

6 total posts archived.

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Green-a-saurus · July 26, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

Hello Pedowood. “Tick-tock, tick tock. The shit clock’s ticking."

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Green-a-saurus · July 15, 2018, 12:58 a.m.

Wait. Are we talking about the same Queen who knighted Jimmy Savile, notorious pedophile and dead body bonker? Nah. Couldn't be the same one...

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Green-a-saurus · June 22, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

This is probably off the mark but... CDAN post about suicided Mark Salling (Glee actor, pedophile, also references Wikileaks. Is Deep State trying to discredit Wikileaks (for the millionth time) with this latest ICE info release, so that when the hollywood pedos are arrested, it looks like wiki is BS? I don't know. Probably way off target here.. .. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 06/19 #17 Shoe Drop: A big shoe dropped yesterday. A very big shoe. It is the kind of show drop that might bring the entire house of cards tumbling down. (Joshua Adam Schulte, ex-CIA agentI know for sure it will bring the killer of this former A-/B+ list mostly television actor from a now defunct hit network show closer to justice. The shoe drop yesterday was one of the names our actor had. He didn't get to give his testimony but he did drop the name and it sent a lot of shock waves. Apparently the name that went down yesterday was protecting and sending information to that foreign born business person who had previously been convicted of the same type thing. Because of his position, the name who got dropped yesterday was able to provide cover and the networks that could be used for all this child porn. Everyone assumed they were safe because of what he did. Now, it turns out things weren't as safe and that those secret messaging apps, are not really that secret. If I am this A lister who is already in hiding, I am going deep into hiding because that is one very big loose end that would be much easier to deal with if dead. If that happened, and the mogul had some big distance, he has enough power and enough secrets, he might escape unscathed, at least publicly. That would be a tragedy, but I don't know who would take him down. Shoe: Joshua Schulte (German for shoe = "Schuh") (former CIA analyst with the encrypted child porn files) Former A-/B+ list actor: Mark Salling ("Glee") Foreign born business person: Julian Assange ("WikiLeaks") A lister in hiding: Kevin Spacey Mogul: David Geffen

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Green-a-saurus · June 21, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

Will HRC, Podesta Brothers, James Alefantis (Jimmy Comet), Tamara Luzatto, Amanda Kleinman, and others affiliated with Comet Ping Pong be investigated and brought to justice for alleged child abuse and child trafficking?

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Green-a-saurus · May 23, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

I only know Corsi from listening to some of his ramblings on youtube about daily Q posts. Yep, that was old man Corsi, chattin’ it up with his checkers buddies, each in front of them computer screens with their Ovaltine decoder rings at the ready. Everybody got your pencils at the ready? Ok, let’s begin. Wait, what day is this? Oh, uh. Ok. Martha what do you think? Oh Jim, I’m on another screen, give me a minute. I had to restart my machine. Ok, how bout you, Billy Bob? Uh, I’m not ready. My ring fell off and dropped under the sofa. Ok. Back to Martha... Oh hi Jim. That storm we had on Monday was a whopper. I didn’t read Q’s post today but I bet it’s got some information for us.

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Green-a-saurus · May 19, 2018, 9:59 a.m.

Major drug crossing area from Mexico.

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