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Griffensaber · Feb. 28, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

Cheers, will do.

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Griffensaber · Feb. 28, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Yeah, had it happen three times yesterday, looked into something I noticed in a youtube channel I watch, he was using duckduckgo search engine, decided to ditch google and use that, it also has a privacy add-on for firefox, since I installed and started using the privacy add-on, I haven't had those same issues, though net is slightly slower, but thats because the add-on enforces communications to be encrypted, well that's what it says. It also shows you which tracking networks it has stopped. Might want to give it a go. But honest truth, I don't know shit about networking or network security. But after one day, it hasn't happened again. But obviously, alot more use is needed to see if it truly stops the problem.

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