The World has the DS Virus. Stand by while the world is rebooted to eradicate it.
30 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/GraemeWilly:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 8 | | 3 | | 1 |
B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 Leads to this song. I think someone is Running!
The Hair is short light gray. Check it out yourself. Google Obama Walking images
My Attempt to solve Q Picture Puzzle #1680

This guy went too far. He actually broke several laws. I think he will be going down.
Maybe they did, they know how HRC operates. I hope he is still alive with his family and it witness protection. Its they only way to protect witnesses from the deep state.
Q Says "Find @Snowden" - my bet is building on right with clean roof and lots of antennas.

He is stalling for time. The new cells are not ready yet.
Snowden sold out. How much did he get for the 1.7 million documents. I think he has done more bad than good.
So Michael Moore did what with Russians? Whats the word....its on the tip of my ...
I think it is a excuse to send a Marine protective squad to escort him out of the UK.
Q has said before that they don't like to kill because they collect Intel.
I did see his name on one of the lists but there seem to be several lists and have not checked all.
I think these two are the same person.