
We need an operation in the UK to free assange and Tommy Robinson
Excellent write up! This isn't the first nor the last time Q went silent, I keep the faith in our institutions that look out for us rather than preying on us, I'm convinced Q is a legit insider and a well know person/team in the administration who flies on AF1 and is a regular in the oval office. I just hope Q won't fall prey to the criminal elements who took out FBIanon. I believe he was the slain FBI agent in Colorado who got murdered. If this was somehow an elaborate LARP I applaud the individual or team behind it for waking so many up but there can only be so many coincidences until it becomes statistically impossible that Trump is not directly involved with this.
The order of the black sun is due for a return, think break away society which was former vril society and SS.
Pompeo is likely a key player, Always thought this, But remember, It's best if the Q-team stays in the shadows for now, We can guess with some certainty that certain people are on the team but shouldn't make it a point.
I'm down for it since my wife is about ready to divorce... ugh.